Title: Worlds Largest Lesson
1(No Transcript)
2What is a Guinness World Record?
3What is a Guinness World Record?
- Mike Powell jumped 8.95 meters
4What is a Guinness World Record?
- Cheetah 100 meters in 3 seconds
5What is a Guinness World Record?
Longest human chain Bangladesh 2004 5 million
people 1,050 kilometers
6What is a Guinness World Record?
World record 15, 851 snow angels Ontario Feb.
7Worlds Biggest Lesson
- Global Campaign for Education
- Canadian Global Campaign for Education
- Canadian Teachers Federation
- Education International
8What makes for a good education?
- Number of students in a class
9What makes for a good education?
- Teacher who is caring and trained
10What makes for a good education?
- Teaching materials
- Learning something interesting
11What makes for a good education?
- Safe and secure environment
12What makes for a bad education?
- Zambia 64 children per teacher
- Classes of 100 children
13What makes for a bad education?
- Liberia 27 children for every textbook
- Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Uganda, UR of Tanzania
and Zambia
14Missing out on education
- 750-million adults around the world
- 1 in 4 women around the world cannot read or
- Who do you think are most likely to miss out
on an education?
15Missing out on education
- Reasons
- Poverty
- Location
- Gender
- Wars
- Ethnicity
16Why is an education important?
17Why is an education important?
- Can use Internet
- Send text messages
18Why is an education important?
- Able to read (books, road signs, medical
instructions, recipes)
19Why is an education important?
- Buy or sell
- Help your own children learn how to read and
20Why is an education important?
21Why is an education important?
- In Africa
- If a girl completes primary school her chances of
catching HIV/AIDS falls by half - If a child completes primary school they will
earn twice as much when they work.
22Why is an education important?
- For every year a girl completes at primary school
the chances of her children surviving past the
age of 5 increase by 12.
23What is the world doing about it?
- Promise made in 2000 by world leaders
- 2015 target to have every boy and girl in school
24What is the world doing about it?
- So far, the world is off track
- Cannot meet the goal by 2115, let alone 2015
25Snap Quizz
- What is the fastest land animal?
- Answer
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Examples of what makes for a good education
- Answers
- How many children are in a class
- A teacher who is caring and properly trained
- The number of teaching materials
- Learning something interesting and relevant
- Safe learning environment
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Number of adults who cannot read or write
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How many women cannot read or write?
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- Why is education so important?
30Snap Quizz
- Has every child been promised an education?
- Answer Yes
- Youve taken part in the
- Worlds Biggest Lesson!