Title: Soil sampling for C:
1Soil sampling for C Influence of landscape,
temporal variability, and physical properties
Richard T. Conant Natural Resource Ecology
Laboratory Colorado State University
2Talk Outline
- Carbon sequestration basics
- What are the major challenges to quantifying soil
C sequestration? - How can we overcome those challenges?
3Carbon sequestration basics
Atmospheric CO2
Soil respiration
Root respiration
Plant respiration
Soil C
4Carbon sequestration basics
Soil C stocks
Initial cultivation
Management change
5What are the major challenges? Measurement vs.
6What are the major challenges? Measurement vs.
Soil sampling
Soil sampling
Repeatable with minimal error for forest and
cultivated fields
Analytical precision 5
How much do different steps contribute to ?2 ?
7What are the major challenges? Measurement vs.
- Distribution of soil organic matter in a
cultivated field - Spatially variable in visually uniform field
- Large soil C range (0.85-1.93)
- Significant spatial structure
- Substantial fine-scale variability (2-5m)
Data from Robertson et al. (1997)
8What are the major challenges? Scale
9What are the major challenges? Scale
10What are the major challenges? Changes over time
Experimental Treatments
Fenceline comparisons
11What are the major challenges? Changes over time
Average Cultivated soil C 35 Mg C ha-1
Accumulation rate 0.5 Mg C ha-1 yr-1
Soil C pool
2 years 2.8
25 years 36
12What are the major challenges? Depth
13What are the major challenges? Depth
Average Cultivated soil C (top 20cm) 14.5 Mg C
Accumulation rate (top 20cm) 0.27 Mg C ha-1 yr-1
2 years change 3.7
25 years change 46.6
14What are the major challenges? Bulk density
15What are the major challenges? Cost vs. precision
16What are the major challenges? Summary
- Must sample to maximize sensitivity to changes
over time - Must deal with plot- or field-scale variability
- Must measure soil C per unit area
- Have to account for changes in bulk density
- Small signal to noise ratio
- Background amounts are large relative to rate of
change. - Cost vs. accuracy tradeoff
- Many controlling factors (e.g. climate,
vegetation, topography, soil properties,
drainage, management and land use history).
17How can we overcome challenges? Scale
18How can we overcome challenges? statistics
Diff? f(xs1, ?2s1, xs2, ?2s2)
Has unique history led to differences?
Soil 1
Soil 2
19How can we overcome challenges? statistics
Implication Large covt1 t2 small ?2
(t1-t2) Small ?2 (t1-t2) likelihood of
difference covt1 t2 can be maximized
by ensuring uniform treatments, texture, slope,
aspect, etc. re-sampling same location
20How can we overcome challenges? Statistics
Has history led to changes over time?
Time 2
Time 1
Decreasing statistical confidence (i.e.,
increasing acceptable risk of Type II error)
21How can we overcome challenges? Benchmarks
- Quantifying soil C presents unique
- challenges, but
- we have an extensive knowledge base on soil
carbon dynamics and good resource databases - efficient sampling designs can be developed to
verify soil C changes at various scales - integrated modeling and measurement approaches
offer the best alternative for accurate,
cost-effective quantification as well as decision
support capabilities.