Title: Lowell Wish Project
1Lowell Wish Project
From your attic to a needy home one wish at a time
In conjunction with the City of Lowell
Hunger/Homeless Commission
2Donna Hunnewell
- Founder/ Executive Director
- 15 years in high tech Biology and Engineering
- Mother of 2 toddlers
- Volunteer work
- Hunger/Homeless Commission
3How does it work?
- Case workers email us a wish
- We combine wishes into a weekly e-newsletter to
1,000 donors - Donors deliver to us or we pick up
- We arrange to get it to the agency/client
- Crisis Wish same day delivery
- Our donors are amazing!
4Accomplished 2004 2,150 people helped
- 337 wishes fulfilled
- 36 fire families assisted
- 90 of wishes filled with free donations
- Average cost/person 2.55
- Purchase new goods at 0.10/1 retail
My Porch Headquarters 2004
5Monthly Citywide Service Projects
500 filled backpacks for school kids
Turkey Baskets
Blankets for the Street Homeless
Homeless Teen Support
Xmas Gifts to 639 people
4,500 Diapers- Drive
Mothers Day Bags 256 women in shelters 2005
6Service Projects 2004 - New Goods
- 19 Easter Baskets to kids in a shelter
250 - 189 Mothers Day gift bags
6,000 - 500 filled backpacks worth on average
17,500 - 639 People got Christmas gifts
(50/child - 75 clothes 25 toys)
26,000 - 35 men got shaving kits for Fathers day
200 - 265 blankets (26 new) to street homeless
250 - 36 Thanksgiving Turkey Baskets (6 Asian) 1,000
51, 250
7Wish Web -14 Towns
N. Reading
N. Andover
8 41 Agencies/Programs
- Shelters
- Transitional Living Programs
- Food Pantries
- Head Start
- Spousal Assault
- ACE-elderly
- Housing
- Babies
- Children
- Mothers
- Families
- Street homeless men, women and teens
- Elderly, homebound and ill
- Many nationalities
Just ask!
9Wishes- about 1wish/day (360/year)
- Most are for household goods, clothes
and baby items - Clothes for entire family or shelter
- Houses full of furniture
- Crisis wishes- toddler bed- same day
- 20 computers for agency
- Refrigerator in July
- Pedia-Sure (donor and recipient)
10 Fire Support
- Teamwork
- Red Cross
- H/HC
- Salvation Army
- Deliver food to motels
- Clothing to motel
- Household goods for new apartment
11Large Scale Coordination-700 coats
- Cradles to Crayons Quincy, MA
- New kids coats
- MVFB trucked up to
Lowell - Catholic Charities unloaded and stored
coats - CTI-Head Start distributed out to
- Agency mail list
- 75 case workers
- Service Projects New goods to clients
- Up for Grabs emails
- Match Service for appliances, furniture
- Donor e-Wish Tree
- Reaching 1,000 people in 14 towns
- Donors deliver
- Case workers give to clients
- Cradles to Crayons- Barbara Clark
- Second Harvest
- Household Goods Recycling Ministry - Ira Smith
- Craigs List/Freecycle.org
- Donors
- Case Workers
Barbara Clark
Amber Finnell
Anne Marie Martin CTI-Caseworker
14Case Workers Love it!
March Diaper Drive 4,500 diapers
15Donors Love it too!
16Everyone Deserves the Basics
- Safe place to sleep
- Table to eat at
- Clothes and shoes
- Basic hygiene needs
17Local Supply Depot
- Model the food pantry system
- Central facility inside Lowell for easy access
- Acquire in bulk for best pricing
- Work with the agencies
- Large space for large donations
18New Storage Area May 2005 400/month 4,800/yr
(650 sq. ft.)
(300 sq. ft.)
1,000 sq. ft. total
19Our Dream
- City-wide supply depot
- Wishes
- Ongoing Needs
- Seasonal Needs
- Supplies- paper/plastic, toiletries, cleaning
products, diapers
20 Raise the Roof
- Critical juncture
- 3,000 sq. ft. area available in building where
we currently are - 1,200/month or
14,400/year - We could finally offer
- Furniture depot
- Clothing depot
- Wholesale storehouse
21My town
From your attic to a needy home one wish at a time