Title: The Internet and the Career Planning Process
1- The Internet and the Career Planning Process
2Performance Objective 1
- Describe the career planning process and how
assessment and information relate to the career
planning process
3The Career Planning Process
4Step 1 of the Career Planning Process
- Become aware of need to make a choice
5Step 2 of the Career Planning Process
- Take a snapshot of yourself, including
- Interests
- Skills
- Work values
6Websites that Provide Assessment of Interests
without Fee
- Informal -http//career.missouri.edu/holland
- Formal - Career Key http//www.ncsu.edu/careerkey
- Download as print or computer-administered
version http//www.onetcenter.org/IP.html
7Step 3 of the Career Planning Process
- Identify occupational alternatives
8Websites related to Step 3
- Assessment sites listed under Step 2
- CareerInfoNet - www.acinet.org
- Occupational Outlook Handbook - www.bls.gov/oco
9Step 4 of the Career Planning Process
- Get information about identified alternatives
10Websites related to Step 4
- Occupational Outlook Handbook - www.bls.gov/oco
- CareerInfoNet - www.acinet.org
- ONet - http//online.onetcenter.org
11Step 5 of the Career Planning Process
- Choose among alternatives
12Step 6 of the Career Planning Process
- Know requirements for occupation(s) chosen
- Know what educational options are available in
and out of the correctional facility
13Websites related to Step 6
- COOL - http//nces.ed.gov/ipeds/cool
- RWM Database - www.rwm.org/rwm
- Department of Education - www.ed.gov/prog_info/SFA
/ Student Guide
14Step 7 of the Career Planning Process
- Job-seeking information
- Job search
15Websites related to Step 7
- Americas Job Bank - www.ajb.org
- Richard Bolles Site - www.jobhuntersbible.com
- Riley Guide - www.rileyguide.com
- Monster - www.monster.com