Title: Inspecting User Interface Quality in Web GIS Applications
1Inspecting User Interface Quality in Web GIS
UNICAMP State University of Campinas IC Institute
of Computing
- Juliano Schimiguel
- M. Cecília C. Baranauskas
- Claudia Bauzer Medeiros
- November-2004
- The Context of the Work
- Interface Quality for Web GIS Applications
- Goal and Contributions
- User Interface Analysis of Web GIS Applications
using ISO 9241 - Case Study
- Conclusions
3The Context of the Work
- The diversity of Web GIS application users
demands investigation in the quality of
human-computer interaction - Interface quality involves several factors
- quality of the interface design process
- quality of the product
- usage experience
- Investigating the use of ISO 9241 standard, to
inspect the interface quality of Web GIS
applications - Case Study with some Web GIS applications
5ISO 9241
- It consists of 17 parts, under the general
heading of Ergonomic Requirements for Office Work
with Visual Display Terminals (VDTs)
6ISO 9241 Parts
- General Introduction
- Guidance on Task Requirements
- Visual Display Requirements
- Keyboard Requirements
- Workstation Layout and Postural Requirements
- Guidance on the Work Environment
- Requirements for Display with Reflections
- Requirements for Displayed Colours
- Requirements for Non-keyboard Input Devices
- Dialogue Principles
- Guidance on Usability
- Presentation of Information
- User Guidance
- Menu Dialogues
- Command Dialogues
- Direct Manipulation Dialogues
- Form Filling Dialogue
451/1321 Norms
7Case Study
- We chose applications with emphasis on
agricultural systems - FUNCEME, SIMEPAR and Agritempo
- The Static Maps Server category is more
frequently found - The Maps Generator category allows more
interaction possibilities than the Static Maps
8FUNCEME Static Maps Server
SIMEPAR Static Maps Server
Agritempo Map Generator
9Analysis Overview
10Analysis Overview
11Analysis Overview
12Preliminary Results
- Results suggest that the evaluated applications
have more problems related to ISO 9241-10
(Dialogue Principles) - task adequateness, controllability, user
expectations conformity, customization
adequateness, learning adequateness, etc - ISO 9241-14 (Menu Dialogues), which is related to
menu organization and dialogue structure
13ISO 9241-10 Dialogue Principles
10-3.6.2 Errors should be explained to help the
user to correct them
Violation (Agritempo)
14ISO 9241-10 Dialogue Principles
10-3.6.2 Errors should be explained to help the
user to correct them
Agreement (FUNCEME)
15ISO 9241-12 Presentation of Information
12-7.5.1 Colors as auxiliary codification
colors should never be used as the only means of
Violation (SIMEPAR)
16ISO 9241-12 Presentation of Information
12-7.5.1 Colors as auxiliary codification
colors should never be used as the only means of
Agreement (Agritempo)
17ISO 9241-13 User Guidance
13-5.3.2 Phrases do enhance the users control
Violation (FUNCEME)
18ISO 9241-13 User Guidance
13-5.3.2 Phrases do enhance the users control
Agreement (Agritempo)
19ISO 9241-14 Menu Dialogues
14-6.1.5 A menu map should clearly represent the
menus system structure and should be available
when necessary
Violation (SIMEPAR)
20ISO 9241-14 Menu Dialogues
14-6.1.5 A menu map should clearly represent the
menus system structure and should be available
when necessary
Agreement (Agritempo)
- The evaluated applications strongly violate norm
9241-10, which deals with dialogue principles - This suggests that these applications have
deficiencies in factors related to task execution
and controllability - Some norms do not fit in the Web GIS applications
context e.g - Norm 10-3.6.5 Error situations may be deferred
- In some situations, it is necessary to support
immediate decisions on the considered problem
- This kind of analysis has shown usefulness and
should be adopted by application designers - to help them finding out potential problems in
user interaction - Characterized as an important tool for those who
would like to search certification for their
products - We have verified that the interface evaluation of
web applications in general need some additional
criteria and rules - We are now developing research work in this
- Organizer Committee of GEOINFO2004
Contact Information
Juliano Schimiguel juliano.schimiguel_at_ic.unicamp.b
r http//www.ic.unicamp.br/ra000496/ LIS
Laboratory of Information Systems http//www.lis.i
c.unicamp.br/ ComunIHC Community in
Human-Computer Interaction of Campinas, SP and
Region http//www.comunihc.unicamp.br/