Trading Agents Competition Supply Chain Management Scenario

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Trading Agents Competition Supply Chain Management Scenario


Supply chain management is concerned with planning and coordinating the ... Agents start the game with no money in the account ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Trading Agents Competition Supply Chain Management Scenario

Trading Agents Competition Supply Chain
Management Scenario
  • Wednesday, 17 March, Ross 201
  • HUJIs Runner Team
  • Leo Dorrendorf, Raphael Boussidan, Zweig Alon,
    Yaad Blum, Joyce Vogel

Background and Motivation
  • Supply Chain The entire network of suppliers,
    factories, warehouses, distribution centers and
    retailers, that participate in the process from
    raw materials to finish products
  • Supply chain management is concerned with
    planning and coordinating the activities of
    organizations across the supply chain
  • While todays supply chains are essentially
    static, relying on long-term relationships among
    key trading partners, more flexible and dynamic
    practices offer the prospect of better matches
    between suppliers and customers as market
    conditions change.

Background and Motivation
  • The TAC annual contest has been designed jointly
    by a team of researchers from the e-Supply Chain
    Management Lab at Carnegie Mellon University and
    the Swedish Institute of Computer Science (SICS).
    This year, there will be two games in the
  • TAC-SCM, the Trading Agents Competition in a
    Supply Chain Management scenario, was designed to
    capture many of the challenges involved in
    supporting dynamic supply chain practices.
  • TAC Classic - The software agents will represent
    travel coordinators whose goal is to arrange
    travel packages (flights, hotel rooms, and
    tickets to entertainment events) for clients.

Background and Motivation
  • It is challenging in that it requires agents to
    concurrently compete in multiple markets (markets
    for different components on the supply side and
    markets for different products on the customer
    side) with interdependencies and incomplete
  • The final rounds of the competition will be held
    during AAMAS (20-22 July), preceded by qualifying
    and seeding rounds in June and July
  • Last year, Jeff's students, Nadav Wainshal and
    Nir Sharony, built an automated, learning agent
    that participated in TAC Classic. NNN placed
    sixth in the field of nine finalists, the scores
    of the automated agents were quite clustered

Game Overview
  • In TAC SCM, 6 software agents compete in a
    simulated sector of a market economy,
    specifically the personal computer (PC)
    manufacturing sector
  • Each agent can manufacture 16 different types of
  • Building each PC requires a different combination
    of components. 4 types of components are
    represented in the game CPUs, Motherboards,
    Memory, and Hard drives. It features a variety of
    components of each type (e.g. 300GB H.D and 500GB
    H.D. etc).

Game Overview
Game Overview
  • Components are acquired from a common pool of
    suppliers at costs that vary as a function of
  • After assembly, each agent can sell its PCs to a
    common pool of customers by underbidding the
    other agents.
  • The agents are ranked based on their profits over
    220 days, each of which lasts 15 seconds.
  • To succeed, agents will have to
  • React to variations in customer demand and
    availability of supplies
  • Strategize (e.g. specializing in particular types
    of products, stocking up components that are in
    low supply)
  • Adapt to the strategies adopted by other
    competing agents

  • Each competing agent needs to bid for customer
    orders, negotiate supply contracts, and manage
    assembly activities - all of which on daily
  • Bid for customer orders
  • customers send a set of requests for quotes
    (RFQs) to the agents.
  • RFQ contains a SKU, a quantity, a due date, a
    penalty rate (max 5 days), and a reserve price
  • Agents sends an offer to each customer for each
    RFQ, bidding to satisfy entire order (date
  • Customer selects the agent with the lowest-priced
    offer and awards that agent with a purchase order

  • Negotiate supply contracts
  • Agents send RFQs to suppliers, requesting a
    specific quantity of a component to arrive on a
    particular day
  • Suppliers respond the next day with offers
  • If the supplier can satisfy the order entirely, a
    full offer is sent
  • A partial offer is generated if the supplier can
    deliver only part of the requested quantity on
    the due date specified in the RFQ
  • An earliest complete offer is generated to
    reflect the earliest day (if any) that the
    supplier can deliver the entire quantity

Supplier 20 CPUs available, d 5 50 CPUs
available, d 6
Partial Offer 5 CPUs, d5 Earliest Complete
Offer 15 CPUs, d6
Suppliers process order is crucial
Offer 15 CPUs, d5
RFQ 15 CPUs, d5
RFQ 15 CPUs, d5
Agent 1
Agent 2
  • Manage assembly activities
  • Each agent converts the components it acquired
    from suppliers into SKUs according to a
    production schedule it generates for its factory,
    that decides which PC orders to assemble first.
  • Agents also report a delivery schedule assigning
    the PCs in its inventory to customer orders.
  • Each agent is endowed with an identical PC
    factory containing a bounded assembly cell (2000
    ac/d) capable of assembling any type of PC, and
    an inventory storing both components and finished
    PCs, at a given storage cost (15-25 annually,

Suppliers Agent Preference
  • In order to probe, and not swamp the supplier,
    each day an agent is allowed to send a maximum of
    10 RFQs to each supplier, that are bundled to an
    order list RFQBundle, with the highest priority
    RFQ at the start.
  • The supplier selects an RFQ bundle and considers
    the next unprocessed RFQ in that bundle. Then the
    supplier moves to another bundle, and continue in
    a loop until all RFQ are processed
  • Let us denote S a supplier in the game, and A a
    competing agent. Define QuantityRequested(A,S) as
    the sum of the quantities in all RFQs A sent to S
    thus far, and QuantityPurchased(A,S) is the total
    quantity that A has purchased from the S thus far

Suppliers Agent Preference
  • Agents should not be punished for requesting same
    components from both suppliers
  • Likelihood(A,S) 1 at the beginning of the game
  • Supplier selects the RFQBundle with highest
    likelihood. Encourage genuinely interested agents

Suppliers Daily Production
  • Cp(S,d) - The production capacity on day d, is
    determined by a random walk with a lower bound
  • Cnominal(S) - The nominal capacity (500 C/D) is
    the expected capacity of supplier S.
  • Delivery only of entire quantity. No inventory
    cost charged by S for production of multiple day
  • If Cp(S,d)scheduled for next possible day.
  • Excess capacity used to satisfy future orders,
    however no early shipments are made.

Suppliers Available Capacity
  • Suppliers operate in a make to order basis
  • Cfree(S,d) and Cordered(S,d) denote the free and
    ordered capacity on day d.
  • On day d the available capacity forecast on di
    is some of all free capacity between d and di
  • At day d, an order for delivery on day di for n
    components will be responded with full offers,
    partial offers and earliest complete offers
    according to available capacity forecast

Supplier Pricing
  • In day d , P(d,di) is the offer price for
    component to be delivered in dI
  • Pbase(Component) Base price of component
  • 0.5 Discount factor
  • qty quantity requested by the order
  • Ccurernt(S,d) the supplier capacity on day d
  • Cavilable is like Cavailable but calculated
    using Ccurernt not Cnominal
  • Lower prices in case of high margin between
    demand and quantity, immediate orders, low
    production capacity

  • Customer demand is expressed as RFQs
  • RFQ ce
  • PC is randomly selected from available types
  • Quantity is chosen U1,20
  • DueDate is chosen U3,12 from today
  • ReservePrice is chosen U75,125 from base
  • Daily penalty is chosen U5,15 of ReservePrice

  • Customers are classified into three market
    segments High range, Mid range, and Low range
  • The number of RFQ issued per day in each market
    segment is a random variable NRFQ with a
  • NRFQ Poisson (average number of RFQ per day)
  • Average number of RFQ per day will be varied
    using a trend that is updated by a random
    walkRFQavg(d) RFQavg(d-1)Trend(d), bounded
    in 25,100 Trend(d)Trend(d-1)rnd(-0.01,0.01)
    bound 0.95,1/0.95
  • For Mid range bounded in 30,120

  • Agents start the game with no money in the
  • A fixed annual interest rate is chosen uniformly
    in the range 10 , 20 at the start of game,
    and is either charged if the balance is in debt
    or credited if the balance is positive.
  • Customer will pay for PCs only on the agreed
    DueDate. However, agents may ship an order to a
    customer earlier than the agreed DueDate and save
    inventory cost

Periodic Reports of Market State
  • All agents will be informed about the price
    interval (min, max) for each type of PC ordered
    the previous day.
  • Component supply reports are made available
    every 20 TAC days
  • Aggregate quantities produced by all suppliers
  • Aggregate quantities sold by all suppliers
  • Insight into supply procuring practices of other
  • Customer demand report
  • Average sold PC price of each PC type requested
  • Average sold volume of each PC type requested
  • Detect lack of availability of a particular PC

TAC-SCM-03 Results
TAC-SCM-03 Participants
  • RedAgent is based on a distributed architecture
    it is composed of simple agents, with markets
    serving as means of communication and exchange
    among them
  • DeepMaize is based on distributed architecture,
    but relies on feedback control for coordination
  • TacTex and Botticelli are similar, traditional
    TAC agent designs build models of the
    environment and attempt to optimize with respect
    to those models

RedAgent-2003Average Score 11.61 M (1st)
  • Precup D., Keller P., Wahab M., Duguay, F.-O.
  • Reasoning and Learning Laboratory
  • McGill University's, CANADA

RedAgent Architecture
  • Redagent is centered around the idea of using an
    internal market in order to determine what
    products to focus on and how to allocate the
    existing resources
  • Create a highly distributed architecture, in
    which simple, heuristic-based agents are assigned
    to deal with individual aspects of the game
  • Agents communicate through a market mechanism in
    order to determine, collectively, which
    components to purchase, which types of PCs to
    produce, how to allocate the available components
    and production cycles, and what offers to send to
  • Resulted in an efficient and flexible decision

RedAgent Architecture
  • Uses 5 types of agents
  • Order Agents (OA)
  • Obtain PCs needed to fill orders and delivers
  • 10 Component Agents (CA)
  • Purchase components from suppliers
  • Production Agent (PA)
  • Provide production cycles available to
  • 16 Assembler Agents (AA)
  • Assemble components into PCs
  • Buy from PAs CAs and sells to OAs
  • Bidder
  • Bid on customer RFQs

RedAgent Architecture
  • Communication and exchanges through Markets
  • A market for each component type
  • A market for each PC type
  • Production cycles market
  • Markets help determine
  • Which orders to fill with available SKUs
  • What to build with available components
  • What components to buy
  • How much components and systems are worth

RedAgent Architecture
RedAgent Markets
  • Sealed-bid double auction variant
  • Secret bids from buyers and sellers
  • Order bids according to price to obtain
    offer/demand profiles
  • Match up heads of both profiles
  • Market price midpoint between highest offer
    lowest demand
  • Resource markets hold several rounds of auctions
    each day, in order to allow the participating
    agents to adjust their valuations, based on
    current prices and on availability of other
    necessary resources

RedAgent Markets
  • Same price for all transactions
  • Lowest demand bids and highest offer bids not
    exchanged, though they could have been
  • Goal Maximize overall gain in utility. That is
    justified since in the internal market agents
    share a common goal.

Buy-to-Build / Build-to-Order
  • buy-to-build strategy, an agent stocks up on
    components, and starts producing PCs without
    necessarily having orders for all the production
  • build-to-order strategy, the first concern of a
    PC maker is to secure orders from customers
    then, PCs are mostly built in order to deliver
    these existing orders
  • Redagent adopted buy-to-build because of the
    absence of inventory cost in TAC-SCM-03.
  • Maintained a large stock, and obtained high
    profit margin when other competing manufacturers
    had low stocks
  • On the other hand, in a low-demand market,
    profits may not be high enough to cover the cost
    of the unsold PCs.

Order Agent Heuristics
  • One agent per order
  • Greedy - Always tries to buy enough to fill
  • Always offers all inventory for sale
  • Same price for purchase or sale
  • Never ships early, always ships on/after due date
    when possible

Order Agent Heuristics
  • Consequences for SKU Markets
  • If SKU are plentiful
  • OAs buy early at low price (- Greedy)
  • Market closing price sum cost of components
  • If backlog
  • Order agents buy later (Everybodys greedy)
  • Market closing price increases
  • Bidder bids higher
  • Remember market prices used by bidder

Assembler Agents
Assembler Agents
  • One for each SKU
  • AA Must determine
  • Offer prices for SKU market
  • Offer prices for production cycles market
  • Demand prices for component production cycles
  • Construct bids with the goal of maintaining a
    target inventory, a buffer, to avoid spikes
  • Buffer is estimated as number of PCs needed for
    10 days of operation, according to last 20 days
  • Also, generate production schedule liquidation

Assembler Offers
  • Base price, Ba, is sum of estimated component and
    production costs
  • PC inventory is divided into three batches
  • PCs in batch-1 priced linearly between Ba and
  • PCs in batch-2 priced linearly between 0.7Ba and
  • PCs in batch-3 priced 0.7Ba
  • Higher prices if inventory is low selling

Component market
  • Recall sealed double auction
  • Sequential auctions, known order
  • 1. Production cycles usually the most contention
  • 2. CPUs most expensive
  • 3. Motherboards
  • 4. Memory
  • 5. Hard drives
  • Repeated N times each day
  • Used to find good resource allocation between

Assembler Demand
  • First, determine total bid for an assembled SKU
  • Use Demand profile from last SKU auction
  • Modify demand profile
  • Compensate for highest bids with inventory
  • Add fake demand in order to build cheap SKUs
    for the future
  • Now determine bids for each component/cycle
  • Use last relative prices from all the markets
  • Multiply relative price by prices in demand
    profile to obtain individual bids
  • Use the N auctions to try and match quantity of
    all components, lowering risk in each round

Assembler Demand
Assembler Demand
Component Agent
Component Agent
  • One for each component
  • Determines
  • purchases (e.g H.D)
  • offer price of components (from probing)
  • Based on
  • Inventory
  • Expected component deliveries
  • Average demand of components by AA
  • Goal always keep buffer of components
  • Size depends on day of game and avg. demand,
    estimated from the components market

  • Adaptive margin bidder
  • price offers are running average of the closing
    price from the PC market a margin for each
    necessary production cycle
  • margin is decreased when a lot of production
    cycles are available, and increased if production
    is at capacity
  • maximize the profit per cycle since production
    cycles are fixed and form the main bottleneck in
    the system.

  • More details on
  • Assembler agents
  • Component agents
  • Production agent
  • Learning Bidder agent
  • Delivery scheduale
  • Can be found in the submitted article
    2004. Redagent-2003 An autonomous, market-based
    supply-chain management agent. In Submitted.

Competition Performance PC Inventory
Competition Performance RFQ Sat
Competition Performance PC Price
Competition Performance- Parts Price
Competition Performance Parts inventory
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