Title: First Look at Data and MC Comparisons
1First Look at Data and MC Comparisons for Cedar
and Birch
- Comparisons of physics quantities for CC events
- with permutations of Cedar, Birch, Data and
MC. - Low hadronic energy CC event distributions with
- Cedar.
Mark Dorman UCL / RAL
ND Phone Meeting (18th Oct.)
2Cuts and Reweighting
- Pre-selection cuts differ (slightly) from
standard CC analysis - Data must pass standard beam quality cuts and
the special horn - current runs are excluded.
- CC-like events are then selected with CC PID gt
-0.1. - The label 'tuned MC' refers to MC that has been
weighted using the - 12 parameter SKZP2 beam and hadron production
weights and the - MODBYRS3 generator weights. All MC in this
talk is tuned. - I have not used any of the EnergyCorrections
functions in creating - PANs for the Cedar MC or Data.
- Event has 1 well reconstructed track and is in
the 'Pittsburgh' fiducial volume - If muon momentum is measured from curvature
then the fractional error on this - measurement is not more than 30
- Zero or negative muon charge sign
(anti-neutrino cut) - Track starts at least 0.5m inside the detector
(rock muon cut) - Either there is no event within 50ns of the
current event or the current event has - at least 95 of the PH of itself and the
nearest event (runt event cut)
3Data Sets, PoTs and Selected CC Event Numbers
- I have used the following LE-10 data sets
- With the cuts listed on the previous page to
select CC events I get - the following reconstructed event rates per
1e19 PoTs and ratios
- Birch MC 2.623e19 PoTs (2554 files)
- Cedar MC 1.352e19 PoTs (1316 files)
- Birch Data 7.118e19 PoTs
- Cedar Data 5.033e19 PoTs
- Birch MC 80703 events
- Cedar MC 90311 events
- Birch Data 82742 events
- Cedar Data 96162 events
Cedar MC / Birch MC 1.119 Cedar Data /
Birch Data 1.162 Birch Data / Birch MC
1.025 Cedar Data / Cedar MC 1.065
4Reconstructed Neutrino Energy
5Reconstructed Shower Energy
6Reconstructed Muon Angle
7Shower Energy lt 250 MeV CC-like Events
8Reconstructed Neutrino Energy (Ehad Cut)
9Reconstructed Muon Angle (Ehad Cut)
10Shower Energy 0 CC-like Events
11Reconstructed Neutrino Energy (Ehad0)
12Reconstructed Muon Angle (Ehad0)
- I see more reconstructed events in Cedar data
and MC as compared - to Birch data and MC to the tune of 12 (MC)
and 16 (data). - This excess is fairly independent of energy,
angle etc... - The data/MC ratio for CC-like events in Cedar
is higher than for - Birch (1.065 v.s. 1.025).
- As such the low hadronic energy CC sample
discrepancies seen in - Birch are not resolved and actually get a
little worse. - The Ehad0 neutrino energy data/MC comparisons
look good but the - discrepancy in the muon angle is still present
with Cedar. - Some (most?) of the Cedar CC sample excesses as
compared to Birch - can probably be accounted for by changes in
the CC PID distribution - and track finding efficiency. I could look at
all reconstructed events - as well as just the CC-like ones.
14Backup Slides
15Reconstructed Q2 (Whole CC Sample)
16Reconstructed W2 (Whole CC Sample)
17Reconstructed y (Whole CC Sample)
18Reconstructed x (Whole CC Sample)