Title: Lappeteknikker
- Haris Mesic
- Plastikk kirurgisk avdeling
- Telemark sentralsjukehus
2Plastic Surgery
- specialized branch of surgery
- concerned with the repair of deformities and the
correction of functional deficits - derived from the Greek word plasticos meaning
fit for molding
3Reconstructive Surgery
- focus more on functional aspects
- reanimation of paralyzed face,
- restoration of the function of the hand,
- walking made possible by obtaining healing of a
compound fracture of the lower ekstremity
4Reconstructive and Plastic Surgery
- Restoration of functional and anatomical defects
- Defect something missing!
- Hemiatrophia faciei (M. Romberg)
- Ulnar nerve paralysis (Claw Hand)
- Impotence
- Anatomically defined tissue units
- used for closure of different tissue defects in
the body - Flap survival is dependable on blood flow through
its own circulation
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7Principal Techniques of Wound Closure
8Reconstructive ladder (steps)
9Classification of Skin Flaps by Localisation and
Method of Movement
10The Cutaneous Macrocirculation
11Methods of Skin Movement
12Rotation Flap
13Transposition Flap
14Advancement Flap
15V-Y Advancement
16Specific Types of Local Flaps
- Dufourmentel flap
- Bilobed flap
- Crescentic advancement flap
- Rhomboid flap (single, double,triple)
18The Stages of the Z-plasty
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20Application of the Z-plasty in correction of the
scar crossing nasolabial fold
21Four-flap Z-plasty
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24Transfer of the Tubed Skin Flap by Waltzing
25Transfer of a Tubed Skin Flap using a Wrist
26Patterns of the Vascular Anatomy of Muscle
27Free Flap Reconstruction
28Free Flap Breast Reconstruction