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Social Networks: Theory and Applications


Social Networks: Theory and Applications. Yong Tan. Michael G. Foster School of Business ... D. Dey, M. Fan, C. Phelps, A. Susarla, A. Jain, G. Zhang, ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Social Networks: Theory and Applications

Social Networks Theory and Applications
Yong Tan Michael G. Foster School of
Business University of Washington
A Tutorial Presented at INFORMS Annual Meeting,
Seattle, November 7, 2007
  • Ted Klastorin (Tutorials Chair)
  • Param Vir Singh
  • V. Mookerjee, D. Dey, M. Fan, C. Phelps, A.
    Susarla, A. Jain, G. Zhang, J. Oh, Y. Lee, L.
    Yan, N. Yu, D. Choi, A. Ozler

  • Introduction
  • Economic Approach
  • Random Graph
  • Social Network Analysis
  • Social Capital
  • Data Collection
  • Software
  • Selected Applications

What Is Social Network
  • A map of relationships (formal or informal) among
    actors (person, organization, and others)
  • Representations
  • Graph
  • Matrix (Sociomatrix)

Friend Network
  • Oh, Susarla, and Tan 2007

Subscriber Network
  • Oh, Susarla, and Tan 2007

OSS Collaboration Network
  • Singh, Tan, and Mookerjee 2007

  • Zhang and Tan 2007

Why Is It Important?
  • Our research focus on economic factors
  • Social embeddedness Granovetter (1985)
  • Economic actions are embedded in concrete,
    ongoing systems of social relations
  • Networks are central
  • Resource sharing, information dissemination, and
    knowledge spillover
  • White collar workforce management
  • Wally Hopp et al
  • Successful business models
  • MySpace, FaceBook, YouTube,

It Is Getting Popular!
  • Phelps, Singh and Heidl

I. Economic and Social Networks Stability and
  • Networks and Groups Models of Strategic
    Formation. B. Dutta and M.O. Jackson eds, 2003.

  • Both economic and social interactions involve
    network relationships
  • The specifics of the network structure are
    important in determining the outcome
  • The aims are to
  • develop a systematic analysis of how incentives
    of individuals affect the formation of networks
  • align with social efficiency

  • A set N 1,?,n of individuals are connected in
    a network relationship.
  • Individuals are the nodes in the graph and links
    indicate relationships between the individuals
  • Bilateral relationship ? Non-directed Networks
  • Marriage, friendship, alliances, exchange, etc.
  • Both parties should consent to form a link
  • Unilateral relationships ? Directed Networks
  • Advertising or links to web sites etc.

  • ij represents the link i, j
  • ij ? g indicates that i and j are linked under
    network g
  • G g ? gN denotes the set of all possible
    networks or graphs on N, with gN being the
    complete network
  • g ij network obtained by adding link ij to an
    existing network g
  • g - ij network obtained by deleting link ij to
    an existing network g
  • N(g)i ?j s.t. ij ? g set of individuals who
    have at least one link in network g

Paths and Components
  • Given a network g ? G, a path in g between i and
    j is a sequence of individuals i1,i2,,iK such
    that ikik1 ? g for each k ? 1,, K - 1, with
    i1 i and iK j.
  • A (connected) component of a network g, is a
    nonempty subnetwork g? g, such that
  • if i ? N(g) and j ? N(g) where j ? i, then
    there exists a path in g between i and j
  • if i ? N(g) and j ? N(g) where j ? i, then
    there does not exist a path in g between i and j
  • The set of components of g is denoted C(g) and g

Value Functions
  • Different network configurations lead to
    different values of overall production or overall
    utility to a society. These possible valuations
    are represented via a value function.
  • The set of all possible value functions is
    denoted V
  • Different networks that connect the same
    individuals may lead to different values
  • Value function can incorporate costs to links as
    well as benefits

Allocation Rules
  • A value function keeps track of how the total
    societal value varies across different networks
  • An allocation rule
  • is used to keep track of how that value is
    distributed among the individuals forming a
  • is a function Y G ?V ? RN such that ?iYi(g, v)
    v(g) for all v and g
  • depends on both g and v. This allows an
    allocation rule to take full account of an
    individual is role in the network

Pareto Efficiency
  • A network g is Pareto efficient relative to v and
    Y if there does not exist any g?G such that
    Yi(g,v) ? Yi(g,v) for all i with strict
    inequality for some i.
  • This definition of efficiency of a network takes
    Y as fixed, and hence can be thought of as
    applying to situations where no intervention is

  • A network g is efficient relative to v if v(g) ?
    v(g) for all g?G.
  • This is a strong notion of efficiency as it takes
    the perspective that value is fully transferrable
  • Unlimited intervention is possible
  • g is efficient relative to v if g is PE relative
    to v and Y for all Y

Pairwise Stability
  • A network g is pairwise stable with respect to
    allocation rule Y and value function v if
  • A network is pairwise stable if it is not
    defeated by another (necessarily adjacent)
  • It is a weak notion as it considers only
    deviations on a single link at a time and only
    deviations by at most a pair of individuals at a
  • It is not a sufficient requirement for a network
    to be stable over time.

Existence of Pairwise Stable Networks
  • In some situations, there may not exist any
    pairwise stable network. Each network is defeated
    by some adjacent network, and that these
    improving paths form cycles with no undefeated
    networks existing
  • An improving path is a sequence of networks g1,
    g2, , gK where each network gk is defeated by
    the subsequent (adjacent) network gk1.

Example Exchange Networks
Compatibility of Efficiency and Stability
  • While there are situations where the allocation
    rule is an object of design, we are also
    interested in understanding when naturally
    arising allocation rules lead to pairwise stable
    networks that are (Pareto) efficient.
  • Example Coauthor Model Each individual is a
    researcher who spends time working on research
    projects. If two are connected, they are working
    on a project together. The amount of time
    researcher i spends on a given project is
    inversely related to the number of projects, ni.
    is payoff is
  • For n 4, the complete network is pairwise
    stable with payoff of 2.5 for each player. For
    network g 12,34, each individual have payoff
    of 3. So the unique pairwise stable network is
    Pareto inefficient.

Dynamic Model of Network Formation
  • Since network structure affects economic
    outcomes, it is crucial to know which network
    configurations will arise
  • Process of network formation in a dynamic
    framework is analyzed
  • Formation process is found to be path dependent,
    thus the process often converges to an
    inefficient network structure

Static Model
  • Connection Model (Jackson and Wolinsky)
  • There are n agents, N 1,2, ,n, are able to
    communicate each other
  • Each agent i ?1, ,n receives a payoff ui(g),
    from the network g
  • i receives a payoff of 1 ? 0 for each direct
    link he has
  • i pays a cost c 0 of maintaining each direct
    link he has
  • t(ij) number of direct links in the shortest
    path between agent i and j (i ? j). ?t(ij) is the
    payoff agent i receives from being indirectly
    connected to agent j

Static Model Results
  • For all N, a stable network exists. Further,
  • if c ?2, then gN is stable
  • if c ? ?, then the empty network is stable (not
    usually unique)
  • if c stable (not usually unique)
  • For all N, a unique efficient network exists.
  • if ? - c ?2, then gN is the efficient network
  • if ? - c ?2 and , then
    a star network is efficient
  • if ? - c ?2 and , then
    the empty network is efficient

Dynamic Model
  • Initially n players are unconnected
  • Players meet over time and have opportunity to
    form links with each other
  • Time, T, is divided into countable, infinite set,
    T 1,2, ,t,
  • gt network exists at the end of period t
  • ui(gt) payoff of player i at the end of period t
  • In each period, a link ij is randomly identified
    to be updated with uniform probability
  • If ij ? gt-1, either i or j can decide to sever
    the link
  • If ij ? gt-1, players i and j can form a link ij
    and simultaneously sever any of their other
    links if both agree
  • Each player is myopic
  • If after some time period t, no additional links
    are formed or broken, then the network formation
    has reached a stable state

Dynamic Network Formation Results
  • If ? - c ?2 0, then every link forms (ASAP)
    and remains (no links are ever broken). If ? - c
  • If player i and j are not directly connected,
    they will each gain at least (? - c) - ?t(ij) 0
    from forming a direct link. If ?
    - c ?2 0, connection will take place.
  • If ? - c ?2 0, formation converges to gN
    (unique efficient and stable network)
  • If ? - c j, then each agent will receive a payoff ? - c 0. Since agents are myopic, they will refuse to
  • If ? - c It is efficient iff

II. Random Graphs
  • The Structure and Dynamics of Networks. M.
    Newman, A. Barabasi, and D.J. Watts eds,
    2006.Handbook of Graphs and Networks From the
    Genome to the Internet. S. Bornholdt and H.G.
    Schuster eds, 2003.Random Graphs Dynamics. R.
    Durrett, 2007Complex Social Networks. F.
    Vega-Redondo, 2007

Review and Background
  • Network graph
  • Vertex (node, site)
  • Edge (link, bond)
  • graph (network) is
  • a pair of sets G V, E
  • V is a set of N nodes (vertices)
  • E is a set of edges connecting elements of V
  • Edges do not have length (except in metric

Network Models
  • Random graphs
  • Taking n dots and drawing nz/2 lines between
    random pairs
  • Completely ordered lattice
  • A low dimension regular lattice
  • Watts-Strogatz model (Small-world)
  • A low dimension regular lattice with some degrees
    of randomness
  • Barabasi-Albert model (Scale-free)

  • Degree of a vertex is a number of edges attached
    to it (if directed incoming and outgoing
  • Geodesic path the shortest path from one node
    to another (measured in nodes)
  • Diameter of the network the longest geodesic
    path between any two vertices (not mean)
  • Average geodesic path length

Random Graphs
  • Studied by P. Erdös A. Rényi in 1960s
  • How to build a random graph
  • Take n vertices
  • Connect each pair of vertices with an edge with
    some probability p
  • There are n(n-1)/2 possible edges
  • The mean number of edges per vertex is

Degree Distribution
  • Probability that a vertex of has degree k follows
    binomial distribution
  • In the limit of n kz, Poisson distribution
  • z is the mean

  • Small-world effect (Milgram 60s)
  • Diameter (Bollobas)
  • Average vertex-vertex distance
  • Grows slowly (logarithmically with the size)
  • Some inaccuracies describing real-world networks
  • Degree distribution (not Poisson!)
  • Clustering (Network transitivity)
  • If A and B have a common friend C it is more
    likely that they themselves will be friends.
  • Random graph z / n
  • social networks, biological networks in nature,
    artificial networks power grid, WWW ranging
    from 0.08 to 0.59

  • If A is connected to B, and B is connected to C,
    then it is likely that A is connected to C
  • A friend of your friend is your friend
  • The average fraction of a nodes neighbor pairs
    that are also neighbors each other
  • Count up the total number of pairs of vertices on
    the entire graph that have a common neighbor and
    the total number of such pairs that are also
    themselves connected, and divide the one by the

Small-World Model
  • Watts-Strogatz (1998) first introduced small
    world mode
  • connects regular and random networks
  • Regular Graphs have a high clustering
    coefficient, but also a high diameter
  • Random Graphs have a low clustering coefficient,
    but a low diameter
  • Characteristic of the small-world model
  • The length of the shortest chain connecting two
    vertices grow very slowly, i.e., in general
    logarithmically, with the size of the network
  • Higher clustering or network transitivity

Scale-Free Network
  • A small proportion of the nodes in a scale-free
    network have high degree of connection
  • Power law distribution
  • A given node has k connections to other nodes
    with probability as the power law distribution
    with exponent ? 2, 3
  • Examples of known scale-free networks
  • Communication Network - Internet
  • Ecosystems and Cellular Systems
  • Social network responsible for spread of disease

Scale-Free Network
Linked The New Science of Networks by
Albert-Laszlo Barabasi
Barabasi-Albert Networks
  • Science 286 (1999)
  • Start from a small number of node, add a new node
    with m links
  • Preferential Attachment
  • Probability of these links to connect to existing
    nodes is proportional to the nodes degree
  • Rich gets richer
  • This creates hubs few nodes with very large

ti time vertex i is added
Scale-free Networks Good and Bad
  • Scale-free networks cannot be broken by random
    node removal
  • Attacks can bring them down hackers attacks,
    major servers (DNS) downed by a computer virus
  • In scale-free networks there is no epidemic
    threshold any outbreak should become an epidemic
  • Berger et al, On the spread of viruses on the
    Internet, Proceedings of the 16th annual ACMSIAM
    symposium, 2005

III. Social Networks Analysis (SNA)
  • Social Network Analysis Methods and
    Applications. S. Wasserman and K. Faust,
    1994.Models and Methods of Social Network
    Analysis. P.J. Carrington, J, Scott, and S.
    Wasserman eds, 2005.

3.1 Centrality and Prestige
  • The identification of the most important actors
    in a social network
  • A variety of measures actor location in a
    social network
  • (Degree, Closeness, Betweenness, Information,
  • Quantifying measures
  • Actor indices as the prominence in a network
  • Group-level index Aggregation across actors
  • Relations directional and non-directional
  • Centrality dichotomous relations
  • Prestige choices received

Centrality and Prestige
  • Prominent actors are those that are extensively
    involved in relationships with other actors
  • The focus of involvement
  • A central actor as one involved in many ties
  • Most appropriate for non-directional relations
  • The difference between the source and the
    receiver is less important than just
    participating in many interactions
  • Most access or most control or who are the most
    active brokers
  • A prestigious actor as one who is the object of
    extensive ties
  • Focusing solely on the actor as a recipient
  • The relational is directional In-degrees are
    only distinguishable from out-degree for
    directional relations

Degree Centrality
  • The simplest definition The most ties to other
    actors in the network
  • Focuses only on direct or adjacent choices
  • Actor Degree Centrality
  • An actor with a large degree is in direct contact
    or is adjacent to many other actors
  • This actor should then begin to be recognized by
    others as a major channel of relational

Degree Centrality
  • Group Degree Centralization
  • The index is also a measure of the dispersion of
    the actor indices, since it compares each actor
    index to the maximum attained value
  • Standard statistical summary of the actor degree
    indices is the variance of the degrees

Three Illustrative Networks
(a) Star Graph
(b) Circle Graph
(c) Line Graph
Eigenvector Centrality
  • Importance of an actor in a network
  • Sociomatrix (Adjacency matrix)
  • Aij 1, if a link between i and j 0 otherwise
  • Centrality measure xi
  • In matrix form
  • Here l is the eigenvalue

Degree Centrality
Closeness Centrality
  • The measure focuses on how close an actor is to
    all the other actors in the set of actors
  • An actor is central if it can quickly interact
    with all others
  • The geodesics, or shortest paths minimum
  • Actor Closeness Centrality a function of
    geodesic distances
  • depends not only on direct ties but also on
    indirect ties

Closeness Centrality
  • Group Closeness Centralization
  • The variance of the standardized actor closeness
  • Standard statistical summary of the actor degree
    indices is the variance of the closeness

Three Illustrative Networks
(a) Star Graph
(b) Circle Graph
(c) Line Graph
Betweenness Centrality
  • Interactions between two non-adjacent actors
    might depend on the other actors in the set of
    actors, especially the actors who lie on the
    paths between the two nodes
  • Actor in the middle between the others has some
    control over paths in the graph interpersonal
  • The probability that a communication, or a path
    from j to k takes a particular route critical
    assumption lines have equal weight

Betweenness Centrality
  • Actor Betweenness Centrality All geodesics are
    equally likely to be used

Three Illustrative Networks
(a) Star Graph
(b) Circle Graph
(c) Line Graph
Directional Relations
  • Centrality indices for directional relations
    generally focus on choices made, while prestige
    indices generally examine choices received, both
    direct and indirect
  • Centrality (Degree and Closeness)
  • Prestige

Degree Prestige
  • The simplest actor-level measure of prestige
  • The idea is that actors who are prestigious tend
    to receive many nominations or choices

Proximity Prestige
  • Degree prestige only counts actors who are
    adjacent to actor i
  • Influence domain of actor i Reachability
  • the set of actors who are both directly and
    indirectly linked to actor j
  • consists of all actors whose entries in the j-th
    column of the distance matrix or the reachability
  • Example

Influence domain of actor 3
Proximity Prestige
  • How proximate the actor is to the actors in its
    influence domain
  • Proximity as closeness in its influence domain
  • Number of actors in actor is influence domain
  • The average distance
  • The fraction of the actors in the set of actors
    who can reach an actor
  • As actors who can reach i become closer, on
    average, then the ratio becomes larger

Group Centrality
Group 2
  • In both groups, actors have degree 4
  • In Group1, the pair are structurally equivalent
  • In Group 2, the pair are adjacent to four
    different actors
  • Simple aggregation results in the same
    centrality, however, the Group 2 should be a
    better score

3.2 Structural EquivalenceNetwork Position and
Social Roles and Positions
  • Position
  • A collection of individuals who are similarly
    embedded in networks of relations (ex. in social
    activity, ties, or intersections, with regard to
    actors in other positions)
  • This concept is quite different from the concept
    of cohesive subgroup (Why? based on the
    similarity of ties rather than their adjacency,
    proximity, or reachability.)
  • Example
  • Nurses in different hospitals occupy the position
    of nurse though individual nurses may not know
    each other, work with the same doctors, or see
    the same patients

Social Roles and Positions
  • Role
  • The patterns of relations which obtain between
    actors or between positions
  • An associations among relations that link social
  • Collections of relations and the associations
    among relations
  • Example
  • Kinship roles
  • Defined in terms of combinations of the relations
    of marriage and descent
  • Roles of corporate organization
  • Defined in terms of levels in a chain of command
    or authority

Definition of Structural Equivalence
  • Actor i and j are structurally equivalent if
    actor i has a tie to k, iff j also has a tie to
    k, and i has a tie from k iff j also has a tie
    from k.

Structural Equivalence
  • Example (Sociomatrix and directed graph)

Both have ties to 3 and 4
Both have ties to 5
Directed graph
3 subsets of structural equivalent actors ? B1
1,2, B2 3,4, B3 5
Positional Analysis
Permuted and partitioned sociomatrix
Image matrix
  • Three subsets of structural equivalent actors
  • B1 6,3,8, B2 2,5,7, B3 4,1,9

Position Analysis
Graph (from the partitioned sociomatrix)
Reduced Graph (from the image matrix)
Position Analysis - Measures
  • Euclidean Distance
  • Single relation
  • Multiple relation

The value of the tie from i to k on a single
The value of the tie from i to k on relation
Sum of the size of relations
Position Analysis - Measures
  • Correlation (Pearson product-moment)
  • Single relation
  • Multiple relation

The mean of the values in column i
The mean of the values in row i
3.3 Cohesive SubgroupsAffiliation Networks
  • Cohesive subgroups are subsets of actors among
    whom there are relatively strong, direct,
    intense, frequent, or positive ties.
  • Although the literature contains numerous ways to
    conceptualize the idea of subgroup, there are
    four general properties
  • The mutuality of ties
  • The closeness of reachability of subgroup members
  • The frequency of ties among members
  • The relative frequency of ties among subgroup
    members compared to non-members

Subgroups Based on Complete Mutuality
  • Cliquish subgroups (Festinger and Luce and
  • Cohesive subgroups in directional dichotomous
    relations would be characterized by sets of
    people among whom all friendship choices were
  • Definition of a Clique
  • A clique in a graph is a maximal complete
    subgraph of three or more nodes, all of which are
    adjacent to each other, and there are no other
    nodes that are also adjacent to all of the
    members of the clique.

Subgroups Based on Complete Mutuality
  • Example
  • Cliques 1,2,3,1,3,5, and 3,4,5,6

Subgroups Based on Reachability and Diameter
  • n-cliques
  • An n-clique is a maximal subgraph in which the
    largest geodesic distance between any two nodes
    is no greater than n.
  • n-clans
  • An n-clan is an n-clique, in which the
    geodesic distance, d(i,j), between all nodes in
    the subgraph is no greater than n for paths
    within the subgraph
  • n-clubs
  • An n-club is defined as a maximal subgraph of
    diameter n.

Subgroups Based on Reachability and Diameter
  • Example
  • 2-cliques
  • 1,2,3,4,5 2,3,4,5,6
  • 2-clans
  • 2,3,4,5,6
  • 2-clubs
  • 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,5
  • 2,3,4,5,6

Measures of Subgroup Cohesion
  • A measure of degree to which strong ties are
    within rather than outside is given by the ratio
  • The numerator is the average strength of the ties
    within and the denominator is the average
    strength from subgroup members to outsiders

Affiliation Networks
  • Affiliation networks are two-mode networks
  • Affiliation networks consist of subsets of
    actors, rather than simply pairs of actors
  • Connections among members of one of the modes are
    based on linkages established through the second
  • Affiliation networks allow one to study the dual
    perspectives of the actors and the events

Collaboration Network
  • Structural Holes The Social Structure of
    Competition. R.S. Burt, 1995.

Why Is Social Capital Important?
  • Using an example of OSS
  • OSS is developed by voluntary developers through
    individual incremental efforts and collaboration.
  • New contributions to the code often involve, to a
    large extent, a recombination of known conceptual
    and physical materials (Narduzzo and Rossi 2003,
    Fleming 2001).
  • Developers with better access to and familiarity
    of such materials are advantaged in their code
    development efforts.
  • Because information about and knowledge of
    resources often lies spread across developers in
    the community, social capital, i.e. a developers
    access to resources from a network of
    relationships, may emerge as a key factor that
    differentiates those who are more productive than

Network Relationships and Knowledge Benefits
  • Relationships among developers in a network
    provide them with two types of knowledge benefits
    resource sharing and knowledge spillovers.
  • Resource sharing allows them to combine know-how
    and physical assets
  • Knowledge spillovers provide information about
    current design problems, failed approaches, new
    breakthroughs, and opportunities.

Network Elements Direct Ties
  • Developers who work together on a project share
    direct ties with each other.
  • These ties provide opportunities for repeat,
    intense interactions and are conducive for
    resource sharing as well as knowledge spillover.
  • The knowledge acquisition depends on knowing who
    knows what and developers with large number of
    direct ties are likely to be privy to such

Network Elements Indirect Ties
  • Indirect relationships (where two developers do
    not work together but can be reached through
    mutual acquaintances) are less likely to provide
    opportunities for repeat interactions and, hence,
    are not conducive to resource sharing. However,
    knowledge spillovers do not require repeat
    interactions and, hence, indirect relationships
    will be conducive to them.
  • Developers in a relationship also bring with them
    the knowledge and experience from their
    interactions with other partners. Hence, a
    developers relationship with another developer
    provides it with access to not just its own
    partners but to its partners partners.

Network Elements Network Cohesion
  • Cohesiveness means that ties are redundant
  • To the degree that they lead back to the same
  • Such redundancy increases the information
    transmission capacity in a group of developers
    having cohesive ties
  • It promotes sharing and makes information
  • Speedy
  • Reliable
  • Effective
  • Information between two developers in a cohesive
    group can flow through multiple pathways this
    increases the speed as well as reliability of
    information transfer.

Network Cohesion (2)
  • Cohesiveness in the group
  • gives rise to trust, reciprocity norms, and a
    shared identity
  • leads to a high level of cooperation
  • facilitate collaboration by providing
    self-enforcing informal governance mechanisms
  • Cohesive ties enable richer and greater amounts
    of information and knowledge to be reliably
  • The groups also provide meaningful context for
    information and resource sharing
  • The trust among the members in the group affords
    them to be creative
  • This creativity helps in coming up with
    alternative interpretation of current problems,
    or novel approaches to solve these problems

Network Elements Structural Hole
  • Cohesion
  • Lead to norms of adhering to established
    standards and conventions
  • Potentially stifle innovation
  • The standards, conventions and knowledge stocks
    vary across groups.
  • Structural holes are the gaps in the information
    flow between these groups.
  • Developers who connect different groups are said
    to fill these structural holes.
  • Teams composed of developers who span different
    groups may have several advantages.

Illustrative Partial Developer Network
  • Developers are represented by spheres and color
    coded by component.
  • An arc joining two developers indicates the
    existence of a direct tie between them.
  • The developer indicated spanning the structural
    hole connects the two groups of developers which
    have cohesive ties within each group.
  • Project teams that would include the indicated
    developer will have direct access to the
    knowledge resources of the two groups.

Structural Hole (2)
  • Teams composed of developers who span different
    groups may have several advantages.
  • Technical or organizational problems and
    difficulties of a developer in one group can be
    easily and reliably relayed to developers in
    other groups. The solutions for these problems
    may be obvious to someone and would be quickly
    and reliably relayed back.
  • Each group has its own best practices
    (organizational or technical perspectives) which
    may have value for other groups. The developers
    who connect these groups can see how resources or
    practices in one may create value for other and
    synthesize, translate as well as transfer them
    across groups.
  • Resource pooling across groups provide developers
    opportunities to work on different but related
    problem domains, which may help them in
    developing a better understanding of their own

Structural Hole vs Network Closure
  • These two arguments promote two contradicting
  • The network cohesion argument predicts that teams
    formed of developers who share cohesive ties will
    be more successful due to better coordination and
    communication resulting from increased
    information transmission capacity.
  • The structural holes argument predicts that teams
    formed of developers who span structural holes
    will be more successful due to access to wider
    range of knowledge resources.

  • Direct Ties
  • Indirect Ties (Burt 1992)
  • n total number of developers in the network
  • wij number of developers that lie at a path
    length of j from i
  • zij decay associated with the information that
    is received from developers at path length j
  • fij number of developers that i can reach within
    and including path length j
  • Ni total number of developers that i can reach
    in the network

Measures (2)
  • Network Closure or Structural Hole (Burt 1992)
  • Network Cohesion is indirect structural
  • Computed as
  • Where
  • Mi ? number of direct ties for developer i
  • piq ? proportion of is relations invested in the
    relationship with j

Social Capital and OSS Success
  • Singh, Tan, and Mookerjee (2007)
  • Data
  • 5191 projects and 10973 developers

Data Collection
  • The challenge is determining network boundary
  • Two approaches
  • Whole network
  • Not easy
  • Ego-centric
  • Problematic
  • Snowballing

  • Software for Social Network Analysis (Borgatti,
    Everett, and Freeman)
  • Pajek
  • R
  • SNA module
  • SIENA module
  • Longitudinal data (Snijders 2004)
  • Dynamic network
  • MCMC

Strategy and Organization
  • Firm alliance (RD) network
  • Board of director network
  • Venture capital network
  • Team social network

  • Social contagion
  • Estimating customer value
  • Gupta et al (2006)
  • Social Network and Marketing
  • Ven den Bulte and Wuyts (2007)

Information Systems
  • Open Source Software Development Collaboration
  • Singh (2007)
  • Singh, Tan, and Mookerjee (2007)
  • Online Communities
  • Productivity, Information
  • Aral and Van Alstyne (2007)
  • Aral, Brynjolfsson and Van Alstyne (2007)

  • Financial Networks
  • Leinter (2005)
  • Venture Capital Networks and Investment
  • Hochberg et al (2007)

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