- Tracy McAfee
- Fundraising Manager
- Simon Community Northern Ireland
Employability Facilitating access and return to
the labour market for those who have difficulty
in being integrated or reintergrated into a
labour market which must be open to all.
- 17,150 households presented as homeless to the
Northern Ireland Housing Executive during
2003/2004, an increase of 4 on the previous
year. - 8,594 households were accepted as homeless by the
Housing Executive during 2003/2004. - Family and relationship breakdown are the biggest
single causes of homelessness in Northern
Ireland, cited by over 40 of those presenting to
the Housing Executive, last year.
(Source Northern Ireland Housing Executive)
3Foyers and Simon Community Northern Ireland
- Simon Community Northern Ireland
- Simon Community Northern Ireland currently has
accommodation and support units in 18 sites
across Northern Ireland, including the Belfast
Foyer. with an annual throughput of over 900
individuals. - Of these 900 beneficiaries, 55 are aged under
25, with a gender mix of 31 male /female. - On average service users stay within Simon
Community accommodation for approximately 6
months. -
- The primary aims of Foyers are to1. establish
safe and affordable accommodation in the UK's
most deprived urban and rural communities,
including many inner-city areas.2. support over
5,000 disadvantaged and homeless 16 to 25
year-olds each year, plus a further 5,000
non-residents. Most are further disadvantaged
through abuse, drug and alcohol misuse, truancy
or school exclusion, crime and unemployment.3.
deliver an holistic training programme which
enables each young person to achieve social and
economic independence through access to
education, training and employment opportunities. -
4The Engage Programme
- Engage is the working name of the successful
Equal application. With Simon Community Northern
Ireland acting as lead partner. - The project will have 2 key strands
- 1. The development and delivery of a learning
programme accessible to residents of the four
member Foyers. - 2. A development programme for those staff who
are supporting learners. - The Foyer schemes provide an excellent platform
for the implementation of this programme, given
that the service users are required to
demonstrate a commitment to training and
development as a condition of their accommodation
within the units.
- Development Partnership
- Lead partner Simon Community Northern Ireland
- Programme Manager
- Flax Foyer Strand Foyer
Lurgan Foyer
Belfast Foyer - Programme Programme
Programme - Officer Officer
Officer Officer
Partnership comprises, Northern Bank, Open
Direct, Northern Ireland Housing Executive, City
and Guilds, Department of Employment and
Learning, Learning and Skills Development Agency
Northern Ireland, Foyer Federation, Lurgan Foyer,
Strand Foyer, Flax Trust/Flax Foyer, Belfast Foyer
- To prove the need for long-term sustainable
funding for this Programme throughout Northern