Title: AYP for GSIS
1Understanding Adequate Yearly Progress
(AYP) Georgia Student Information System User
Group Conference February 12, 2008
2Georgias AYP Determination Steps
3Annual Measurable Objectives
4Annual Measurable Objectives
Attendance Rate
- Criteria
- Schools or systems with 15 or less of students
absent more than 15 days or show progress over
the previous year will meet the Second Indicator.
To show progress for attendance a school or LEA
must reduce the percentage of students absent
more than 15 days from the previous year. - Calculation
- Attendance rate is calculated by dividing the
number of students in AYP grade levels who were
absent more than 15 days by the total number of
students in AYP grade levels.
5Annual Measurable Objectives
Graduation Rate
Note Please refer to the 2006-2007 Consolidated
State Application Accountability Workbook for
additional details, including the minimum
thresholds required to meet Second Look criteria.
6What is the definition of a dropout?
Students are counted as dropouts if they leave
school for the following reasons
- Marriage
- Expelled
- Financial hardship / job
- Low grades / school failure
- Military
- Pregnant / parent
- Removed for lack of attendance
- Serious illness / accident
- Unknown
- Incarcerated / under jurisdiction of juvenile
or criminal justice authority - Adult education / postsecondary (e.g., pursuit
of GED)
A withdrawal code of I means that the
student is incarcerated and is no longer
receiving public educational services. If the
student is withdrawn and under the jurisdiction
of the Department of Juvenile Justice and is
pursuing a diploma, the withdrawal code T for
transfer should be used and the student is not
considered a dropout.
Reminder Student data is collected through the
Student Record data collection from approximately
mid-January through mid-June each year.
7Georgias Graduation Rate Calculation
Since 2002, Georgia has been calculating its high
school graduation rate using an NCES proxy
formula one of the three federally allowed high
school graduation rate formulas since the
enactment of the No Child Left Behind Act of
- Georgias Graduation Rate Standard Schools and
districts must be at or above a - 70 Graduation Rate (2008) or meet requirements
using Second Looks (2007 and later). - Current Graduation Rate Calculation
- Numerator of students who graduate with
regular diplomas - Denominator of dropouts in 9th, 10th, 11th,
12th from appropriate years graduates
other completers - Georgias Graduation Rate 2002 61.8
2005 69.4 - 2003 63.3 2006 70.8
- 2004 65.4 2007 72.3 (as of 9/23)
Quick Tip - Graduation Rate Calculator available
on Accountability Website
8Graduation Rate Amendment
- Schools can achieve the graduation rate standard
in one of three ways - Step 1 Did the Graduation Rate meet the
Absolute Bar? If yes, Graduation Rate
requirement was met. If no, proceed to Step 2. - Step 2 Apply the first Second Look Multi-Year
Average (three years). - ( of 2008 Regular Graduates of 2007 Regular
Graduates of 2006 Regular Graduates) / (2008
Graduation Class Size 2007 Graduation Class
Size 2006 Graduation Class Size).
(200194180)/(375359329) 54 - Did the averaged Graduation Rate meet the
Absolute Bar? If yes, Graduation Rate
requirement was met. If no, proceed to Step 3.
9- Graduation Rate Amendment Continued
- Step 3 Apply the Safe Harbor-like Second Look
10 Progress (prior year Graduation Rate must
meet a minimum threshold (50 for 2007)). - Did the current Graduation Rate increase by at
least 10 from the prior years Graduation rate? - 2007 Graduation Rate 63.4
- 2008 Safe Harbor Like Target 2007 Graduation
Rate (2007 Graduation Rate .10) 63.4
(63.4 .10) 69.7 - 2008 Graduation Rate 65.8
- If yes, Graduation Rate requirement was met. If
no, Graduation rate requirement was not met.
10What can schools/districts do to ensure student
data is reported accurately? 1.Verify that
withdrawal information (withdrawal date and
withdrawal reason code) is correct for each
student. 2.Update withdrawal information
appropriately when transcript requests are
received. 3.Verify Graduation Class Size data
within the MyGaDOE Portal during the AYP Data
Verification period (May through June). 4.Report
Summer Graduate information to the GaDOE during
the month of August (District). 5.Any questions
should be referred to the appropriate GaDOE
Accountability Specialist.
11Future Plans - National Governors Association
(NGA) Compact
The governors agreed to calculate graduation
rates by dividing the number of on-time graduates
in a given year by the number of first-time
entering ninth graders four years earlier.
Under the compact, graduates are those students
who receive a regular high school diploma. The
denominator can be adjusted for transfers in and
out of the system. The governors also agreed to
develop data systems to track individual students
with a longitudinal student unit record data
system. When in place, this system will allow
states to have even more accurate records of what
is happening to students.
12Quick Statistics About AYP
- In 2007, of the 2,100 Georgia public schools,
- 1,726 (or 82.2) Made AYP
- 374 (or 17.8) Did Not Make AYP
- Due to Test Participation lt 1
- Due to Academic Performance 16
- Due to Second Indicator 5.7
13Fast Facts
- Students with Disabilities (SWD) SWD who receive
Special Education Services at any time during the
school year are included in the SWD group for AYP
purposes. - GAA Information - http//www.doe.k12.ga.us/ci_test
ing.aspx - Science and AYP NCLB requires that states
develop academic content standards in science by
2005-06 and aligned assessments based on those
standards by 2007-08. The science assessments
must be administered at least once in each of
three grade spans 3-5, 6-9, and 10-12. We are
required to have Science assessments for the
07-08 school year but it is unclear whether they
will become part of AYP or not. - (NCLB Act section 1111 (K)
142007-2008 Proposed Amendments for the 2007-2008
AYP Workbook
- Georgia requests an amendment for
accountability purposes that stipulates the SWD
subgroup will consist of students reported
as SWD from the Fall FTE count day through the
spring testing window. - 2. Georgia requests an amendment to include the
Special Education Diploma as a regular diploma
for AYP purposes. The Special Education Diploma
is awarded to students whose Individual Education
Plan (IEP) team has determined the Special
Education Diploma as the appropriate diploma
based on high expectations and the unique needs
of the student and his or her disability. - 3. As the State did in 2005-2006, Georgia
requests to equate the Quality core curriculum
(QCC) to the Georgia Performance Standards (GPS)
assessment results in grades and subjects where
appropriate, using an Equipercentile based
statistical adjustment for multi-year averaging,
safe harbor, and second indicator calculations. - For the 2007-2008 school year, Georgia is again
requesting interim federal flexibility for the
Students with Disabilities (SWD) subgroup so that
schools and systems that fail to make AYP based
solely on the performance of their SWD subgroup,
will receive a mathematical adjustment (a proxy
percent) to their AMOs. - 2-8-08
152007-2008 Proposed Amendments for the 2007-2008
AYP Workbook
5. Georgia requests an amendment to adjust the
AMOs for math in grades 3-8 for 2008 and 2009.
If approved, the 2008 AMO would be changed from
66.7 to 60.0 2009 AMO would be changed from 66.7
to 63.0 6. Georgia requests an amendment to
create a second look for the ELL subgroup. 7.
Georgia requests an amendment to use course
completion rates and end of course tests results
in place of graduation rate as the second
indicator for Georgias alternative high
schools. 8. Georgia requests an amendment to
count summer retest scores toward AMOs for
official AYP determinations beginning in school
year 2008-2009. 2-8-08
16Data Best Practices
17Timeline for Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP)
- January Student Record opened
- Mid May Assessment Processing and AYP Report
applications available - End of June AYP Report Certification Deadline
- June through July Appeal Submission Window
- August Summer Graduate Data Collection
AYP is an All Year Process
18Data Sources
- Student Data
- Demographic and Enrollment
- Assessment Processing (Matching)
- Links assessment data (test scores) with student
19Student Data / Assessment Processing / AYP Data
One-time load of Assessment Data (GHSGT, GAA,
District Uploads/Enters student data
Information is fed into Assessment Processing
Information is loaded into AYP Reports during the
nightly refresh
District matches records the were not
automatically matched on System ID, School ID and
Student ID and enters First Year in US
School/Medical Emergency data
DOE Activities
On-going until student data/Assessment Data is
20Assessment Processing
- The Assessment Processing application allows
users to match and enter assessment data to
student data. - Components of the Assessment Processing
application include the ability to - Match Criterion Referenced Competency Test
(CRCT), Georgia High School Graduation Test
(GHSGT), Eighth Grade Writing Assessment (EGWA),
ACCESS and Georgia Alternate Assessment (GAA)
records to student data. - Code a student as having a medical emergency.
- Code a student as a First Year in U.S. School
student. - Review summary and detailed reports on a district
and school level.
21Assessment Processing
- Coding a Student as a Medical Emergency
- Should only be used for students who experienced
a significant Medical Emergency and could not
participate in testing. Contact your GaDOE
Accountability Specialist with any questions. - A student who is coded as having a Medical
Emergency will be removed from the number of
students enrolled during the state test window,
i.e. the denominator in the test participation
calculation. - Districts and schools must keep documentation of
the Medical Emergency.
22Adequate Yearly Progress Reports
- The Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Report
application will assist Districts and Schools
with understanding their AYP status prior to the
finalization of student data, so that data can be
verified and corrected, if needed. The reports
contain - Three years of Test Participation results
- Current years Academic Performance results
- Two years of Second Indicator results
- Districts can drill through the reports to
review the student level data that is included in
each of the measurements to determine if data
correction is required. Excel downloads of
assessment and graduation class data are also
available. Note These elements are only
available within the MyGaDOE portal they are
not included in the public release.
23Adequate Yearly Progress Reports Tips and Tricks
- Data Verification
- The following student demographic elements should
be reviewed for all students - Student Grade Level
- Gender
- Race
- Economically Disadvantaged (ED) Status
- Student With Disability (SWD) Status
- English Language Learner (ELL/LEP)
- Migrant
- Days Absent (excused unexcused)
- Days Present
- Latest Withdrawal Date
- Latest Withdrawal Reason Code
Students who are eligible for Free or Reduced
Priced Meal. Students who are coded as
receiving special education services at anytime
during the school year. Students who are
identified as ELL/LEP or have exited the program
and are being monitored for two years.
24Support Resources
- Georgia Dept of Education - www.gadoe.org
- Consolidated State Accountability Application
Workbook - http//www.doe.k12.ga.us/ayp2007.aspx
- My GaDOE Portal Documents
- AYP User Guide
- AYP Quick Reference
- Assessment Processing User Guide
- Summer Graduates User Guide
- GaDOE Accountability Division http//www.gadoe.org
/sia_account.aspx -
- U.S. Dept of Education www.ed.gov
25Accountability Team Office of Standards,
Instruction and Assessment Georgia Department of
Education205 Jesse Hill Jr. Drive, 1966 Twin
Towers EastAtlanta, GA 30334 Website
Joanne Leonard, Ed.S. Director of
Accountability (404) 463.1538 /
jleonard_at_doe.k12.ga.us Nancy Haight -
Accountability Specialist (404) 463.1166 /
nhaight_at_doe.k12.ga.us Cowen Harter, Ed. S. -
Accountability Specialist (404) 463. 1168 /
charter_at_doe.k12.ga.us Donna Kelly, Ed. S.
Accountability Specialist (404) 463. 1175 /
dkelly_at_doe.k12.ga.us Joanna Vahlsing, PMP
Statistics Coordinator (404) 463.1539 /