Title: Youve Got Mail
1Youve Got Mail!
- Delivering the Future to Your Doorstep
- Jo Anne Edwards
- Access Services Librarian
- Johnson State College (VTJ)
- 802-635-1266
- edwardsj_at_badger.jsc.vsc.edu
- www.library.jsc.vsc.edu
- Special thanks to Jared Gilbert for original
art work
- Steps we took to implement direct lending
- How CCV progressed from no circulation to major
direct borrower in less than 2 years - Its about people not technology
- Direct lending is possible and worthwhile
- The goal is to give you some ideas that you might
wish to try in your own library system
7Vermont State Colleges
- Castleton State College
- 1700 students
- Johnson State
- 1600 students
- Lyndon State College
- 1200 students
- Vermont Technical College
- 1200 students
- Community College of Vermont
- 2490 FTE, 4817 students current semester
- VSC ILL staff meet 3 to 4 times a year
- Factors
- Distance
- Weather
- Office staffing
- Format
- One library director acts as liaison
- ILL coordinator
- Formal agenda meeting structure
9Annual December meeting
10Small is good
- Large libraries
- Change is cumbersome and can be slow
- Large budgets make large projects possible
- Small libraries
- Changes can take place quickly
- Budgets cannot absorb expensive projects
- Examples
- Difference between large library and small
Vermont library in 1990 - Implementation of electronic request system at JSC
11Autonomy is good
- Library directors have given us a loose rein
- Promotes climate that favors change
- Decisions can be made quickly
- Freedom to act as mentors support system for
each other - Systems staff
- Attend all of our meetings
- Have much decision-making power
- Work very closely with each other
12The Coveted p-ILL-ow Award
13History of EDP
- Johnson State College External Degree Program
(EDP) - In existence since 1978
- Students are located all over the state.
- Have mentorstheir connection to JSC
- VSC Assessment of Prior Learning Program
- Establishes the credits for lifelong learning
- Classes are offered at various locations all over
the state - In early days, students were given introductory
packets in library research - Use their public libraries and the CCV sites to
do the research
14Changing roles
- Reference and ILL were separate functions
- At some point, Reference started offering more
phone help to distance students and initiated ILL - Requests were sent on to ILL with Reference
approval - Gradually Reference ILL became partners in
serving the distance students - EDP students would phone, mail, or fax requests
to the ILL office - Items were borrowed from libraries and mailed to
the students homes - ILL offices were in steady contact with students
in order to send and return materials
15ILL, Reference, Circ, IT
- Online catalogs and indexes became available to
EDP students at home - Students are doing their work at home at night
and on weekends - E-mail accounts became common
- Reference ILL questions are co-mingled with
Circ and technology questions. - Add direct lending complexities and ILL becomes
too much for reference librarians to remain
experts in ILL procedures - Roles switchILL person becomes a major reference
resource for distance students. - Cannot send the student over to the Reference
Desk - Must provide some evening and weekend online
16History of ILL requests at VSC
- Automated since 1987
- DRA software well-suited to a consortium
- Share an online catalog
- Share bib records
- Separate locations
- Unique call numbers
- ILL request system
- Already in operation in 1993 before I joined ILL
- Patrons submitted paper requests
- ILL staff processed all requests
17History (cont.)
- VSC holdings are requested through Circ
- System creates a send item list for lender
- Items routed out, then routed in and put on hold
- Out of system request - use PAC and LIB
- Used by libraries all over the state that connect
to SCOLAR or VALS - LIB creates E-mail requests
- This system brought to high level of
functionality by Kate Kiernan for the state
colleges - Still use it for all VSC article requests
18PAC journal holdings
VSC - Journal of alcohol and drug education. East
Lansing, Mich.? Education - Section of the Alcohol and Drug Problems
Association of North - America.
- LOCATION Johnson State College
- CALL NUMBER Microfilm
- STATUS Currently Received
- LAST ISSUE v 45 (05/2000)
- NEXT ISSUE v 46 (05/2001) is expected to
arrive (07/10/2002) - HOLDINGS v 21 (09/1975) - v 45 (05/2000)
- End of information on this holding. Enter 'B' to
backup. - Select a line number for detailed information
about that line.
19LIB command
- Journal of alcohol and drug education. East
Lansing, Mich.? Education - Section of the Alcohol and Drug Problems
Association of North - America.
- LOCATION Johnson State College
- CALL NUMBER Microfilm
- STATUS Currently Received
- LAST ISSUE v 45 (05/2000)
- NEXT ISSUE v 46 (05/2001) is expected to
arrive (07/10/2002) - HOLDINGS v 21 (09/1975) - v 45 (05/2000)
- Is this an ARTICLE request? (y/N)
20E-mail produced by LIB
- 246 30-APR-2002 140324.85
- Subj Article Request
- Hi, Can we have a copy? thanks - Franny
- 30-APR-2002/C27N/Smith, 1671
- CITATION V.43, 3, p. 53-65, Spr 1998
- ARTICLE Ma, "The use of a qualitative
approach in fetal..." - PUBLISHER Journal of alcohol and drug
- CALL NO Article request - CCG
21History (cont.)
- Patron request system arrived in the early 1990s
- Not terribly user friendly, not heavily used
- Web based catalog implemented in 1995
- No patron request system available in DRA Web
- Vermont academic libraries hold direct lending
discussion August, 1997 - Vermont Academic ILL Code for Extended Campus
Community in place October 1998 - http//www.smcvt.edu/library/services/ill/vtillcod
22Direct lending
- Kate attended 1997 VT Academic ILL Meeting
- Fall 1997 she created direct request forms in
connection with LIB command - February 1998 JSC started using the direct
request LIB command
23LIB produces direct E-mail
- 7 23-FEB-1998 121623.81
- Subj Request for distance patron
- Hi Lynn. Can you charge this video send
directly to EDP faculty? Thanks. - 23-FEB-1998/J62N/Smith, 365
- AUTHOR Canfield, Jack.
- TITLE Self-esteem loving empowering
yourself / - PUBLISHER Self-Esteem Seminars, c1987.
- CALL NO 158.1 Sel -- Videocass
- Please charge item to this patron 1000300500800
24Direct lending (cont.)
- Web2 patron request system Fall 1999 at JSC
- This is when the old rules started to tumble
- Example VT ILL Code (1996) states, Each library
should exhaust its own resources before using
ILL. - Electronic request system does not acknowledge
this rule! - VT ILL Code eliminated that sentence in 2002
25SCOLAR full record
26Books relocated
- Johnson State College Title Display
Fri 03/15/2002 - Bibliographic type book DB Control number
ACP-8346 - Call number 362.76 P369c 1995
- Main entry Pelzer, David J.
- Title A Child called "it"
- an abused child's journey from victim to
victor / - Publisher Health Communications, Deerfield
Beach, Fla. - Date of Publication c1995.
- ID Number Mat Code Hold Loc Now At
Date Due Status - 1. 0000306294307 Book CASTLETN JOHNSON
Route/Recall - 2. 0000307416685 Book VTC VTC
04/11/02 Charge - 3. 0000306353137 Book LYNDON LYNDON
03/27/02 Charge - 4. 0000306421207 Book LYNDON CASTLETON
02/15/02 Charge/AsmLst
27Books returned
- Johnson State College Title Display
Wed 05/08/2002 - Bibliographic type book DB Control number
ACP-8346 - Call number 362.76 P369c 1995
- Main entry Pelzer, David J.
- Title A Child called "it"
- an abused child's journey from victim to
victor / - Publisher Health Communications, Deerfield
Beach, Fla. - Date of Publication c1995.
- ID Number Mat Code Hold Loc Now At
Date Due Status - 1. 0000306294307 Book CASTLETN CASTLETN
Available - 2. 0000307416685 Book VTC VTC
Available - 3. 0000306353137 Book LYNDON LYNDON
Available - 4. 0000306421207 Book LYNDON LYNDON
28SCOLAR Multiple Library Search
29Web2 multiple library request
- From Web2user_at_scolar.vsc.edu
- Date Mon, 08 Apr 2002 1353 -0400
- To JSC_REQUEST_at_scolar.vsc.edu
- Subject "JSC Equest"
- The following Inter-Library Loan Request was
received from MARY SMITH. - Patron Information
- Patron ID 1003000450000A
- Email msmith_at_pshift.com
- Telephone 8026350000
- Comments / Special Instructions
- Inter-Library Loan Title Request Information
- Database Control Number 87-B8138
- Item found at Dartmouth College
- Title Frits Thaulow October 11 - November 16,
1985, Hirschl Adler Galleries
- Paper request files disappeared overnight for VSC
requests - JSC patron initiated requests increased
dramatically - Non-circulating collections had to be
reconsidered when policies differed from other
VSC libraries - Vermont collections
- Videos
- Collections purchased with special funds for
on-campus use only
31CCV lending
- CCV Lendingnot use Circ system
- Honor system
- Books were borrowed at each site by via a
sign-out list - ILL books and videos were tracked with a paper
file system - Caused major confusion with electronic request
system - Item appeared available to the system
- Was charged out in the CCV office file
32CCV cannot use Circ because
- Too many students
- Too many changes each semester
- They drop in and out
- Many are continuing ed., not matriculated
- They frequently change
- Addresses
- Phone numbers
- E-mail
- Names
33CCV 1987-1998
34CCV borrowing
- CCV Borrowing
- Used PAC and LIB command to send E-mail requests
to in-state libraries - Items that the VSC lent to CCV were charged out
in Circ to CCV site libraries - OCLC for requests outside the VALS system
35CCV/JSC Statistics FY99
36CCV Circ First Step
- December 1998
- Permission to try a small experiment with CCV and
the Circ system - Reactions were interesting
- We all knew that CCV needed to use Circwe had
been complaining about the lack of it for years - We were all concerned about Lynnshe already had
an overwhelming workload - Support system kicked inalmost killed the
37CCV Circ First Step (cont.)
- January 1999
- Introduce CCV to Circ in a limited way
- First steptrain Lynn LoweCCV Brattleboro
- Charge out videos to other CCV sites and Vermont
libraries - Library patron records already existed
- Videos were the busiest items that CCV lent and
caused the most trouble with our electronic
request system
- Vermont Technical College CCV combined
libraries in Fall 2000 - Now called Vermont Community Technical College
Library - Circulating library collections moved to VTC
- VCTC library collection increased
- NetLibrary added
- More full text journals purchased
- Library coordinatorsresponsible for a region
- Give library instruction
- Provide printed information to CCV sites
- All registered CCV students downloaded to patron
- All ILL handled from central location at VTC
- Mike Taylor handles all ILL requests
- Mike trains CCV site staff to use Circ system to
- Route out items on send item list
- Charge/discharge
- All CCV requests will be direct requests
- CCV students use their own Web site
- CCV ILL electronic requests are all sent via
E-mail to VTC - Mike uses PAC and LIB command to place direct
requests - Items mailed to students homes
- Major change for us
40Why did we accept change?
- Change in work load and workflow
- Had previously charged items to CCV sites and
mailed in batches - Now we would be charging to each student and
mailing separately - Foresee increases in staff load and mailing costs
- Foresee more confusion in returns
- But it made a lot of sense
- CCV is finally using Circ system
- No more overdue notices created by a paper file
system - CCV students are now patrons and accountable for
items borrowed - CCV students now have VSC library cards, valid in
any VSC library
41ILL socks
- Success! (The floodgates opened.)
- CCV direct book and video requests skyrocketed
- CCV article requests almost disappeared
43CCV Fall 2000
44JSC Direct Lend/Borrow
- JSC direct borrowing has remained steadysimilar
to 2000 numbers - CSC, LSC, VTC direct borrowing remained steady.
Increases in 2001 and 2002 lending are due to CCV
direct borrowing - Data represents first 10 months of 2002
45Results (cont.)
- We could not keep up at JSC
- Had previously used only student workers
- Not enough hours in the week
- Student vacation times did not match
- We had to move staff part-time into the ILL
office - Several hours required on a daily basis
- Cost of postage and mail supplies went up
46Postage dollars
FY 2002 represents first 10 months
47What worked
- Web2 request system
- Electronic request system for CSC, JSC, LSC, VTC
- Supplemented by E-mail requests for non-VSC
materials - CCV separate website
- E-mail requests sent to VTC ILL
- CCV library coordinators
- On-site instruction credited with increasing
number of CCV requests - Library patron records for all CCV students
- Exceedingly effective
- Very low number of excessively late or lost items
48Expected problems
- CCV students transient, ever-changing
- Turned out to be completely true
- The work of keeping track of them is worth the
effort - Cant picture ever going back. - Mike Taylor
- Mail problems
- Many different book bands created
- ILL office staff and student workers make
mistakes - Books returned to wrong lenders by CCV sites
- Problems minimized by the systemlast location,
next location is known once the book is
discharged or routed - Only one BIG problem with one students mail
49What did not work
- Returns confusing
- All distance students are encouraged to return
books at any state college library or CCV site - Exception for non-VSC books. This is too
confusing for students to master even with
different book bands. - CCV sites staffed by part-timers who wear many
hats and are bombarded on all sides - Could not master the Circ system beyond filling
requests on the send item list - Lost the advantage of items being discharged upon
return to any site - Slows down the filling of requests that are
waiting on an item - Takes longer for students record to clear
50Why isnt everyone doing this?
- The environment is good in Vermont
- Vermont Academic ILL code
- Close-knit supportive group of colleges
- Fine example being set by regional and
consortiums - Our staff has become accustomed to charging an
item to the requesting library and mailing item
to a different library - Problem is in the updating of databases like OCLC
- Regional libraries consortiums have a finite
number of members - Academic public libraries have a large and ever
changing list of patrons - Do not have the staff time needed to track
receipt and return of non-VSC materials
51More sort of related ideas
- DOL Web2
- Things libraries can do for each other
- Soapbox
- Billing
- Shelving
52PAC Public Library record
- (Record 1 of 2)
- TITLE Oscar Lucinda
- PUBLISHER Harper Row, c1988.
- No holdings.
- Enter F for Full bibliographic
description. - Enter B go Back to previous screen
53PAC PubCat MARC record
- DDO-6807 Entered 11/15/1990 Last Modified
06/17/1999 PUBLIC_LIBS - Type a Bib l m Enc l Desc a Ctry nyu Lang
eng Mod Srce - Ill Audience Form Cont Gvt
Cnf 0 Fst 0 Ind 0 - Fic 1 Bio Dat tp s Dates 1988
Control - 005 a 19891031145008.0
- 010 a 87046125 o 17506713
- 040 a DLC c DLC d VSS
- 020 a 0060159081 (jacket) c 18.95
- 020 z 0060159031 c 18.95
- 050 0 a PR9619.3.C36 b O73 1988
- 082 0 a 823 2 19
- 092 a x
1,VSQ5,VSQ,VSRE,VSRM - 100 10 a Carey, Peter.
- 245 10 a Oscar Lucinda / c Peter Carey.
- 250 a 1st U.S. ed.
- 260 0 a New York b Harper Row, c
54DOL Web2 Multiple Library Search
55DOL Public Library record
56DOL Web2 request form
57JSC borrow from VT Public Libraries
58JSC/VT Public Libraries
- VSC operating system change
- DRA to Sirsi or other vendor
- ILL management system
- Thousands of E-mail requests from many different
locations - We must establish standards consistency amongst
all parties so that we can use Clio or ILLiad - Clio and ILLiad will continue to add features
that will help libraries serve distance patrons - Circulation systems that talk to each other
- Vermont libraries would be good testing ground
- Distance patrons are with us for the long haul
- Direct lending is well worth the effort and
provides a valuable service to these patrons - Direct lending will increase with the help of ILL
management systems - Motivation for change is always service to the
student or library patron - ILLers are the most cooperative and understanding
people on earth - Direct lending can work for you
61VSC ILLers