Title: Contractors Online Site Induction
1E-learning Delivering generic and site-specific
inductions to diversified business
Alan Weston John Holland Pty Ltd
2The Malka Group Partner registered training
organisation and project manager
3Contractors Online Site Induction
- an
- Industry Engagement Project
4E-learning crucialto electronics industry
Kim Kemeny Codan Limited
5E-learning Delivering generic and site-specific
inductions to diversified business
Alan Weston John Holland Pty Ltd
6The Malka Group Partner registered training
organisation and project manager
7 Why e-learning Our business drivers
- Numbers inducted per day
- Consistency of message
- Compliance
- Language and literacy levels
- Utilising down time
- Cost.
8What we did ...
- Extensive consultation
- Generic information
- Site specific information
- Simple messages
- Simple to use
- Simple technology
9Pilot and Outcomes
- Information match
- Technology
- Authentication
- Interest
10 Influencing the industry
- A tool for our needs
- Trial for contractors
- Industry interest
- Spreading the word
11 Take up of e-learning in the industry
- Using varied online options
- Identify e-learning champions
12Youre welcome to come and view our demonstration