Title: Ramey
1Ramey Ramey 2005
2(No Transcript)
3Common Standards for same-aged child-care and
other pre-K programs
Ramey Ramey 2005
4Common Core of Information, routinely collected
and publicly available on quality of care in
individual programs (e.g., 4 diamonds,
ITERS/ECERS, PIR) or same amalgam.
Ramey Ramey 2005
5Yearly Measurement (via parental report,
caregiver report, developmental assessments) of
changes in childrens development in key domains
Ramey Ramey 2005
6Professional development that is coordinated
within states higher education systems
(community colleges, colleges and universities)
and with the Departments of Health and Human
Services and Education (experimental studies of
various PD approaches are underway and will be
discussed in a break-out session (4) after this
plenary session)
Ramey Ramey 2005
7Development of child assessments that are more
practically useful and educationally germane,
preferably integrated across the developmental
domains of cognitive, linguistic, social and
emotional functioning
Ramey Ramey 2005