Title: Maltese Survey
1 Health Food
2Q.9 Would you say what you normally eat is good
for your health?
- We have the highest percentage (44) of
respondents who said Yes, very good. - When comparing this result to the EU25 value
(21), our result is more than twice the average
value. - This result does not match with other results.
3Q.9 Would you say what you normally eat is good
for your health?
- Does this mean that there are no health related
problems in Malta? - Respondents THINK that what they normally eat is
good for their health. - Previous research was carried in Malta which
shows that Malta ranks amongst the countries
which have the highest number of males and
females who are overweight.
4Obesity and Overweight Research
National Statistics Office, Malta, 2004
5Q.13 Do you find it easy to eat a healthy diet?
- Maltese survey shows that 77 find it easy to eat
a healthy diet. - This is the second highest value in Europe.
- EU25 is set at 66
6Q.13 Do you find it easy to eat a healthy diet?
- Malta is once again the exception.
- If this was the case, we should have less
overweight and obesity related problems. - In Malta we are surrounded by shops which sell
traditional Maltese food. Traditional Maltese
food normally consists of high sugars and fats.
7Q.14 Why is it not easy to eat a healthy diet?
- Time was the most common reason at European level
for the difficulty of eating a healthy diet. - Only 17 of the Maltese agreed to such issue
- The majority of Maltese, 56, the highest from
all respondents, argued that eating a healthy
diet is bland and unapetising. - With regards to information about healthy eating
and diets, research shows that Maltese think that
they are well informed.
8Q.14 Why is it not easy to eat a healthy diet?
- Maltese enjoy eating tasty, delicious meals
- Diets are not tasty as normal meals
- Schools from a very young age promote healthy
nutrition, like in all government primary
schools, everyday all children are provided with
fresh milk - Such education influences the home nutrition
9Q.4 Over the last 12 months, have you been on a
diet or not?
- Eurobarometer shows that 34 of Maltese have been
on a diet for the last 12 months - We are the highest amongst the countries
participating in the research conducted.
10Q.4 Over the last 12 months, have you been on a
diet or not?
- It could be that there is an awareness of the
current situation with regards to obesity and
overweight - However, the diets chosen could not have been
quite effective - The Maltese might not be strong enough to stick
to their planned diet
11Q.10 Have you changed what you drink or eat in
the last year
- To confirm the results shown previously in Q.4,
research shows that 37 of Maltese have changed
what they drink or eat in the last year. This
was done by starting a diet
12Q.10 Have you changed what you drink or eat in
the last year
- We can conclude that the Maltese are becoming
more aware of their diet, and as a result, they
are changing what they normally used to eat.
13Q.11 What kind of changes did you make?
- More than 50 of the Maltese respondents said
that they - Drank more water
- Ate less fatty food
- Ate more fruits and vegetables
- Less than 25 of the Maltese respondents said
that they -
- Ate less sugar
- Consumed fewer calories
- Consumed less salt
- Consumed less meat
- Drank less alcohol
14Q.11 What kind of changes did you make?
- For a balanced diet, each factor should be given
equal importance - Proof of this are various health conditions of
which we have high numbers when compared to other
countries. Ex diabetes, high cholesterol, high
blood pressure - 10 of the Maltese population has diabetes as
compared to 2 and 3 of European neighbors - Diabetes In Malta Current
Findings Future Trends, 2005
15Q24.1 From what I see in Malta, there seems to be
more overweight children these days then there
were 5 years ago
- This question shows that 48 agree that there are
more overweight children than 5 years ago.
16Q24.1 From what I see in Malta, there seems to be
more overweight children these days then there
were 5 years ago
- Such results are not alarming when compared with
the EU25 results, but cannot be ignored - This contradicts the results from Q.9 in which
the majority totally agreed, i.e. Would you say
what you normally eat is good for your health? - If this was so, there should be less overweight
children then there were 5 years ago
17Q.25 Which one of the following do you think
most influences what children eat?
- Despite we give more importance to parents or
guardians, when compared to the European average,
we have a relatively low percentage. - A large percentage (26) agree that the
advertising and promotion of food influence what
children eat.
18Q.25 Which one of the following do you think
most influences what children eat?
- We do not agree with such results because in
Malta, the parents are not conscious that their
children eat their diet. This is particularly
caused by the strong familiar bond between
parents/guardians and children in our country.
19Q.27 To what extent do you think food
advertising and promotion influence what children
choose to eat?
- 77 say that the advertising and promotion
influence what children choose to eat with the
majority agreeing to a large extent. - The most effective system to improve childrens
diet according to the Maltese is to provide more
education for children at school. - The EU25 results place more information for
parents in the first place and more education
for children in the second place.
20Q.27 To what extent do you think food
advertising and promotion influence what children
choose to eat?
- It is easy that in our society, being a small
one, to be influenced by advertisement and
promotion. - Also, we are easily influenced by each other.
21Q.28a Which one of the following measures do you
think would be most effective in reducing the
prevalence of childhood obesity?
- Maltese classified the following measures in the
given order. - More physical activity in schools
- More education on healthy eating and exercise
- Health promotion campaigns to encourage children
to eat healthier food and take more exercise - Restrictions on the advertising and the promotion
of high sugar, salt and fat foods aimed at
22Q.28a Which one of the following measures do you
think would be most effective in reducing the
prevalence of childhood obesity?
- Awareness for healthy food should start at home.
People responsible for the upbringing of the
children should have a clear idea of what a
balanced diet constitutes of and should also
promote exercise. - Some of the Maltese children are raised by their
grandparents, who think that by giving their
grand-children a lot of food, they will grow
healthier. This is an old mentality amongst older
people. -
23Q.24.2 To what extent do you agree or disagree
with the following statements?- From what I see
in my country, there seem to be more overweight
adults these days than there were five years ago
- The EU25 value is 75
- 84 of Maltese respondents agree that there seem
to be more overweight adults
24Q.24.2 To what extent do you agree or disagree
with the following statements?- From what I see
in my country, there seem to be more overweight
adults these days than there were five years ago
- The Maltese are aware that the issue of
overweight is increasing amongst adults - But they may not realize that it can be
controlled by what you eat.
25Q.24.3 To what extent do you agree or disagree
with the following statement?- Being
significantly overweight, or obese is bad for
your health.
- There is an agreement amongst the citizens of the
European Union. - 84 of Maltese respondents totally agree with
such statement, whilst the other 16 agreed.
26Q.24.3 To what extent do you agree or disagree
with the following statement?- Being
significantly overweight, or obese is bad for
your health.
- Maltese know that obesity is bad for their
health, but we think that they dont realise that
overweight problems can lead to obesity. - It is interesting to note that no one in the
sample disagreed with such statement.
27Q24.4 To what extent do you agree or disagree
with the following statements?- The government
should encourage people to eat a healthy diet and
take plenty of exercise so that people stay at a
healthy weight.
- 74 of Maltese respondents agree with such
statement. - The 2nd highest amount for European Union
28Q24.4 To what extent do you agree or disagree
with the following statements?- The government
should encourage people to eat a healthy diet and
take plenty of exercise so that people stay at a
healthy weight.
- The government should plan campaigns whose main
theme is healthy nutrition and promotion of
regular exercise.
- John Caruana
- Cristina Maria Farrugia
- Stephen Magro