Title: The myGrid approach for
1- The myGrid approach for
- attaching semantic annotations
- to service descriptions
- Luc Moreau
- University of Southampton,UK
- Motivation
- Existing technologies and limitations
- Metadata attachment
- The Southampton Service Directory
- Conclusion
- Motivation
- Existing technologies and limitations
- Metadata attachment
- The Southampton Service Directory
- Conclusion
4Service Discovery
- Service discovery is a difficult task in large
scale, open distributed systems such as the Grid
and Web, due to the potentially large number of
services advertised. - In order to filter out the most suitable
services, many have advocated the use of semantic
descriptions of services in a manner that is
amenable to automatic processing Berners-Lee,
Hendler, Lassila 2001, damls-iswc02 - AHM03 myGrid and service discovery talks
5Semantic Discovery
- Semantic discovery is the process of discovering
services capable of meaningful inter-operability,
even though the languages or structures with
which they are described may be different. - Typically, a semantic discovery process relies on
semantic annotations, containing high-level
abstract descriptions of service requirements and
behaviour. - This presentation focuses on the means to
register and discover services according to such
semantic annotations.
6Metadata (for the provider)
- An essential element in semantic discovery is to
allow users to augment service descriptions with
additional information, i.e. metadata. - Providers may adopt various ways of describing
their services, access policies, contract
negotiation details etc.
7Metadata (for the consumer)
- Resource consumers can also impose their own
selection policies on the services they prefer to
utilise - provenance,
- derived quality service,
- reputation metrics etc.
- We want a system that allows multiple users (not
just publishers) to add metadata to service
8Metadata about what?
- It is useful to add metadata to
- Service descriptions, and
- Any other concept that may influence the
discovery process, e.g. - supported operations,
- types of arguments,
- businesses,
- users.
9Structured vs. unstructured
- Metadata may be structured according to published
ontologies, so that it can be interpreted
unambiguously by multiple users, especially in
the case of a public registry. - Alternatively, metadata may also be raw and
unstructured, in the case of a personal registry
used by a single user.
- Motivation
- Existing technologies and limitations
- Metadata attachment
- The Southampton Service Directory
- Conclusion
11A typical UDDI service registration
- Name
- Key
- Location
- WSDL interface
12A textual representation of a service description
13UDDI Limitations
- The interface (describe as a WSDL file) is
referred to by a UDDI construct called TModel,
and is not contained in the UDDI registration
itself. Still true with the new TN which does not
cover a port type content. - Similarly, TModels can also be used to refer to
external classifications. - In conclusion, in UDDI, there is no uniform way
of querying about services, their interfaces and
their classifications.
14A typical abstract WSDL interface
- Set of port types
- Set of operations
- Set of messages and their message parts
15- lt?xml version"1.0" encoding"UTF-8" ?gt
- ltwsdldefinitions targetNamespace"http//www.ebi
xmlnswsdl"http//schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/"gt - ltwsdlmessage name"runRequest1"gtÂ
- ltwsdlpart name"in0" type"xsdstring" /gt Â
- ltwsdlpart name"in1" type"xsdstring" /gt Â
- lt/wsdlmessagegtÂ
- ltwsdlmessage name"runResponse1" /gt
- ltwsdlportType name"AnalysisWSAppLabImpl"gt
- ltwsdloperation name"run" parameterOrder"in0
in1"gt - ltwsdlinput message"implrunRequest1"
name"runRequest1" /gt  - ltwsdloutput message"implrunResponse1"
name"runResponse1" /gt  - ltwsdlfault message"implSoaplabException"
name"SoaplabException"/gt - lt/wsdloperationgtÂ
- lt/wsdlportTypegtÂ
- lt/wsdldefinitionsgt
Excerpt from an EBI sequence alignment service
16- lt?xml version"1.0" encoding"UTF-8" ?gt
- ltwsdldefinitions targetNamespace"http//www.ebi
xmlnswsdl"http//schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/"gt - ltwsdlmessage name"runRequest1"gtÂ
- ltwsdlpart name"in0" type"xsdstring" /gt Â
- ltwsdlpart name"in1" type"xsdstring" /gt Â
- lt/wsdlmessagegtÂ
- ltwsdlmessage name"runResponse1" /gt
- ltwsdlportType name"AnalysisWSAppLabImpl"gt
- ltwsdloperation name"run" parameterOrder"in0
in1"gt - ltwsdlinput message"implrunRequest1"
name"runRequest1" /gt  - ltwsdloutput message"implrunResponse1"
name"runResponse1" /gt  - ltwsdlfault message"implSoaplabException"
name"SoaplabException"/gt - lt/wsdloperationgtÂ
- lt/wsdlportTypegtÂ
- lt/wsdldefinitionsgt
Inputs Details
No information about the meaning of these strings!
17WSDL Limitations
- Syntactic type string is meant to denote a
nucleotide sequence data (multiple formats
supported). - WSDL does not allow to distinguish the type
required at the transport layer from the meaning
of the data. - In conclusion, WSDL is limited to XSD types and
does not distinguish syntactic and semantic types.
18Other Approaches
- BioMoby provides some semantic description for
atomic services - DAML-S supports semantic descriptions of
services, but attachment mechanism is convoluted
since it involves DAML-S profile, grounding and
process. - No direct integration with UDDI standard.
- Motivation
- Existing technologies and limitations
- Metadata attachment
- The Southampton Service Directory
- Conclusion
20Metadata Attachment
- The capability to attach an arbitrary piece of
information as a metadata to an entity of a
service description. - Metadata can be structured or not.
- Metadata can be used in queries.
- Should contain provenance information (date,
21Attaching Ratings to Services
22Registering myGrid services
myGrid services are characterised by the
following profile
- performs_task e.g. retrieving
- uses_resource e.g. SWISS PROT protein database
- is_function_of e.g. software tool used, e.g.
BLAST - uses_method e.g. algorithm used
23(No Transcript)
24Attaching metadata to arguments
25- ltwsdldefinitions targetNamespace"http//www.ebi
.ac.uk/alignmentblastn_ncbiderived" gt - ltwsdlmessage name"runRequest1"gtÂ
- ltwsdlpart name"in0" type"xsdstring" /gt Â
- ltwsdlpart name"in1" type"xsdstring" /gt Â
- lt/wsdlmessagegtÂ
26Argument semantic type
rdf_3 a ltwsdlMessagegt
ltwsdlhasQNamegt a ltwsdlQNamegt
ltwsdlhasNameSpacegt "http//www.ebi.ac.uk/align
ltwsdlhasLocalNamegt "runRequest1"
ltwsdlhasMessagePartgt rdf_1
a ltwsdlMessagePartgt
ltwsdlhasNamegt "in0"
ltwsdlhasTypeNamegt a
ltwsdlhasNameSpacegt "http//schemas.xmls
ltwsdlhasLocalNamegt "string"
ltuddihasMetadatagt a
ltuddihasDategt "Fri Aug 22 111229
BST 2003" rdfvalue
ltuddihasAuthorgt "Luc Moreau"
- Motivation
- Existing technologies and limitations
- Metadata attachment
- The Southampton Service Directory
- Conclusion
28Class diagram
29Publishing Metadata
// Business service. MetadataInfo
addMetadataToBusinessService (String serviceKey,
Metadata metadata) // Business entity.
MetadataInfo addMetadataToBusinessEntity (String
businessKey, Metadata metadata) // Message part
MetadataInfo addMetadataToMessagePart (String
messageNamespace, String messageName, String
partName, Metadata metadata)
30Extending UDDI api
ServiceList findService (String
businessKey, Vector names, CategoryBag
categoryBag, TModelBag tModelBag, FindQuali
fiers findQualifiers, MetadataInfoBag
metadataInfoBag, int maxRows)
31Southampton Service Directory
- Information stored in triple store, uniform
queries through RDQL interface - Full compatibility with UDDI v2, WSDL
- Attachment of metadata
- Simple DAML-S matchmaker and BioMoby-like
convenience API.
- Motivation
- Existing technologies and limitations
- Metadata Attachment
- The Southampton Service Directory
- Conclusion
- Service is hosted as a Web Service, to be
migrated to an OGSA service - Integrated with Manchesters semantic reasoning
engine - How to support other APIs (Grid MDS or OGSA
compatibility) - Next our focus will be on management policies
- Simon Miles, Juri Papay, Keith Decker, Terry
Payne, Michael Luck, David DeRoure,S John
Dickman, Claudia di Napoli, Richard Lawley,
Ananth Krishna, Victor Tan - Carole Goble, Philip Lord, Chris Wroe, Robert
Stevens - The myGrid consortium
- myGrid industrial collaborators