Title: Risk Managers and Internal Auditors A COLLABORATIVE PROCESS
1Risk ManagersandInternal AuditorsA
- Presented by Alan J Wilson, Risk Manager
- Edith Cowan University
- Perth
- May 2000
2Theres always been a bit of a turf war among
the different risk managers. With enterprise
risk models and the advent of the chief risk
officer, the battle has heated up.
(Kloman, 1999).
3Further, traditional risk managers. have
failed to develop skills that would allow them to
contribute to the broader idea of integrated risk
management approaches in their organisations..
(Kloman, 1999)
4Risk Managers are first and foremost facilitators
- They act as facilitators of the risk management
process within the organisation.
5- They pull together a range of functions, experts,
people with a range of responsibility, eg. legal,
finance, OSH, environment, architects, engineers,
marketing, planners and so on to assist in the
management of risk including a range of treatment
options. - They are integral to the Corporate Governance
6- They are fabulous -
- Communicators
- Facilitators
- Analysts
- Thinkers
- Negotiators
- ..and so on
7- But do they need also to understand credit risk,
foreign exchange and various hedging schemes,
securetisation etc?
8What is Internal Auditing?
- Internal auditing is an independent, objective
assurance and consulting activity designed to add
value and improve an organisations operations. - It helps an organisation accomplish its
objectives by bringing a systematic, disciplined
approach to evaluate and improve the
effectiveness of risk management, control, and
governance processes.
9.Not only is the auditor the right arm of
management in ensuring that policies and
procedures are carried out effectively and that
risks are kept to a minimum, but auditors are
actively involved with governance.. (Institu
te of Internal Auditors)
10- ..internal audit departments may be the most
at-risk group in many organisations if it fails
to be relevant to organisation needs.. - ..few internal audit departments contribute to
risk management. - (The Internal Auditor, April 2000)
11- Risk Managers
- and
- Internal Auditors
- Can Work Together
- to Add Value to
- the Process of Risk Management
- by...
12- Ensuring risk-based auditing through
collaboration and use of the risk managers Risk
Register. - Benefit
- Avoids duplication of effort.
- Utilises risk managers RMIS and analysis of level
of risk. - Ensures internal audit focuses on the
organisations risk priorities. - Risk register captures risks from throughout the
13- Regular interaction between risk manager and
internal audit. - Benefit
- Ensure audit team is appraised of any changes to
risk profile. - Receive audit reports on a timely basis to update
risk treatment plans and action.
14- Ensuring risk management input into Audit Plan
- Benefit
- Again avoids duplication of efforts.
- Ensures audit plan focuses on high priority
risks. - Obtains background information from risk manager
and rationale for level of risk.
15Further BenefitsRisk ManagementandInternal
AuditReport to one committee ofCouncil/Senate
16- Risk Management and Audit Committee
- Benefit
- Improves corporate governance throughout the
University. - Avoids necessity for further committee and
duplication of effort and resources.
17- Expansion of skills base and knowledge
- Benefit
- Removal of another silo.
- Improves horizontal communication and information
throughout the organisation.
- Internal Audit Must Maintain Total Independence
19- As a result must remain separate from risk
management which is a facilitation, advisory,
operational (amongst others) role. - Rationale
- Audit must have an independent monitoring role
that is integral to corporate governance.
- Significant advantages from collaboration with
Internal Audit towards the achievement of a
valued risk management program and lowering of
the cost of risk.