Title: Subaqueous Soil Science in the Indian River Lagoon
1Subaqueous Soil Science in the Indian River Lagoon
- A focus on Halophila johnsonii habitats
L. Rex Ellis UF Mary. E. Collins UF Garett
Lipps - FDOT
2Halophila johnsonii
- Halophila johnsonii (Hj) is Johnsons Seagrass
- Habitat range is in the IRL, south of Sebastian
inlet - Not known to reproduce sexually
- Spreads by vegetative growth or by fragments
- Dispersal is limited, thus it is listed as
3Halophila johnsonii
- Can grow in any water depth that other seagrasses
grow, but is usually confined to the shallow and
deep extremes - Also found in disturbed areas
4Halophila johnsonii
- Question What are the characteristics of shallow
habitats supporting Hj? - This is an important question if we desire to
create Hj habitat. - Additionally, we can use this information to
forecast where Hj will occur in newly constructed
5A constructed segrass habitat SL 15
- Seagrass and mangrove damages resulting from the
Jensen Beach Causeway expansion resulted in a
need for mitigation. - Remove a spoil island to create new mangrove and
seagrass habitat.
6Jensen Beach Causeway
Jensen Beach Causway
7Jensen Beach Causeway
8Mangrove Impacts and Mitigation
- Impacts 1.36 acres of mangroves directly
impacted by construction - Mitigation Paid into the C-18 Canal Mitigation
Fund - Fund for future restoration of mangroves along
the C-18 Canal in northern Palm Beach County
9Seagrass Impacts
10Seagrass Mitigation
- Offsite Mitigation SL-15 Spoil Island
- Ratio of 21 for in-kind mitigation
- Ratio of 31 for out-of-kind mitigation
- Creation of Habitat
- 3.28 ac seagrass
- 4.74 ac mangrove saltmarsh cordgrass
- Restoration of 2.38 ac of upland habitat
11SFWMD Permit Requirements
- Annual seagrass surveys
- Post-construction survey
- Mitigation for mangrove and seagrass impacts
12SL 15 Concept
- Spoil islands were created in the 1950s by
dredging the IRL channel and placing dredge-spoil
material onto existing seagrass flats. - These islands have been in place for 50 yrs.
- Remove spoil islands to restore/create seagrass
and mangrove habitat.
13SL 15
14SL-15 Pre-Mitigation Habitats
15SL15 Restoration Plan
4 ft NGVD
1 ft NGVD
-1.5 ft NGVD
16Barge Transport of Fill
- Project Permit was then modified to allow spoil
to be piled and dried at the mitigation site. - Spoil was then transported by conveyor belt into
barges, which then carried the fill to a mainland
site adjacent to the original drying lagoon.
17SL 15 Progression
18Semi-permanent monitoring quads
19Seagrass Area
- What are the spatial patterns of seagrass natural
recruitment? - Do other benthic vegetation show similar
patterns? - Which grasses colonize first?
20Vegetative Succession
21Vegetative Succession
22Vegetative Succession
23Drift Algae
24Drift Algae
25Drift Algae
75 Cover
26Drift Algae Density (2006)
Percent Cover
27Drift Algae Density (2006)
Percent Cover
28Drift Algae Density (2006)
Percent Cover
Percent Cover
Green areas are patches of seagrass delineated in
the field
29Seagrass Density (2006)
Shoots / m2
30Seagrass Density (2006)
Shoots / m2
31Seagrass Density (2006)
Shoots / m2
Green areas are patches of seagrass delineated in
the field
32Seagrass Density (2006)
33Soil Elevation
34Soil Elevation
35Incoming Tide
Velocity (cm/s)
36Outgoing Tide
Velocity (cm/s)
37Flow in
Flow out
Drift algae could be carrying in Hj. Shoot
patterns of other grasses reflect similar drift
patterns. What is the grass source prevailing
easterlies or proximity to western disturbance?
38SL 15 Conclusions Seagrass
- It appears as if currents bring algae and grass
into the seagrass area. - These are trapped on the western shore.
- Need to understand whether this happens because
of predominant winds and currents or because of
the large seagrass bed to the east.
39Mangrove Area
40Mangrove Area
- Transect monitoring has show low survivorship in
some areas. - What are the spatial patterns to survivorship?
- What can we infer from these patterns?
41Mangrove Density (2007)
Mangroves / m2
42Mangrove Density (2007)
Mangroves / m2
43Mangrove Survivorship (2007)
25 - 50
50 - 75
75 - 100
100 - 125
44Mangrove Survivorship (2007)
Above 80
Below 80
45SL 15 Conclusions Mangroves
- Survivorship is highest along the berm edge.
- Could be trapping new recruits.
- Could be less flooded.
- Need to compare to recruitment in spartina areas.
- Need to test by creating berms in middle of
mangrove area.
46External Factors
- Has the grass outside SL 15 declined?
- What have been the water quality trends since
2005? - Casual observations suggest more algae and
epiphytes this year.
47Site Locations
Ft. Pierce Inlet
Locate sites where clear High and Low edges of Hj
habitat can be observed. Avoid disturbed
sites. Sites at distance from inlets do no seem
to exist.
St. Lucie Inlet
Jupiter Inlet
48A Typical Transect
High Tide
Thalassia testudinum
Halophila johnsonii
Halodule wrigtii
No seagrass
Halophila johnsonii
Low Tide
49A Typical Transect
Hj Low
Hj High
High Tide
Hj High Elevation
Hj Low Elevation
Low Tide
50Elevations of Hj Habitat
51Elevations of Hj Habitat
52Elevations of Hj Habitat
53Soil Characterization
These are extremely sandy soils with very little
organic matter. The sand is in the fine and very
fine fractions and is dominantly siliceous.
54Soil Temperature
55Soil Temperature
Cool flat
Hot flat
Edge of Hj
Hot flat
Hot flat
Hot flat
Hj patch in mangrove shade
56Soil Temperature
- Mangroves are typically thought to shade out
seagrasses. - Hear it appears that Hj prefers the shade.
- Could the flat be too hot for Hj?
- Could the mangroves provide temperature relief?
- At what depth should soil temperature be measured?
57Soil Temperature
Water Surface
Soil Surface
58Soil Temperature
Temperatures may converge around 15cm depth
59Soil Temperature
- For comparative studies, perhaps measure T at
shallow (e.g. 1-3cm) and at deep (e.g. 15-20cm)
points in the soil. - Also need to analyze the effect on tide and air
temperature. - Do this throughout the day and throughout the
- Hj and other seagrasses will colonize a
mitigation site within one season. - Colonization probably affected by ability of
seeds and fragments to enter and settle. - Vegetative growth does not appear viable in the
short term. - Hj target elevations a function of distance from
- Cannot directly compare to existing Hj elevations
unless many proximate observations are made and
analyzed. - If far from an inlet, do not expect Hj to
persist. - Soil types should be fine sands w/ low OM.
- Must determine T controls on Hj, so designs can
avoid high temp flats.
62Thank You
Kelly Fischler UF Graduate Student Todd Osborne
UF Research Scientist FDOT Research Funding
and Logistical Support ESciences Seagrass patch
mapping w/ FDOT