Title: Folie 1
1Design of Combinatorial Auctions for Allocation
and Procurement Processes Michael
Schwind JWG-University Frankfurt CEC-2005 21.7.
2005 Technical University of Munich
2- Basics of the Combinatorial Auction
- Design of an Auction Framework
- Economic Validation of Auction Design
- Summary and Outlook
- Literature
3Combinatorial Auction Basics
- Bidders Valuations for Bundles of Goods
- Substitutionalities ? Subadditivity
- Complementarities ? Superadditivity
- Winner Determination Problem (WDP)
- Allocation Auction ? Weighted Set Packing Problem
- Procurement Auction ? Weighted Set Covering
Problem - Procurement Auction
- s.t.c.
4Combinatorial Auction Variants
- Multidimensional Auction
- Exchange of complex preference information
- Various dimensions e.g. quality, delivery time
- Multi-attributive Auction
- Impact of attributes on W2P is determined by
valuation functions - Multi-item Auction
- Single items of different goods are bundled in
bids - Multi-unit Auction
- Multiple items of a good type are bundled in bids
5Combinatorial Auction Advantages / Problems
- Advantages
- Higher efficiency in final allocation
- Lower transaction costs
- Higher transparency
- Problems
- NP-hardness of WDP
- Exact solutions Integer programming,
branch-and-bound - Heuristics Simulated annealing, genetic
algorithms - Pricing Problem
- Linear prices / Non-linear prices (anonymous /
personalized) - Preference Elicitation Problem
- 2j-1 combinations of bids in worst case
- Incentive Compatibility / Stability of Mechanism
- Vickrey-Clarke-Groves (n1 NP-hard)
6Combinatorial Auction Process Design
- Modeling of the pre and post auction phase
- Organization of the auction preparation and post
processing phase - E.g. publication of auction rules, transaction
management - Design of the main auction phase
- Major impact on the auction outcome
- Design of the allocation mechanism
- Modeling of the auction process flow control
- Timing of bidding sequence, closing, clearing
time -
- Legal, security and system stability issues
- Transaction management protocol, etc.
7- Basics of the Combinatorial Auction
- Design of an Auction Framework
- Economic Validation of Auction Design
- Summary and Outlook
- Literature
8Combinatorial Auction Decision Support
- Fundamental Decisions
- Price feedback
- One-shot sealed-bid VCG usable, only acceptance
- Iterative price feedback, anonymous pricing,
usage of sealed bid proxy agents, clock auction
- Bid formation
- Bid valuation multi-attributive, manual /
automated bid construction (logistics),
preference elicitation by questions, bid
withdrawal (leveled-commitment) allowed in
connection with proxy agents
9Combinatorial Auction Decision Support
- Fundamental Decisions
- Bid formation (contd.)
- Bidding language constraints Logic (AND / OR,
XOR, OR-of XOR), expressiveness vs. simplicity - Winner determination
- Integer programming small problem size, exact,
slow, VCG - GA / SA / Greedy
- big problem size, approximate, fast
- computational speed vs. economic efficiency
- Winner determination constraints quantity /
turnover share, no. provider
10- Basics of the Combinatorial Auction
- Design of an Auction Framework
- Economic Validation of Auction Design
- Summary and Outlook
- Literature
11Combinatorial Auction Economic Validation
- Analysis and Prototype Design
- Properties of procurement / allocation process
- Experimental Game Theory
- Field implementation of prototype
- Small scale experimental field evaluation
- Iterative redesign
- Automated Mechanism Design
- Simulation implementation
- Evaluation using benchmark
- Iterative parameter optimization
- Evaluation
- Mechanism evaluation using benchmark
- Meta language description
- Auction description using XML-based CAMeL
12- Basics of the Combinatorial Auction
- Design of an Auction Framework
- Economic Validation of Auction Design
- Summary and Outlook
- Literature
13Combinatorial Auction Summary Outlook
- Advantages of the approach
- Enables trade off in practical environments
- Two-step validation of economic properties
- Development of a Combinatorial Auction Meta
Language (CAMeL) - Enables description of auction in all phases of
design process - CAMeL integrates
- Bidding Language description
- Auction constraints and admission rules
- Auction process control
14- Basics of the Combinatorial Auction
- Design of an Auction Framework
- Economic Validation of Auction Design
- Summary and Outlook
- Literature
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