Title: 4th Quarter Time Traveler Assignments
14th Quarter Time Traveler Assignments May 11th
Presentation saved to
W\Completed\Puhr, Patrick\Honors History May
19th Portfolio due to Mr. Puhr
2Students will prepare a presentation that
responds to the question, How and why did my
civilization succeed, fail, and evolve? All
four themes must be addressed. Students will
choose their method of presentation from the
following video documentary exhibit, e.g.
scrapbook, with oral commentary performance,
e.g. role play or citizen monologue PowerPoint
comic books or series of cartoons
3PowerPoint Presentation An introductory slide
and a minimum of 5 slides addressing each of the
4 themes Bullet statements only no paragraphs
or long sentences. You will be expected to
provide background information for each bullet
statement. No more than 2 bullets per
slide. Save your presentation by last name,
first name at W\Completed\Puhr, Patrick\Honors
4Students will submit a completed portfolio that
contains all of the writings, graphics, and
research they produced or conducted throughout
the year. Students will document research and
include a works cited page with five new sources,
for a total of twenty.