Title: 4.9.1 Enhancements to PCI
14.9.1 Enhancements to PCI
- The following slides contain a summary of
- New Enhancements/ Functionality Changes
- By Area Impacted
- At Go-Live slides with enhancements that will
take place at Go-Live and could require some end
user education will be marked with AT GO-LIVE. - GO-LIVE date is 01-26-03
- Downtime starts at 01-25-03 _at_ 2330
- Meditech system will be down for approximately 14
2Areas of Interest
- Identify Patient Menu
- Data Source Menu
- Verb Strip Options
- User Options
- Access Scheduling Module
- Misc. Enhancements
3Identify Patient Menu Enhancements
The Identify Patient menu has some new options
that should prove to be enhancements for your
medical staff and end users.
4Self Assign Locations Expanded
- In addition to its current location, the
ID-Patient verb strip option has been added to
several other Identify Patient options. It will
not only appear on the main green Identify
Patient screen, but will also be available on
the following routines - By PROVIDERs Patients
- By OUTPATIENT Location
5Simplify Self-assignment
The self-assign option has a new message added
that informs the user to press the right arrow
key or the enter key for search options. Now,
pressing the right arrow or enter key at the
Identify Patient prompt without entering
additional characters will display a screen
listing the search routines.
6By Location Defaults to Location
The Identify Patient option of By Location
(Patients in a bed), will automatically bring a
user to the location to which the terminal is
7Printed Patient List by Admission/Discharge Date
The ability to print a list of patients based on
discharge or admission date is now available. A
new verb strip of Print has been added to the
blue Select Patient screen, accessed from the By
Admission Date and By Discharge Date for
Inpatients. The Print functions provide three
options By Name, By Time and By Doctor.
8New Option By Recent Consultation Requests
A new option by Recent Consultation Requests is
can be added to the Identify Patient screen in
PCI. This option will only appear if the user is
defined as a Provider and the user has recent or
future consultation requests.
9New Option By OUTPATIENT Location
A new patient selection routine, Identify Patient
by Outpatient Location, has been added. Users can
identify outpatients by location, rather than by
patient name. As shown on the next slide, option
includes a selection by date. There is also the
Print option on the selected patient screen to
list all outpatients to which the user has access
and the visit date selected.
10By OUTPATIENT Location (cont.)
11New Option by DIS/DEP Patients
Patients will appear under this new option if a
new test result is completed after the patient is
discharged or departed via the discharge or
depart routines. Patients with new results will
remain on Your List until the last results no
longer meet Recent Results purge criteria.
12Note Display Changes
The PCI Patient Care Notes history screen has
been modified to be more compatible with the
Nursing application. A new column, Start of
First Line will display as much of the first
line of text as possible. An Undone note will
display the message, Undone with the date, time
and user.
13Enhanced IO Graphing
The Intake and Output totals and Fluid Balance
from the Intake and Output Summary data source
can now appear in graph format. Graphs can be
printed from the History screen. The printouts
for the calculated values will include a graph
with the best fit timeframe and the values broken
down over the appropriate intervals.
14Access Scheduling Module
A new verb strip option SChedule has been
created on the Identify Patient screen in PCI
which will be available to users entered in the
Scheduling resource dictionary. Using this
option will allow a physician to view their
schedule in the Scheduling module. The next slide
demonstrates what information is available for
the physician to see.
15Access Scheduling Module (cont.)
16User Specific Graph Range
Using the Regraph option, users will now have the
capability to design and create their own graph
ranges in PCI. This will be useful for those who
need the ability to monitor the trends for all
Lab results, including ones that tend to always
be abnormal for certain patients. However, there
are some reported issues with this routine, so
prior to testing, please be sure to check the
Known Issues list for the latest information.
17Print Monograph
A new function, Monograph, is now available on
the Current Medication Summary and Medication
Order History Summary. This new option will
allow the user to highlight a medication on
either screen, and print a Monograph for the
highlighted medication without leaving the PCI
application. NOTE Monographs prefaced by FH
print in Spanish and the monographs prefaced by
FL are the English versions.
At Go-Live, there will several new choices
available to the users when they select Options
from their PCI verb strip. Most of these should
prove to be very useful and will address long
standing issues and requests. It will be
important to review these and become familiar
with them before you promote their widespread use.
19TOC ID Patient Customization
Users now have the ability to customize the
sequence of the data sources that appear on their
Table of Contents menu as well as the sequence of
the Identify Patient options. This will provide
an easy way to address requests for such changes
without having to build new menus. As with other
choices within Options, use of this option is not
intuitive and will require some training to
insure that changes meet the users needs.
20Your List Purge Options
The end users now have control of the length of
time both inpatients and outpatients remain on
their lists. The default for these settings is
set through the Runtime Parameters in PCI. This
allows users to override those defaults.
21New Options for Recent Results
Previously, users could define their individual
Recent Results Criteria. That feature remains
and has been enhanced. Now users can also
determine how these recent results will be
sorted. The new options are to sort by Last
Edit or by Source Date.
22Misc. 1 C Only For Current Consults
Consult designations will only display for the
current inpatient admission. When the patient is
discharged, the C designation will change on
the providers list of patients to a lower case
d (Courtesy Notification) or the next lower
association in the hierarchy of designations.
This will prevent patients from displaying on a
Providers List with a C when the physician is
not a consult for the current admission.
23Misc. 2 DOB Prints on Your List
The printed output of Your Lists will be modified
to add the birth date to the second line of
patient information under the column currently
labeled Age/Sex. The birth date will be
displayed as DOB MM DD YYYY. The ADM comment
field will be removed from the report. The
Discharge Disposition has also been removed from
the report.
24Misc. 3 Legend for and
In the past, there has been confusion over the
plus and minus signs that appear on the PCI
Summary screen. To reduce the potential for
error, a legend has been added to the top of the
screen. Youll see Timeline, with a meaning
results available and a meaning an order has
been placed but has not yet been resulted.