Title: Backtracking Algorithmic Complexity Attacks Against a NIDS
1Backtracking Algorithmic Complexity Attacks
Against a NIDS
- Randy Smith, Cristian Estan, Somesh Jha
- University of WisconsinMadison
2Algorithmic Complexity Attacks
- Vulnerable algorithm algorithm whose worst case
differs from typical case. The larger the
difference, the more vulnerable the algorithm. - Examples
Algorithm Average Worst
Quicksort O(n log n) O(n2)
Hash lookup constant O(n)
3Algorithmic Complexity Attacks
- Algorithmic Complexity Attack an attacker
induces worst-case behavior in a vulnerable
algorithm. - Common observable effect is denial of service.
- Crosby and Wallach induced worst-case behavior
in hash function implementations. - Algorithms are now part of the attack surface
(Crosby and Wallach, 2003)
4Are NIDS vulnerable?
- NIDS and IPS are ubiquitous, but
- Do they contain vulnerable algorithms? Can they
be exploited? - YES! Only need 1 packet every 3 seconds.
5Evading a NIDS
- Attackers Goal Evade NIDS
- Two attack vectors in an evasion attempt
- 1stalg. complexity attack targeting the NIDS
- 2ndtrue attack targeting the network
- Effect of an algorithmic complexity attack
- (NIDS) Packets enter network unexamined
- (fail-closed IPS) Packets are dropped
6Main results
- In Snort, vulnerability in rule-matching
- worst-case vs. typical case 6 orders of
magnitude. - Backtracking Attack
- Easily exploitable through packet payloads
- Improved rule-matching algorithm limits running
time differences to within 1 order of magnitude.
- Snort rule matching
- Inducing backtracking attacks
- Countermeasures
- Measurement results
- Conclusion
8Snort Rule Matching
9Snort Rule Matching
alert tcp EXT_NET any -gt HOME_NET 99
(msgAudioPlayer jukebox exploit
contentfmt //P1
pcre/(mp3ogg)/,relative //P2
contentplayer //P3
pcre/.exe.com/,relative //P4
contentoverflow,relative //P5
Rule matches!
fmtacc playerdefault fmtmp3 rate14kbps
10Matching the packet
alert tcp EXT_NET any -gt HOME_NET 99
(msgAudioPlayer jukebox exploit
contentfmt //P1
pcre/(mp3ogg)/,relative //P2
contentplayer //P3
pcre/.exe.com/,relative //P4
contentoverflow,relative //P5
fmtacc playerdefault fmtmp3 rate14kbps
11Inducing Backtracking attacks
- P1,P2,P3,P4 match in 3 positions each
- P5 never matches
alert tcp EXT_NET any -gt HOME_NET 99
(msgReelAudio jukebox exploit
contentfmt //P1
pcre/(mp3ogg)/,relative //P2
contentplayer //P3
pcre/.exe.com/,relative //P4
contentoverflow,relative //P5
- Leads to excessive packet traversals!
fmtacc playerdefault fmtmp3 rate14kbps
12Matching the malicious packet
13Are real rules vulnerable?
Rule number Processing (s/GB) Slowdown Slowdown
Rule number Processing (s/GB) Same proto All traffic
3682 (SMTP) 30,933,874 232,936X 1,501,644X
2611 (Oracle) 6,220,768 56,296X 301,979X
1382 (IRC) 1,956,858 134,031X 94,993X
2403 (NetBIOS) 357,777 490X 17,368X
1755 (IMAP) 89,181 444X 4,329X
14Safer backtracking
- Memoization maintain a table of subproblem
answers never evaluate a predicate twice at
the same starting payload offset
alert tcp EXT_NET any -gt HOME_NET 99
(msgAudioPlayer jukebox exploit
contentfmt //P1
pcre/(mp3ogg)/,relative //P2
contentplayer //P3
pcre/.exe.com/,relative //P4
contentoverflow,relative //P5
- Identify constrained predicate sequences
- Monotone memoization dont re-evaluate monotone
predicates that have been evaluated at lower
15Reductions in processing cost
- Snort rule matching
- Inducing backtracking attacks
- Protecting against backtracking attacks
- Measurement results
- Conclusion
17Measurement results
Rule number Slowdown factor w.r.t. same protocol Slowdown factor w.r.t. same protocol
Rule number Before w/ Memo
3682 (SMTP) 232,936X 0.95X
2611 (Oracle) 56,296X 1.57X
1382 (IRC) 134,031X 6.00X
2403 (NetBIOS) 490X 0.17X
1755 (IMAP) 444X 0.46X
18Live experiment topology
Background Traffic
AC Attack
True Attack
19Live experiment
- Background Traffic _at_ 10Mbps
- AC Attack
- Targets Snort SMTP rule 3682
- Directed at sendmail server
- True Attack NIMDA
- 300 exploit attempts, sent 1 byte per second.
- New exploit started every second.
20Live experiment results
Attack Description Exploits Detected Required Rate (kbps)
Control (No attack) 300/300 --
2 packets every 60 s. 220/300 0.4
1 packet every 5 s. 4/300 2.4
1 packet every 3 s. 0/300 4.0
20 packets initially 0/300 0.8
1 packet every 3 s. 300/300 --
20 packets initially 300/300 --
- NIDS operation is complex. Many opportunities
for vulnerable algorithms. - In Snort, rule-matching is vulnerable and can be
exploited by an attacker. - Memoization, along with other semantics-preserving
operations, significantly reduces vulnerability. - Other vulnerable algoritms exist.
22Backtracking Algorithmic Complexity Attacks
Against a NIDS