Title: Visceral Leishmaniasis in Araatuba
1Visceral Leishmaniasis in Araçatuba
- Control of Canine Leishmaniasis Reducing
Canine-Vector Interaction
Danielle Bivanco de Lima, Rei Nakagawa, Travy
Saveria, Joanna Tan
- Background
- Current regulations and programs
- Analysis of Situation
- Methods to reduce dog-vector interaction
- Literature Review
- Recommendations
- Integrated Strategy
- Prevention Measures RCT
- Control of dog population
- Summary and further studies
3Background Key Biological Components of Disease
Host Human
Vector L. longipalpis
Parasite L. (infantum) chagasi
- Visceral Leishmaniasis (VL) in the world
- 500,000 cases/yr
- 59,000 deaths/yr
- Brazil reports most cases in Latin America
(3,500/yr) - Socio-economic trends 80 of victims live on
- Drastic increase in cases
- 1980-2003 51,222 cases
- Lethality at 10
- BLCP (Brazilian Leishmaniasis Control Program)
- No change in practices since 1950
- Diagnosis and treatment of human cases
- Immunoscreening and culling of seropositive dogs
- Insecticide spraying against sandflies
- Despite this, Brazil continues to see an increase
in cases/yr
5Spread of Visceral Leishmaniasis (VL) in Araçatuba
1997 sandfly 1998 1st dog case 1999 1st human
- No apparent correlation between sandfly density
and human cases in Araçatuba - High correlation between human and canine cases
- Thus, control of canine leishmaniasis is a
primary concern
7BackgroundCurrent Strategies
- No treatment because of recurrent relapses (up
to 74) concerns about drugs resistance remain
parasitologically positive and infectious to
sandfly vector
- Human population 172,000
- Dog population 32,000
- Current dogs to people ratio 14
- Ideal dogs to people ratio 110
- Average 4-7 of dogs are L chagasi
- 294 () / 9983 sampled (2006)
- Previously controlled rabies successfully
- Last human case in 1999
- Strategies can provide learning points for VL
- Experience shows Araçatuba has capability to
control zoonosis
9Analysis of Situation
- Brazil has spent more money on VL programs than
any other country - However, success has been limited
- Challenges
- No human vaccine
- Efficacy of canine vaccine
- Cultural and behavioral practices
- High dog population (1 dog / 4 persons) and high
turnover rates ( 2 yrs) - Multiple dogs per household
- Many dogs kept outdoors
- Mindset of dependence on government
- Owners unwillingness to spend money on their
pets health - Lack of knowledge
10Methods to Eliminate Dog-Vector Interactions
- Vaccination of dogs
- Deltamethrin-medicated baths
- Insecticide-impregnated dog collars
- Topical application of insecticide (ointments or
repellant sprays)
11Literature Review
- Current gaps in literature
- Currently little research on preventive measures
in Brazil - Most focused on epidemiology and serology
- Most studies on single preventive measures only,
little comparison of measures - e.g. between collars and ointments
- Many studies are laboratory-based rather than
community-based - Extrapolation of lab-based findings to reality
may be limited - Different species of sandflies and parasites were
tested in overseas studies
12Literature Review Vaccination of dogs
- Vaccine is a fucose mannose ligand antigen of
Leishmania donovani
13Literature Review Vaccination of dogs
- Vaccine experimentally used as immunotherapy
- 5 dogs infected with L. donovani and 21 with L
chagasi - 22 months of follow up
- Vaccines group 90 asymptomatic and parasite
free vs control group 37 of deaths due to
illness - Interruption of transmission of the disease
- 11 months of follow up
- Technical Report of Ministry of Health 2005
- Lack of data about the reduction of transmission
of disease - Confounding serologic surveys in finding infected
dogs - Should not be used as a public health control
Borja-Cabrera,GP et al. Vaccine
200422(17-18)2234-43. Nogueira, FS et al.
Vaccine 2005 23 (40) 4805-10. Nota Tecnica do
Ministerio da Saude 2005.
14Literature Review Deltamethrin-medicated baths
- Effective for 104 days reduces sandflies blood
feeding rate (62 control group vs 4 bath group)
- In a community-based trial in China, transmission
was reduced after semestral baths for 2 years (no
- Guangua X Changfa J et al . Endemic Disease
Bulletin 1994932-4. - Guangua X Changfa J et al Chinese Journal of
Parasitology and Parasitic Diseases
15Literature Review Insecticide-impregnated dog
- Scalibor US4 (R6) per month
- Italy clinical trial in 1998 and 1999 in 4 towns
- used deltametrin- impregnated collars
Maroli, M Mizzon V et al. Med Vet Entomol
16Literature Review Insecticide-impregnated dog
- Iran clinical trial with 18 villages paired for
1 year - All dogs in intervention villages were provided
collars with deltamethrin - Rate of seroconversion in children was 1.49 in
intervention group (17/1141 children) and 2.41
in control (26/1078) RR 0.57 (95 CI 0.36-0.90) - Rate of seroconversion in dogs RR 0.46 95 CI
0.30-0.70 - Andradina, Brazil Intervention study
- 2 years follow up
- Reduced incidence of disease in humans and
prevalence in dogs - Human incidence 2001 23.3 vs 2004 3.6
- Dogs prevalence 2002 10.8 vs 2004 4.8
Gavgani, AS et al. Lancet 2002 Camargo-Neves, VLF
et al BEPA 2004
17Literature Review Topical application of
insecticide (ointments or repellant sprays)
- Advantix US26 - 40 (R44 - 68) / mo
- Several small studies showing some effective
repellant and insecticide effects - Effective for 21-30 days
- Effect of permethrin with imidacloprid repellent
effect varies 97.7 - 74 (1-29 days) and
insecticidal effect varies 53.2 - 2.9 (1-29
days) - Miro et al (2007)
- Spraying permethrin with pyriproxyfen
significant protection (p
21-28 days for adult dogs and 15 days for puppies - Mercier et al (2003)
18Literature Review
- Comparison of insecticide-impregnated dog collars
and insecticide lotions - Parana-Brazil clinical trial with 17 dogs and L.
intermedia and L. whitmani
Deltamethrin collars were more effective than
permethrin and fenthion
Reithinger, R Teodoro, U et al. Emerging
Infectious Diseases 2001 7(5)872-7.
- Current initiatives are fragmented and
uncoordinated - Holistic approach required
- Active collaboration of agencies necessary for
success - SUCEN, Municipals, Ministério da Saúde, CCZ,
Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock Food Supply,
Animal Protection Society - SUCEN could spearhead strategy
- An integrated, multi-prong strategy is proposed
20Framework of Integrated Strategy
Regulations licensing Inspection and policing
Control dog population through incentives for
Preventive measures Collars vs Ointments?
Public education, active community participation
21Prevention Measures RCT
- Objective
- Pilot study to evaluate effectiveness and
practicality of collars vs topical insecticide in
reducing dog vector transmission - Rationale
- Insecticide-impregnated collars and topical
insecticide ointment seem most feasible and
acceptable - None of the prior studies considered cost
22Prevention Measures RCT
- Time period
- 2 yrs
- account for seasonal changes and lag in
effectiveness - Start in June/July
- account for lead time required for ointment to be
effective - Outcomes
- of seropositive dogs
- of infected humans
in the test neighborhoods and surrounding
23Prevention Measures RCT
- Methodology
- No change to existing policies and practices
- 6 neighborhoods randomized to collar, topical
or control groups (2 neighborhoods for each
group) - Choice of neighborhoods
- Neighborhoods matched for disease incidence,
socio-economic status and size of dog/human
populations within each group - High prevalence of seropositive dogs
- All groups educated about environmental control
- Intervention groups
- Dog owners provided collars or ointments
periodically - Calendars provided as memory aide for new
applications - Education on use of products
24Prevention Measures RCT
- Evaluation
- Serology exam of dogs every 6 months
- Compliance
- Results analyzed as intention-to-treat
- Collect used/left over supply of ointment
- Qualitative interview on satisfaction and
challenges faced - Monitor and compare human cases
- Close analysis of nearest neighborhoods
- Other Considerations
- Confounding factors (income, weather, surrounding
neighborhoods) - Funding
- Ethical / Authority approval
- Human resources
25Prevention Measures RCT
- Cost-Effective Analysis will be conducted to
compare the 2 modes of prevention - Policy recommendation will be made based on
cost-effective analysis
26Control of Dog Population
- ? dog culling
- Rationale
- Human disease incidence strongly correlated with
dog population - Large number of dogs increases size of reservoir
- Many households own multiple dogs
- decreases owners budget and ability to care for
each dog (e.g. time, collars, vaccines, etc)
27Control of Dog Population
- Change incentive structure of current
sterilization policies - Currently have to pay to sterilize dogs ( 1 mth
rent) - Important to provide incentives for owners to
sterilize dogs through, e.g. free vaccines,
identification collars, etc. - Licensing dogs as possible policy consideration
- Voluntary via incentives or mandatory via
regulations - More dogmatic regulations to limit number of
dogs per household - Any regulation must be supported by inspections
and appropriate penalties to be effective
28Summary and Further Studies
- Integrated strategy necessary to reduce
canine-vector transmission - Issues requiring further studies
- Dogs are the main but not the only reservoir.
There could be other sources, e.g. foxes,
opossums and cats, which could become more
important in the future - ? correlation between human cases and vector
density - ? effectiveness of vaccines on canine infection
- Manual de Vigilancia e Controle da Leishmaniose
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on the clinical outcome of Leishmania infection
in kennelled stray dogs. Vet Prasitology. 2006.
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deltamethrin-medicated bath of domestic dogs for
interrupting visceral leishmaniasis transmission.
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control of the epidemiology of canine and human
visceral Leishmaniasis in Brazil. Am J. Trop.
Med. Hyg. 2001 65(5)510-517. - Reithinger, R. et al. Are insecticide-impregnated
dog collars a feasible alternative to dog culling
as a strategy for controlling canine visceral
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treatments to protect dogs from sand fly vectors
of leishaniasis. Emerg Infect Dis. 2001
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31Obrigada - Thank You