Title: Inverse Lighting with a Monte Carlo Method
1Inverse Lighting with a Monte Carlo Method
- Patrick Poulingeas, Vincent Jolivet, Dimitri
Plemenos - LMSI
- Equipe Modélisation et Infographie Intelligente
2Usual Lighting Process
designeridea of lighting
Data Scene Geometry Material properties
Specifications given by the designer Light
source(s) position(s) Light source(s) physical
If the scene doesnt agree the designer
3Inverse Lighting Process
Data Scene Geometry Material properties
designeridea of lighting
- Inverse Lighting Method computing
- Possible light source(s) position(s)
- Possible light source(s) properties
4Finding the Light Source Positions
Potential light source positions found by a
Monte Carlo method
Patches to light
5Finding the Light Source Positions
- Reducing the number of potential light
sources with - A heuristic using form factors computed in
radiosity - Constraining the lights to be at the ceiling
6Example of solution found
The patches to be lit are painted in purple in
the right picture
7Another example of solution found
The patches to be lit are painted in purple in
the right picture