Title: JET Algorithm
1JET Algorithm
- FIO scan in crate environment
- JET Algorithm
- Hardware tests (on JEM 0.2)
- Results and problems
- Ongoing work on jet code
- Other work in Stockholm
- Summary
3FIO scan in crate environment (one of two JEMs)
4Delay scan for individual FPGAs
5Delay scan for two JEMs (same deskew clock
6It is important to equalize timing between JEMs
7Hardware tests of Jet algorithm
- Originally only jet multiplicities recorded
insufficient for diagnostics. New firmware was
needed. - All inputs and outputs needed to be recorded.
- Same spy memory and software as for FIO scan.
8JET Algorithm Results
- All input data is received properly (?).
- Synthesis tool reports maximum delay of 11.2 ns
and 26.4 ns, for 80 and 40 MHz clocks,
respectively. - This is the maximum achievable result for current
VHDL code. - Results from hardware tests show random errors!
9Most likely cause of the problem
- Only adders still use 5-bit serial arithmetics
- Virtex architecture more suited to parallel
arithmetic with fast-carry chains. - Adders are the slowest component of the
algorithm. - The errors are intermittent, suggesting timing
problems - Sums occasionally wrong.
- Sometimes cause incorrect threshold passes
- More often give wrong ROI positions for random
data - The timing problem of the adders can not be
resolved without a major rewriting. - JET algorithm is being rewritten from scratch.
10New design for the Jet code
- It will be flexible. Generic variables will
decide the configuration. - Try to minimize size and latency.
- The code has to be short, so that one can modify
it easily. - Use only parallel arithmetics, and take full
advantage of the fast carry architecture
available in Virtex FPGAs. - Let the synthesis tool do the hard work.
- All the parts have to be tested VERY carefully so
we really get what we expect. - It needs to work
11Making it flexible means
12What could be done better ?
- Putting all summations and the local maximum
finder in the first clock cycle allows us to
remove the pipelines.
13What could be done better ?
- It is important to remember that multiplexers
(21), adders and comparators have equal sizes,
since they use the same logic resources.
14What could be done better ?
15Generating the adder trees for the Jet algorithm
(new version)
16Generating the adder trees for the Jet algorithm
(new version)
17Other work in Stockholm
- Work on the CMM code for Jet merging (Sam
Silverstein). - Based on the CP merger design simple
modifications to accomodate 16 JEMs - Simple version no special FCAL treatment
- Have completed crate merger FPGA source for both
crate and system mergers - Next steps
- Compile and simulate crate merger designs
- System merging FPGA (not much to do)
- FIO scan look promising.
- Jet code didnt work, is being rewritten from
scratch. - The new Jet code seems promising.
- Work on the CMM goes well.