Title: Data to Serve 21st Century Agriculture: Expanding ARMS
1ARMS Conference Participant Survey
Data to Serve 21st Century Agriculture
Expanding ARMS St. Louis, Mo.Dec. 4-5
2Did you know about ARMS before being invited to
this workshop?
- 38 Total Responses
- Yes - 31 Responses, 82 Percent
- No - 7 Responses, 18
3What current ARMS information/products do you
find most useful?
- Costs and Returns Estimates
- Costs of Production
- Chemical Use
- Farm Typology/Structure
- Household/Wealth Data
Although a few respondents indicated that ARMS
data was not useful to them, most respondents
indicated several useful ARMS data products.
One response noted, I probably make use of all
the ARMS data in one form or another.
4List ways you think ARMS data can help you do
your job.
- Make Comparisons by State, Community or Farm
Level - Target Education Programs
- Farm Finance and Management Research/Extension
- Analyze Effects of Farm Programs/Policy Changes
- Provide More Detailed State-level Data
- Legislative or Financial Institution Decision
Making - Issues Which Are Not Currently Addressed by ERS
One response noted, It would be helpful to have
direct access to survey information and to be
able to create special runs.
5What other data on agriculture and the food
system do you use in your work?
- Census of Agriculture
- NASS/ERS Products
- Farm Business Association
- Environmental Working Group
- Remote Sensing Products
- University Developed Products
6List what you learned about U.S. Agriculture
- Reinforced the Variety (Even Within States) of
Agriculture - Difficult to Develop Public Policy for States
from Generalized National Data. - Federal Reserve Banks use of ARMS Data.
- Federal Agencies are Looking to Work Together
with Users. - How the ARMS Data is Collected.