Title: Multiscale Computer Simulations and Predictive Modeling of RPV Embrittlement
1Multiscale Computer Simulations and Predictive
Modeling of RPV Embrittlement
MATGEN-IV Cargese, Corsica September 29, 2007
- Naoki Soneda
- Central Research Institute of Electric Power
Industry (CRIEPI), Japan
2Multiscale Modeling of RPV Embrittlement
MATGEN-IV Cargese, Corsica September 29, 2007
- Naoki Soneda
- Central Research Institute of Electric Power
Industry (CRIEPI), Japan
3Irradiation Embrittlement of LWR RPV Steels
The accurate prediction of the transition
temperature shift is very important in ensuring
the structural integrity of reactor pressure
Goal Development of an accurate embrittlement
correlation method to predict the transition
temperature shifts
4Current Embrittlement Correlation Equation
Prediction of Transition Temperature Shift
- Regulatory Guide 1.99 Rev.2
- JEAC4201-1991, Japan
- Statistical analysis was performed to identify
chemical elements (Cu, Ni, Si and P) to be used
in the equations. - Both the surveillance data of commercial reactors
and test reactor irradiation data were used. - The equations were developed based on the
knowledge in the 80s.
Base Metal
Weld Metal
5Activities in the 90s and 00s
- New information and new findings
- Surveillance data at higher fluences became
available. - New understandings on the embrittlement
mechanisms have been obtained by state-of-the-art
experiments and simulations. - New projects have started in the US
- Development of mechanism guided correlation
- US NRC, NUREG/CR-6551 (1998) revised version
(2000) - ASTM, ASTM Standard E 90002 (2002)
- US NRC, Regulatory Guide 1.99 Rev.3 (2007?)
- Plant Life Management for 60-years operation is
necessary - 2 plants will be 40 years old in 2010, and more
than 10 plants are now older than 30 years in
Japan - Accurate prediction of embrittlement is very
important for safe and economical operation of
the plants
6Surveillance Data
- In the commercial light water reactors, some
surveillance capsules containing surveillance
specimens are installed at the vessel inner wall
to irradiate the same RPV material at a very
similar irradiation condition to the vessel. - Surveillance capsules are retrieved according to
the schedule of the surveillance program. The
surveillance specimens irradiated in the capsule
are tested to measure the transition temperature
shift. This data is called surveillance data.
7Activities in the 90s and 00s
- New information and new findings
- Surveillance data at higher fluences became
available. - New understandings on the embrittlement
mechanisms have been obtained by state-of-the-art
experiments and simulations. - New projects have started in the US
- Development of mechanism guided correlation
- US NRC, NUREG/CR-6551 (1998) revised version
(2000) - ASTM, ASTM Standard E 90002 (2002)
- US NRC, Regulatory Guide 1.99 Rev.3 (2007?)
- Plant Life Management for 60-years operation is
necessary - 2 plants will be 40 years old in 2010, and more
than 10 plants are now older than 30 years in
Japan - Accurate prediction of embrittlement is very
important for safe and economic operation of the
8Analysis of the Recent Surveillance Data
Current prediction Surveillance data
High Cu material
High Cu material Irradiated at low flux
Transition Temperature Shift
Low Cu material
Low Cu material Irradiated to high fluences
6x1019n/cm2 (40years, PWR)
1x1020n/cm2 (60years, PWR)
lt3x1018n/cm2 (60years, BWR)
Neutron Fluence (n/cm2, Egt1MeV)
9Embrittlement Mechanism General Consensus
- Formation of Cu-enriched clusters (CEC)
- in high Cu materials
- CEC is associated with Ni, Mn and Si
- 23 nm in diameter
- obstacle to dislocation motion
- dose rate effect exists
- Formation of matrix damage (MD)
- point defect clusters such as dislocation loops
or vacancy clusters, or point defect solute
atom complexes. - main contributor to the embrittlement in low Cu
materials - Phosphorus segregation on grain boundary
- P segregation weakens grain boundaries.
- not very important for relatively low P materials
10ASTM E 900-02
Is an exponential function appropriate?
Dose it saturate at high fluences?
Is there any other effect such as dose rate and
other elements?
11Issues to be studied
- Do CEC and MD cause embrittlement?
- What is the nature of MD?
- What is the nature of CEC?
- Are CEC and MD formed independently?
- Does the contribution of CEC saturate?
- What is the effect of temperature?
- What is the effect of dose rate?
- Mechanical property tests of neutron irradiated
RPV steels - Nano-structural characterization
- Multi-scale computer simulation
13Nano-structural Characterization
Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM)
LEAP (Local Electrode Atom Probe)
Positron Annihilation (Coincidence Doppler
Cu-enriched clusters formed by neutron irradiation
3-Dimensional Atom Probe
14Multi-scale Computer Simulation
Molecular Dynamics Dislplacement cascade
Molecular Dynamics
10-11sec 10-8m
Kinetic Monte Carlo Microstructural evolution
during irradiation
109sec 10-7m
Dislocation Dynamics Dislocation behavior during
Dislocation loop
Radiation damage
Interaction between dislocation and damage
100sec 10-4m
Point defect production
Dislocation Dynamics Prediction of mechanical
Molecular Dynamics
Stress (MPa)
Cu atoms
Detailed analysis of microstructure
Strain ()
15Issues to be studied
- Do CEC and MD cause embrittlement?
- What is the nature of MD?
- What is the nature of CEC?
- Are CEC and MD formed independently?
- Does the contribution of CEC saturate?
- What is the effect of temperature?
- What is the effect of dose rate?
16Damage accumulation in bcc-Fe Kinetic Monte
Carlo (KMC) simulation
KMC tracks all the events.
Input Data
- Database of displacement cascades for a wide
range of PKA energies - Diffusion kinetics such as diffusivities and
diffusion modes (1D, 3D) of point defects and
clusters - Thermal stabilities (binding energies) of point
defect clusters
Most of the data can be obtained from molecular
dynamics simulations.
17Primary Knock-on Atom (PKA) Energy Spectrum
- Displacement cascade simulation results are
necessary for different PKA energies to simulate
the PKA energy spectrum. - Molecular dynamics simulations have done for the
PKA energies of 100eV, 200eV, 500eV, 1keV, 2keV,
5keV, 10keV, 20keV and 50keV.
L.R. Greenwood, JNM 216 (1994) 29.
18Displacement Cascade Simulation
- Molecular Dynamics
- Inter-atomic potential
- Ackland Potential
- ZBL pair potential is used for the short distance
interaction - Constant volume at a temperature of 600K
- Thermal bath at the periphery of the computation
box - Periodic boundary condition
- Automatic time step control
- Number of atoms
- 12,000 atoms for 100eV PKA cascade
- 4,000,000 atoms for 50keV PKA cascade
19MD Simulation of Displacement Cascade
Volume (28.6nm)3 2,000,000 atoms
PKA energy 50keV
Wide variety of defect production is observed in
high energy cascades of 50keV, which is not be
observed in lower energy cascades.
20Small SIA Small Vacancy Cluster
Case 45
Isolated subcascade formation
Black dots vacancies White circles SIAs
21Large SIA Small Vacancy Cluster
Case 09
Overlapped subcascade formation (similar size
Black dots vacancies White circles SIAs
22Large SIA Large Vacancy Cluster (1)
Case 28
Overlapped subcascade formation (large small
Black dots vacancies White circles SIAs
23Large SIA Large Vacancy Cluster (2)
Case 39
70 SIAs
93 SIAs
234 vacancies
One large cascade is formed, and then
Black dots vacancies White circles SIAs
24Large SIA large vacancy cluster (3)
Cascade collapse occurred in a-Fe
Large SIA loop b a0/2 lt111gt
Case 39
Black dots vacancies White circles SIAs
Large vacancy loop b a0 lt100gt
Case 31
lt112gt direction
Periodic boundary condition
- All the events occur on (110) plane.
- PKA is always the channeling particle in 20keV
Black dots vacancies White circles SIAs
26Dispersed defect production
- Similar direction to channeling, but associated
with many interactions - Did not occur in 20keV cascades
Periodic boundary condition
Black dots vacancies White circles SIAs Gray
replaced atoms
Case 42
27Summary of Cascade Database
100eV, 200eV, 500eV, 1keV, 2keV, 5keV, 10keV,
20keV, 50keV
20keV (50runs)
50keV (100runs)
Small clusters
Large SIA V clusters
Large SIA clusters
Dispersed defect formation
- Diffusion simulation of a point defect by MD
- Calculate Do and Em by MD
29Diffusion Kinetics Molecular Dynamics
1D motion of SIA clusters
Migration energy, Em
Rotation frequency
N. Soneda, T. Diaz de la Rubia, Phil. Mag. A, 81
(2001), 331.
30MD Simulation of SIA Cluster (I3)
1.6ns _at_ 500K
1.6ns _at_ 1000K
1D motion rotation
1D motion
(lattice unit)
31Diffusivities of SIA Clusters I1 I20
Diffusivity (cm2/s)
Diffusivity (cm2/s)
1/T (K-1)
1/T (K-1)
- 1D motion is a common feature for the SIA cluster
migration - Migration energies of large SIA clusters are as
low as 0.06eV, which means that SIA clusters are
highly mobile.
32Migration Energies of SIA Clusters
33Rotation Frequency of Small Clusters
Activation energy of rotation for the I3 cluster
is high.
34Binding Energies of Point Defect Clusters
N. Soneda, T. Diaz de la Rubia, Phil. Mag. A, 78
(1998), 995.
35Algorithm of KMC Simulation
Diffusion Em Dissociation EbEm Disp.
cascade dose rate
Set all the possible events
Calculate event frequency
Choose one event
R Random()P
Repeat until target dose or time is reached
Update time
t -log(R) / P
Calculate interaction between the neighboring
particles (clustering, annihilation, etc.)
Do event
Bigmac (LLNL)
KineMon (CRIEPI / Univ. Tokyo)
36Accumulation of Point Defect Clusters in Neutron
Irradiated bcc-Fe
37Microstructural evolution at different dose rates
No stable vacancy cluster is formed below
- Stable SIA clusters are always produced, but the
stability of vacancy clusters depends on the dose
rate. - Threshold dose rate exists between 10-6dpa/s and
10-8dpa/s, below which no dose rate effect is
observed in defect cluster formation.
38Experimental observation of SIA loops TEM
B011? 3g (g21-1)
B133? 3g (g-110)
Mean size 2.6 nm Number density 1.8x1022 m-3
Mean size 2.3 nm Number density 1.9x1022 m-3
- Dislocation loops are observed in the RPV
materials irradiated in commercial reactors. - Number densities of the loops are relatively low.
39Dislocation Loop interaction
- Box size 371635nm (1.7million atoms)
- Potential EAM potential (Ackland et.al.)
- Burgers vector Edge dislocation 111
- SIA loop 111
- SIA loop size 2nm
- Applied shear stress 50MPa 650MPa
- Temperature 300K
40Dislocation Loop Edge Dislocation
Interaction Molecular Dynamics Simulation
t 650MPa
t 50MPa
Superjog (II)
t 150MPa
t 250MPa
t 300,350,500MPa
Superjog (I)
Superjog (I)
41Type II Interaction
Dislocation reacts with SIA loop
Dislocation is pinned. No bowing-out of the
dislocation is observed at this applied stress.
Superjog formation
Vacancies are left behind.
42Details of Loop Dislocation Interaction
b1/2-1 1 1
Formation of Bridge Dislocation b 0 0 1
(1/2-1 1 11/21 1 1)
b1/21 -1 1
Trailing Bridge Dislocation b1/2-1 -1 1
b 0 0 1
Leading Bridge Dislocation b1/21 1 1
Pinning occurs at this stage.
43Contribution of vacancy-type defects to
EPRI/CRIEPI Joint Program
Recovery of DS during PIA
Recovery of Hardness during PIA
Low Cu, BWR Irradiation
Low Cu, BWR Irradiation
DS is a measure of total amount of open volume.
- Recoveries of DHv and DS occur at different
temperatures indicating that the vacancy type
defect is not responsible for the DHv.
44Summary of matrix damage
45Issues to be studied
- Do CEC and MD cause embrittlement?
- What is the nature of MD?
- What is the nature of CEC?
- Are CEC and MD formed independently?
- Does the contribution of CEC saturate?
- What is the effect of temperature?
- What is the effect of dose rate?
463D Atom Probe
Optical Microscope
Fast light
Time of flight
Needle tip
Detection position
Slow heavy
3D position
Pulse voltage
47Formation of Cu-enriched Clusters
- High Cu (0.25wt.) RPV steel irradiated in a test
reactor was examined. - Cu-enriched clusters are formed with very high
density, and they are associated with Ni, Mn, Si
and, sometimes, P. - The primary mechanism in high Cu content
materials is the precipitation of Cu atoms beyond
the solubility limit.
- What is the formation process?
- What happens in medium low Cu materials?
Cu Si
48Thermal ageing of Fe-Cu-Ni-Mn-Si alloys
Cu Ni Mn Si C HL 0.3 0.6 1.4 0.2 HM 0.3 1.0 1.4
0.2 HH 0.3 1.8 1.4 0.2 HHC 0.3 1.8 1.4 0.2 0.
Increase in Vickers Hardness (DHv)
aged at 350oC
LEAP measurement
Ageing time (hour)
Distribution of Cu atoms
49 x 65 x 270 nm3 17.5M atoms
- Clusters consist of Cu, Ni, Mn and Si. Amount of
Si is very small.
49Computer simulation of the thermal ageing
Kinetic Lattice Monte Carlo (KLMC) simulation
- Consider all the atoms in the crystal
- Diffusion by vacancy mechanism regular solution
approximation for complex alloys
Energy change by vacancy jump
Jump probability
Migration energy
Activation energy
Pair interaction energy
Total energy of the crystal
Ordering parameter
Vacancy migration energy vacancy binding energy
Choose one of the possible sites
50Determination of KLMC parameters
- Binding energies between a vacancy and a solute
atom in pure iron are obtained from first
principles calculations using the VASP code.
Vacancy Solute Atom Binding Energy (eV)
Vacancy Solute Atom Binding Volume (A3)
51Process of precipitation KLMC result
52Effect of Ni on cluster formation
8760hrs 3.15x107sec
Cu 0.3, Mn 1.4, Si 0.9 (at.)
Nd 6.8x1023 m-3
1.8at. Ni
(d) 7.9x108sec
(b) 3.2x107sec
(a) 1.6x107sec
(c) 7.9x107sec
1.0at. Ni
(a) 1.6x107sec
(b) 3.2x107sec
(c) 7.9x107sec
(d) 7.9x108sec
Ni enhances the nucleation of clusters.
53Comparison between simulations and experiments
0.3Cu, 1.8Ni
Volume fraction (at.)
Ageing time (sec)
- Direct and quantitative comparison of the
microstructural changes with experiments can be
54Calculation Conditions
- Potential Ackland potential
- Edge dislocation ba/2111
- Cu precipitate size 1.55nm
- Box size
- 502456nm(6.0x106 atoms) for small Cu
- 503656nm(8.5x106 atoms) for large Cu
- Applied shear stress 350MPa
- Temperature 300K
Cu precipitate
Edge dislocation
55Hardening due to Cu precipitates Molecular
bow-out distance
Maximum bow-out distance (nm)
4nm Cu ppt 350MPa shear stress
Diameter of Cu ppt (nm)
56Interaction Process (Small Precipitate)
Simple Shear
57Interaction Process (Large Precipitate)
Atom stacking below/on/above the slip plane
changes from bcc to fcc-like structure.
58Dislocation Motion at Break-out
Pure edge
Pure screw
Original slip plane
Motion of screw dislocation
Top view
Super jog formation
59What is the difference between the thermal ageing
and irradiation?
Neutron irradiation
Thermal ageing
Cluster number
Cluster number
- Si content is much larger in the irradiated
material than in the thermally aged materials. - Low Si content in thermally aged materials is
also seen by simulations aged for much longer
Nd 2.24 x 1023 m-3 Vf 4.16 x 10-3 dG 3.07 nm
35 x 41 x 491 nm3 13.7M atoms
Cu P
Ni Ni
Composition (at.)
Cluster ID
Nd 1.21 x 1023 m-3 Vf 2.87 x 10-3 dG 3.40 nm
Cu P Si
33 x 38 x 284 nm3 8.1M atoms
Ni Ni
Composition (at.)
Cluster ID
Nd 5.61 x 1022 m-3 Vf 1.13 x 10-3 dG 3.14 nm
Cu P Si
41 x 49 x 264 nm3 11.2M atoms
Ni Ni
Composition (at.)
Cluster ID
Nd 2.31 x 1022 m-3 Vf 4.51 x 10-4 dG 3.10 nm
Cu P Si
43 x 52 x 194 nm3 9.6M atoms
Ni Ni
Composition (at.)
Cluster ID
64Are the Ni-Si-Mn clusters responsible for
embrittlement (hardening)?
Holding time 30min
Temperature (oC)
As irrad.
- Recovery of hardness occurs at 500?.
- Clusters becomes very diffuse at the same
35x45x300 nm3 10.4M atoms
50x60x158 nm3 10.0M atoms
31x39x238 nm3 6.6M atoms
31x42x299 nm3 8.6M atoms
24x33x272 nm3 5.1M atoms
65Spacial Distribution Function, SDF(r)
Mean concentration of the element of interest as
a function of the distance from an atom of the
Uniform distribution
66Analysis of clustering using SDF
As Irrad.
SDF (atoms/nm3)
SDF (atoms/nm3)
SDF (atoms/nm3)
Distance (nm)
Distance (nm)
Distance (nm)
- Slope becomes very weak at 500oC in good
correspondence with the diffuse clustering. - Ni-Si-Mn clusters cause hardening.
SDF (atoms/nm3)
SDF (atoms/nm3)
Distance (nm)
Distance (nm)
67Answer to What is the nature of CEC?
- CEC is a Cu-Ni-Si-Mn cluster. The Cu content in
the cluster is affected very much by the bulk Cu
content, while Ni, Si and Mn contents are not
affected by their bulk contents and it can be a
Ni-Si-Mn cluster without Cu at very low Cu
material. Thus it will be more appropriate to
call such clusters as Solute-atom Clusters
(SC). - The number density of SC becomes larger when Cu
content is high. - SC causes hardening, and thus embrittlement.
- Further question Why do Ni, Si and Mn form
clusters even though their solubility is very
high in Fe-matrix? (cf Cu form clusters because
of its low solubility.) - One possible answer It is the irradiation
induced segregation of Ni, Si and Mn atoms on
point defect clusters. (heterogeneous nucleation)
Interaction between SC (CEC) and MD
68Issues to be studied
- Do CEC and MD cause embrittlement?
- What is the nature of MD?
- What is the nature of CEC?
- Are CEC and MD formed independently?
- Does the contribution of CEC saturate?
- What is the effect of temperature?
- What is the effect of dose rate?
69Are SC (CEC) and MD formed independently?
- Cu atoms beyond the solubility limit form
precipitates in high Cu materials. - This mechanism is independent of the MD
formation. - Formation of Ni-Si-Mn clusters may be caused by
solute-atom segregation to point-defect clusters - What is the interaction between Cu and point
defect clusters?
70Precipitation of Cu on dislocations in Fe
LEAP analysis of irradiated RPV steel
KLMC results of thermal ageing of Fe-Cu crystal
at 823K using the lattice sites including two
edge dislocations.
Clustering of Cu atoms on dislocations is evident.
71Interaction between Cu atoms and point defect
- Computer simulations show strong binding between
the Cu atoms and point defect clusters of both
vacancy and SIA.
Cu atom
Cu atom
20 SIA 20 Cu
100 Vac 100 Cu
KLMC, with Metropolis algorithm, MD results of
the lowest energy configuration of point defect
Cu atom clusters.
72Cu-vacancy clusters
Cu atom
- Cu atoms and vacancies form stable clusters.
- Central vacancy cluster Cu shell
100 Vac. 10 Cu atoms
100 Vac. 100 Cu atoms
10 Vac. 10 Cu atoms
10 Vac. 100 Cu atoms
73Cu-SIA clusters
Fe atom
Cu atom
Lattice site
A row of four Cu atoms is a stable configuration.
4 SIAs 1 Cu atoms
4 SIAs 8 Cu atoms
4 SIAs 16 Cu atoms
20 SIAs 20 Cu atoms
74Mechanism Cu-SIA cluster formation
Fe atom
Cu atom
Lattice site
Binding energy of the Cu precipitate and the SIA
loop 1.7eV
75Issues to be studied
- Do CEC and MD cause embrittlement?
- What is the nature of MD?
- What is the nature of CEC?
- Are CEC and MD formed independently?
- Does the contribution of CEC saturate?
- What is the effect of temperature?
- What is the effect of dose rate?
76Issues to be studied
- Do CEC and MD cause embrittlement?
- What is the nature of MD?
- What is the nature of CEC?
- Are CEC and MD formed independently?
- Does the contribution of CEC saturate?
- What is the effect of temperature?
- What is the effect of dose rate?
77Temperature effect on MD
Kinetic Monte Carlo Simulation
Experimental correlation
ASTM E 900-02
(T in oF)
Jones Williams
(T 100 350oC)
R.B. Jones, T.J. Williams, Effects of Radiation
on Materials 17th International Symposium, ASTM
STP 1270, American Society for Testing and
Mateirals, 1996, 569.
78Issues to be studied
- Do CEC and MD cause embrittlement?
- What is the nature of MD?
- What is the nature of CEC?
- Are CEC and MD formed independently?
- Does the contribution of CEC saturate?
- What is the effect of temperature?
- What is the effect of dose rate?
79Dose Rate Effect in Low Cu Material
Comparison of French surveillance data and test
reactor irradiation data
Comparison of test reactor data irradiated at
different fluxes
Transition temperature shift (oC)
Increase in yield stress (MPa)
CRIEPI/UCSB Joint Program
Fluence (x1019n/cm2)
P. Petrequin, ASMES1996. Report Number 6 EUR
16455 EN 1996.
Dose rate (n/cm2-s)
No clear dose rate effect is observed in low Cu
80Dose Rate Effect in High Cu Material
Low Dose Region
High Dose Region
High Cu
T.J. Williams, P.R. Burch, C.A. English, and
P.H.N. Ray, 3rd Int. Symp. on Environmental
Degradation of Materials in Nuclear Power Systems
Water Reactors (1988), 121.
Low Cu
G.R. Odette, E.V. Mader, G.E. Lucas, W.J.
Phythian, C.A. English, ASTM STP 1175 (1994),
Dose rate effect is evident in high Cu materials
81Detailed Comparison of Surveillance Data and Test
Reactor Irradiation Data of High Cu Material
0.24 wt.Cu
Dose Rate (n/cm2-s) 1x109 2x1010 7x1011
Very clear dose rate effect is observed in the
material irradiated at very low dose rates.
Nd 4.32 x 1023 m-3 Vf 4.39 x 10-3 dG 2.58 nm
Cu P
41 x 48 x 149 nm3 6.3M atoms
Cu content Bulk 0.18at. Matrix 0.11at.
Ni Ni
Composition (at.)
Cluster ID
Nd 2.94 x 1023 m-3 Vf 1.25 x 10-3 dG 1.96 nm
Cu P
TG1-L1 01865 24.1x28.6x175nm3 2.7M atoms
Guinier diameter (nm)
Ni Ni
Composition (at.)
Cluster ID
Nd 6.37 x 1023 m-3 Vf 2.94 x 10-3 dG 2.01 nm
Cu P
TG1-L2 01849 27.7x32.1x259nm3, 5.1M atoms
Guinier diameter (nm)
Ni Ni
Composition (at.)
Cluster ID
85Estimation of the Number of Vacancy Jumps
- Diffusion of vacancies leads to the diffusion of
solute atoms such as copper. We have two types of
vacancies in the irradiated metals - Irradiation-induced vacancy
- Thermal vacancy
- Effect of dose rate on the number of vacancy
jumps can be a measure of the dose rate effect on
the solute diffusion (and clustering). - In KMC, we can count the number of vacancy jumps.
- The number of thermal vacancy jumps can be
estimated as
86Dose rate effect on the number of vacancy jumps-
KMC study -
At low dose rates, it is likely that the
diffusion due to thermal vacancy may contribute
to solute atom clustering.
87Dose rate effect at high dose region
Obstacle strength of SIA loops (MD)
Dislocation Dynamics Simulations
88DD simulations of flux effect in Fe
89Summary of Understanding on Embrittlement
- Hardening due to the formation of solute atom
clusters (SCs) and dislocation loops (MD) is the
primary mechanism of embrittlement. - Formation of SC depends on the formation of MD.
- Irradiation induced solute clustering model
- Formation of MD is temperature dependent.
- Dose rate effect exists in high Cu materials
especially at very low dose rates.
90Development of Embrittlement Correlation Method
- Two step modeling
- Step 1 modeling of microstructural changes
- Step 2 modeling of mechanical property change
- Approach
- To formulate the microstructural changes by rate
equations. - To optimize the coefficients of the equations
using surveillance data.
91Modeling of Microstructural Changes
Irradiation induced SC
Irradiation enhanced SC
Effect of Tirrad
Effect of Ni
SC depends on MD
Cu available to form clusters decreases.
amount of Cu in the matrix
amount of Cu beyond the solubility in the
Thermal vacancy plays a role.
92Correlation between microstructure and mechanical
- Transition temperature shift is almost
proportional to Vf1/2 of solute atom clusters.
93Modeling of Mechanical Property Change
Model of cluster size
Cu effect
Ni effect
SC contribution does not saturate at least under
test reactor irradiation
x1 x18 one set of coefficients is determined.
Total shift is NOT a simple sum of the two
94Comparison between the measured value and the
Prediction (oC)
w/o adjustment
w adjustment
Measured value (oC)
- The mechanisms of neutron irradiation
embrittlement of RPVs are studies using
multi-scale computer simulations and experiments. - A new embrittlement correlation method to predict
transition temperature shifts is developed, in
which the understandings of the mechanisms were
formulated using the rate equations. - The above approach will be adopted in the
revision of JEAC4201 this year.