Title: Statistical modeling, classification, and sensor management
1Statistical modeling, classification, and sensor
DARPA-MURI Review 2003
- Alfred Hero
- Univ. Michigan
- Ann Arbor
2Target Search Scenario
HighRes Spot Scan
LowRes Spot Scan
Strip Scan
3Sensor Deployment Architecture
Our Research themes
Sequential Sensor Management
Image Reconstruction
Adaptive Detection
4Research Loci
- Image modeling and reconstruction
- Markov random field (MRF) polarimetric models
(HoryBlatt) - 3D Imaging with uncalibrated sensor nets
(RangarajanPatwari) - Adaptive detection and classification
- Pattern matching and modeling (Costa)
- Distributed detection and classification
(BlattPatwari) - Sequential sensor management
- Myopic information-driven approaches (Kreucher)
- Non-myopic approaches (KruecherBlatt)
- Common theme adaptive robust non-parametric
5Detection Target or Clutter Alone?
6Detection Target or Clutter Alone?
7Target Returns Not Additive or Gaussian
- 1cm x 1cm x 1mm plate at 1m from ground
- Plate under forest canopy (10 deciduous trees)
- 2GHz SAR illumination
- Aggregate of three look angles (azimuth35,45,55,
elev180) -
8Polarimetric Field Modeling and Reconstruction
h-pol. incidence
v-pol. incidence
- Field Distribution On FDTD Box (2 GHz)
9MRF empirical histogram
Conditional Markov transition histogram
estimated from training data
10Causal MRF Field Synthesis
11Example K-NN MRF Extrapolation
12Non-parametric MRF density estimator
- General penalized MRF transition density estimate
- y is observed data
- parameter b enforces smoothness
- function g(f) captures data-fidelity
- g(f)f2 standard L2 quadratic regularization
- g(f)f L1 regularization for denoising
- w(x) smoothing within and across neighborhoods
13Cartoon illustration of density estimator
K-Nearest Neighbors Estimator
Penalized MRF transition Density Estimator
14Visual Validation of MRF Model
15MRF Transition Density Comparisons
16Target Modeling and Classification
- Pattern matching in high dimensions
- Standard techniques (histogram, density
estimation) fail due to curse of dimensionality - Entropic graphs recover inter-distribution
distance directly - Robustification to outliers through graph pruning
- Manifold learning and model reduction
- Standard techniques (LLE, MDS, LE, HE) rely on
local linear fits and provide no means of getting
at sample density - Our geodesic entropic graph methods fit the
manifold globally - Computational complexity is only n log n
17A Planar Sample and its Euclidean MST
18Convergence of Euclidean MST
Beardwood, Halton, Hammersley Theorem
19Pattern Matching
20MST Estimator of a-Jensen Affinity
Two well separated Classes
Two overlapping Classes
21MST Estimator of Friedman-Rafsky Affinity
Two well separated Classes
Two overlapping Classes
22Target model reduction
- 128x128 images of three land vehicles over 360
deg azimuth at 0 deg elevation - The 3(360)1080 images evolve on a lower
dimensional imbedded manifold in R(16384)
Courtesy of Center for Imaging Science, JHU
23Target-Image Manifold
242D manifold
Sampling distribution
A statistical sample
25Geodesic Entropic Graph Manifold Learning and
Pattern Matching Algorithm
- Construct geodesic edge matrix (ISOMAP,C-ISOMAP)
- Build entropic graph over geodesic edge matrix
- MST consistent estimator of manifold dimension
and process alpha-entropy - MST-Jensen consistent estimator of Jensen
difference between labeled vectors - Use bootstrap resampling and LS fitting to
extract rate of convergence (intrinsic dimension)
and convergence factor (entropy)
26Illustration for 3 land Vehicles
27loglogLinear fit to asymptote
LS-Soln d13 H120(bits)_
28Distributed Multisensor Estimation and Detection
- Distributed M-estimation (Blatt)
- Ambiguity function is often multimodal local and
global M - Distributed measurements make local M more
difficult - We develop method to discriminate between
local/global M - Use unsupervised clustering and Fisher
information matching - Distributed change detection (Patwari)
- Bandwidth and computation constraints
- Multilayer vs flat store-detect-forward
architecture - We study perfromance loss due to bandwidth
constraints - How much information should be sent to what
29Flat Sensor Aggregation Architecture
Distributed Estimation and Detection
30Distributed M- Estimation
Ambiguity function for Cauchy distributed points
on a manifold
31A slice of ambiguity function
32Key Theoretical Result
- The asymptotic distribution of M-estimate is
(asymptotically) a Gaussian mixture - Parameters
Ref BlattHero2003
33Validation of Key Result QQ-plots
M-estimates are clustered into two groups. Each
group is centered according to the analytical
mean and normalized according to the analytical
34M-estimator Aggregation Algorithm
Sample Covariance Analysis
Estimation of Gaussian Mixture Parameters (EM
Aggregation To Final Estimate
- 200 Sensors
- 100 snapshots per sensor
- Snapshots are 1D Gaussian 2-mixture
- Known covariance
- Unknown means
- Sensors generate i.i.d. M-estimates of means and
forward to central processor
Local maximum
Global maximum
Ambiguity function.
36Local/Global Maxima Discrimination Algorithm
Bad estimates
Bad estimates
Inverse FIM
Good estimates
Empirical covariance
37Addition of other Discriminants
Value-added due to local acquisition and
transmission of likelihood values
38Hierarchical Sensor Aggregation Architecture
Distributed Estimation and Detection
Sensor 6
Sensor 5
39Detection Flat vs Hierarchical Architecture
- Flat Rago, Willett, et al
- Hierarchical, w/ and w/o Feedback
- Each sensor is limited with identical r
- At low PF, Hierarchical outperforms Flat
Optimal 7-Sensor
r 0.30
r 0.10
r 0.03
Hier. w/o Feedback
Hier. w/ Feedback
Optimal 1-Sensor
40Sequential Adaptive Sensor Management
- Sequential only one sensor deployed at a time
- Adaptive next sensor selection based on present
and past measurements - Multi-modality sensor modes can be switched at
each time - Detection/Classification/Tracking task is to
minimize decision error - Centralized decisionmaking sensor has access to
entire set of previous measurements
Single-target state vector
41Sequential Adaptive Sensor Management
- Myopic information-based strategies (Kruecher)
- Multi-target tracking capabilities
- Fully Bayesian approach
- Non-linear particle filtering with adaptive
partitioning - Renyi-alpha divergence criterion
- Non-Myopic strategies (BlattKreucher)
- MDP value function approximations and rollout
methods - Bayesian path averaging
- Reinforcement feedback and learning
42Sensor scheduling objective function
- Prospective value of deploying sensor s at time t
Sensor agility
Retrospective value of deploying sensor s
Available measurements at time t-1
43Information-based Value Function
- Incremental information gained from data
collected from using sensor s. Can be measured by
divergence - Requires posterior distributions of future
target state X given future Z and given present
Z, resp., - Main issues for evaluation of ED(s,t)Z
- Computation complexity
- Robustness to model mismatch
- Decisionmaking relevance
44Value Function Alpha Divergence
- Properties of Renyi divergence
- Simpler and more stably implementable than KL
(KreucheretalTSP03) - Parameter alpha can be adapted to non-Gaussian
posteriors - More robust to mis-specified models than KL
(KreucheretalTSP03) - Related directly to decision error probability
via Sanov (HeroetalSPM02) - Information theoretic interpretation
45Relevance of alpha-D to Decision Error
- Consider testing hypotheses
- Sanovs theorem optimal decision rule has error
- Implication nearly-optimal decision rule for H1
is - if can generate good estimate of alpha-D
46Multi-Target Bayesian Filtering
- Joint multiple target posterior density (JMPD)
jointly represents all target states (Kastela) - Update eqns must generally be approximated
Model Update (Prediction using prior kinematic
Measurement Update (Bayes Rule)
47Particle Filter (Metropolis) Approximation
- Propose (draw) a set of particles based on some
importance (proposal) density q chosen to be as
close to the posterior as possible - Weight the particles using the principle of
importance sampling - Resample particles using above density to avoid
degeneracy -
time t
time t-1
48Particle Filtering Illustration
- Initialize simulate random samples (particles)
from proposal density
49Particle Filtering Illustration
- Model Update
- Propose new particles from existing particles
based on drawing samples from the importance
50Particle Filtering Illustration
- Measurement Update Reweight particles density
according to - Resample the particles if necessary
51Multitarget Tracking Adaptive Proposals
- When targets are well separated in measurement
space, each target-partition of particle evolves
independently. - In this case can use independent partition (IP)
updates - When targets become close target-partitions
become dependent - In this case should use coupled partition (CP)
updates - Adaptive strategy use IP unless CP is deemed
IP updating
CP updating
CP updating
52Numerical Experiment
- Simulation conditions
- Linear target motion model isotropic diffusion
- GMTI sensor with dwells over uniform grid
- Non-linear return Rayleigh target and clutter rv
- Target detector operates with fixed threshold
(Pf0.1) - No sensor management
53Tracking Simulated Target Motion w/o SM
Sensor makes measurements on a grid The sensor is
characterized by a probability of detection and
a probability of false alarm.
54Real Target Motion
Ten real targets Motion taken from recorded GPS
measurements During a battle simulation exercise
at NTC.
55Real Target Motion
56Multiple Model for Real Target Motion
- Target state vector
- Three different models
- Target is moving
- Target is stopped
- Target is accelerating
57Multiple Model for Real Target Motion
- Model switching transition matrix
58Tracking Real Multitarget Motion w/o SM
Staging area
Ten real targets Motion taken from recorded GPS
measurements During a battle simulation exercise
at NTC.
59Quantitative Results Adaptive Partitions
60Comparison of Managed and Non-Managed Performance
- We illustrate the benefit of info-gain SM with AP
implementation of JMPD tracking 10 moving
targets. - GMTI radar simulated Rayleigh target/clutter
statistics - Contrast to a periodic (non-managed) scan same
statistics - Coverage of managed and non-managed50 dwells per
61Tracker Comparison Managed vs. Non-Managed
- Monte Carlo tests (left) show performance with SM
using 50 looks similar to periodic scan with 700
looks - SM makes the tracker 12 times as efficient in
terms of sensor resources needed. - More extensive runs in similar scenario (right)
with 3 targets show performance with SM using 24
looks similar to periodic (non-managed)
performance with 312 looks - SM makes the tracker approximately 13 times as
efficient in this scenario. - Performance of managed scenario with 24 looks at
SNR 2 (3dB) similar to performance of periodic
management at SNR 9 (9.5dB) approximately a
6.5dB performance gain.
62Choice of Alpha Matched Models
- When filter model matches the actual target
kinematics very closely, the performance of the
algorithm is insensitive to the choice of a. - Simulation Three targets moving according to a
nearly constant velocity model with diffusive
component q. Filter has exact model of target
motion with correct q. - Results Tracker performance nearly identical for
all values of a.
63Choice of Alpha Mismatched Models
Snapshot of information map for ten target GPS
64Choice of Alpha Mismatched Models
- Under target kinematic model mismatch using a ½
yields better performance. - Simulation Ten targets with trajectories taken
from real, recorded data. The filter kinematics
are mismatched to vehicles with nearly constant
velocity. - Results Fewest lost tracks over 50 Monte Carlo
trials with a.5
65Multimode Radar Mode and Dwell Point Selection
- Particle Filter
- Multiple model (stopped and moving)
- Adaptive Proposal Method
- 100 Particles, 3 Targets
- Sensor Management
- Expected gain for each modality/pointing angle
calculated before each measurement. - 12 Looks/time step each of 250km2 (total
approximately 10 of surveillance area)
- MTI Mode
- Each detection cells is 100m x 100m
- Measures strips 1x25 cells long
- Pd 0.9, Pfa .001
- Detects targets with velocity gt MDV
- FTI Mode
- Measures cells that are 100m x 100m
- Measures spots 5x5 cells on the ground
- Pd 0.5, Pfa 1e-12
- Detects stopped targets
66Myopic vs Non-Myopic Strategies
- Myopic SM computes only one-step ahead
- Non-myopic SM looks ahead multiple steps
- Even two step look-ahead can be of value
- Simple illustration
- Non-myopic information gain criterion
- Two targets in two cells
- At even time instants only one cell is visible
67Non-Myopic Search Tree
68(No Transcript)
69Comparison of Greedy and Non-Myopic (2 step)
decision making
Myopic Target lost 22 of the time
Non-Myopic Target lost 11 of the time
70Myopic Target lost 22 of the time
Non-myopic Target lost 11 of the time
71- Before time 190 (the crossover point)
- At even time instants, only one target is visible
and the myopic/nonmyopic strategies agree 100 of
the time. - At odd time instants, the right method is to
measure the right target. The myopic/nonmyopic
strategies agree about 85 of the time.
72Foci for 2nd Year
- Non-parametric polarimetric backscatter modeling
for multistatic target detection - Target and clutter model reduction and pattern
matching - Adaptive non-myopic sensor scheduling and
management -
73Personnel on A. Heros sub-Project(2002-03)
- Krishnakanth Subramanian, 1st year MS student
- Birla Institute of Technology
- 50 GSRA
- Michael Fitzgibbons, 1st year MS student
- Northeastern Univ.
- 50 GSRA
- Cyrille Hory, Post-doctoral researcher
- University of Grenoble
- Area of specialty data analysis and modeling,
SAR, time-frequency
74Personnel on A. Heros sub-Project(ctd)
- Jose Costa, 3rd year doctoral student
- IST Lisbon
- Portugese fellowship, summer GSRA
- Chris Kreucher, 3rd year grad student
- UM-Dearborn, Veridian Intl
- Veridian support
- Neal Patwari, 2nd year doctoral student
- Virginia tech
- NSF Graduate Fellowship, summer GSRA
- Doron Blatt, 2nd year doctoral student
- Univ. Tel Aviv
- Dept. Fellowship, summer GSRA
- Raghuram Rangarajan, 2nd year doctoral student
- IIT Madras
- Dept. Fellowship, summer GSRA
75Publications(02-03) Estimation-Classification
- J. Costa and A. O. Hero, Manifold learning with
geodesic minimal spanning trees, submitted to
IEEE T-SP (Special Issue on Machine Learning),
July 2003. - A. O. Hero, J. Costa and B. Ma, "Convergence
rates of minimal graphs with random vertices,"
submitted to IEEE T-IT, March 2003. - J. Costa, A. O. Hero and C. Vignat, "On solutions
to multivariate maximum alpha-entropy Problems",
in Energy Minimization Methods in Computer Vision
and Pattern Recognition (EMM-CVPR), Eds. M.
Figueiredo, R. Rangagaran, J. Zerubia,
Springer-Verlag, 2003 - D. Blatt and A. Hero, "Asymptotic distribution of
log-likelihood maximization based algorithms and
applications," in Energy Minimization Methods in
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
(EMM-CVPR), Eds. M. Figueiredo, R. Rangagaran, J.
Zerubia, Springer-Verlag, 2003
76Publications(02-03) Sensor Management
- C. Kreucher, K. Kastella, and A. Hero, Sensor
management using relevance feedback learning,
submitted to IEEE T-SP, June 2003 - C. Kreucher, K. Kastella, and A. Hero,
Multitarget tracking using particle
representation of the joint multi-target
density, submitted to IEEE T-AES, Aug. 2003. - C. Kreucher, K. Castella, and A. O. Hero,
"Multitarget sensor management using alpha
divergence measures, Proc First IEEE Conference
on Information Processing in Sensor Networks ,
Palo Alto, April 2003. - C..Kreucher, K. Kastella, and A. Hero, A
Bayesian Method for Integrated Multitarget
Tracking and Sensor Management, 6th
International Conference on Information Fusion,
Cairns, Australia, July 2003.
77Publications(02-03) Sensor Management(ctd)
- C. Kreucher, C., Kastella, K., and Hero, A.,
Tracking Multiple Targets Using a Particle
Filter Representation of the Joint Multitarget
Probability Density, SPIE, San Diego California,
August 2003. - C. Kreucher, K. Kastella, and A. Hero,
Information-based sensor management for
multitarget tracking, SPIE, San Diego,
California, August 2003. - C. Kreucher, K. Kastella, and A. Hero, Particle
filtering and information prediction for sensor
management, 2003 Defense Applications of Data
Fusion Workshop, Adelaide, Australia, July 2003. - C. Kreucher, K. Kastella, and A. Hero,
Information Based Sensor Management for
Multitarget Tracking, Proc. Workshop on Multiple
Hypothesis Tracking A Tribute to Samuel S.
Blackman, San Diego, CA, May 30, 2003.
78Publications(02-03) SP for Sensor Nets
- N. Patwari and A. O. Hero, "Hierarchical
censoring for distributed detection in wireless
sensor networks, Proc. Of ICASSP, Hong Kong,
April 2003. - N. Patwari, A. O. Hero, M. Perkins, N. S. Correal
and R. J. O'Dea, "Relative location estimation in
sensor networks, IEEE T-SP, vol. 51, No. 9, pp.
2137-2148, Aug. 2003. - A. O. Hero , Secure space-time communication,"
to appear in IEEE T-IT, Dec. 2003. - M.F. Shih and A. O. Hero, "Unicast-based
inference of network link delay distributions
using mixed finite mixture models," IEEE T-SP,
vol. 51, No. 9, pp. 2219-2228, Aug. 2003.
79Synergistic Activities(02-03)
- Veridian, Inc
- K. Kastella collaboration with A. Hero in sensor
management, July 2002- - J. Ackenhusen collaboration with A. Hero in mine
detection, Oct. 2002- - C. Kreucher doctoral student of A. Hero, Sept.
2002- - ARL
- NAS-SED A. Hero is a member of yearly review
panel, May 2002- - B. Sadler N. Patwari (doctoral student of A.
Hero) held internship in distributed sensor
information processing, summer 2003 - ERIM Intl.
- B. ThelenN. Subotic collaborators with A. Hero,
Oct. 2002 - Chalmers Univ.,
- M. Viberg A. Hero is Opponent on multimodality
landmine detection doctoral thesis, Aug 2003 - EMMCVPR
- Entropy, spanner graphs, and pattern matching,
plenary lecture, July 2003
80Cross-Fertilization to Other Sponsors(02-03)
- Modular strategies for internetwork monitoring,
A. Hero, PI (2003-2008) - NIH-P01
- Automated 3D registration for enhanced cancer
management, C. Meyer, PI (2002-2007) - NIH-R01
- Radionucleides radiation detection and
quantification, N. Clinthorne, PI (2002-2005) - Sramek Foundation
- Genetic pathways to diabetic retinopathy, A.
Swaroop, PI (2002-2005)