Title: Theology Proper
1Theology Proper
A. Dynamism
There is in all things a force that can be tapped
for either good or evil purposes impersonal
Modern Cosmic Humanism (New Age,
Transcendentalism) and Christian Science
promoted by Plato, Hegel, Ralph Waldo Emerson
Scriptural Contrast God is personal as well as
transcendent (Ps. 10313 1135-6 Isa. 558-9).
Man is naturally alienated from God (Eph. 418).
2Theology Proper
B. Animism
All of nature has spirits that are personal and
responsive to the worshiper. All material things
exist die to the immaterial part of the object.
Modern Primitive tribes all over the world.
Scriptural Contrast Material items such as wood
and stone doe not have life (Deut. 428 Isa.
3718 Dan. 523 Hab. 219 Rev. 920).
3Theology Proper
C. Polytheism
Worship of many gods as in Greek mythology.
Modern Hinduism, Zen Buddhism, and Mormonism.
Scriptural Contrast There is only one true God
(Deut. 64 Isa. 4310-11 I Cor. 84-6 Gal.
4Theology Proper
D. Dualism
A belief in two equal gods of opposite character,
one good and one evil (Zoroastrianism).
Modern some misguided Christian teaching that
ascribes to Satan power equal to that of God.
Scriptural Contrast There is only one true God
(Deut. 64 Isa. 4310-11 I Cor. 84-6 Gal.
5Theology Proper
E. Pantheism
God is all, and all is god, and all you see is a
manifestation of that god. Personal being is
swallowed up in the one predominant Over-Soul.
Everything is God.
Modern Hinduism and the philosopher Spinoza
Scriptural Contrast God is personal and
transcendent (Ps. 10313 1135-6 Isa. 558-9).
Man is a real entity (Gen. 27 I Thes. 523) and
a limited free moral agent (Rom. 718 with John
6Theology Proper
F. Deism
God created but doesnt sustain the creation.
There is no supernatural intervention in the
universe. God is known from reason and nature but
not from Scripture.
Modern Theistic Evolution Voltaire, Thomas
Hobbes, Thomas Jefferson
Scriptural Contrast God is eminent (II Chron.
169 Acts 1728 Hag. 25 Matt. 625-30). Man
is inherently depraved (Jer. 179 Eph. 21-2)
and needs grace to be saved (Eph. 28,9). Man is
not autonomous.
7Theology Proper
G. Monotheism
One God only A personal ethical god is in the
world (eminent) yet distinct from the world
Modern Christianity, Islam, Judaism
Scriptural Contrast There is only one true God
(Deut. 64 Isa. 4310-11 I Cor. 84-6 Gal.
8Theology Proper
H. Theism
Same as monotheism with the added idea of
self-revelation. God has revealed Himself via our
nature, the creation, and the Word i.e. a belief
in God.
I. Atheism
Denial that God exists.
Modern Richard Dawkins, Stephen Gould,
9Theology Proper
J. Agnosticism
Denial that God or his creation can be known.
Modern most self-proclaimed atheists
Scriptural Contrast The Scriptures assume the
existence of God (Gen. 11). Jesus came to tell
us of God (Jn. 118 149b).
10Holy, Holy, Holy
- 1 Holy, holy, holy! Lord God Almighty! Early in
the morning our song shall rise to Thee Holy,
holy, holy, merciful and mighty! God in three
persons, blessed Trinity! - 2 Holy, holy, holy! all the saints adore Thee,
Casting down their golden crowns around the
glassy sea Cherubim and seraphim falling down
before Thee, Who wert, and art, and evermore
shalt be. - 3 Holy, holy, holy! tho the darkness hide Thee
Tho the eye of sinful man Thy glory may not
see Only Thou art holy there is none beside
Thee, Perfect in powr, in love, and purity. - 4 Holy, holy, holy! Lord God Almighty! All Thy
works shall praise Thy name, in earth and sky,
and sea Holy, holy, holy merciful and mighty!
God in three persons, blessed Trinity!
11Theology Proper
A. God is Spirit
1. God as Spirit is incorporeal, invisible,
without material substance, without physical
parts or passions and therefore free from all
temporal limitations.
2. Scripture
a. Deut. 4 15-20, 23
Since YHWH has no form, dont make idols or bow
to celestial bodies.
b. Ex. 204
Do not make an idol.
c. Jn. 424
God is spirit.
d. 1Tim. 117
God is invisible.
e. Col. 115
Invisible God
God does not live in shrines, and is not like
images made by men.
f. Acts 1724, 29
12Theology Proper
B. God has Personality.
1. Includes
a. self-consciousness the ability to be aware of
ones self among others.
b. self-determination the ability to look to the
future and prepare an intelligent course of
2. Elements of personality
a. intellect
b. emotion
c. will
C. God alone is God.
1. 1Ki. 860
There is no other!
2. Isa. 44 6-8 45 5,6 469
No god like me no other god no one like me
3. 1Tim. 25
One God
13Theology Proper
D. God is One.
Hebrew echad
Deut. 6 4,5
E. God is a Triunity
1. Definition There is only one God, but in the
unity of the Godhead there are three eternal and
co-equal Persons, the same in substance, but
distinct in subsistence.
2. Proposed Illustrations
Three-leaf clover
Nature of light
Chemical rays
Light rays
States of light
Heat rays
14Theology Proper
E. God is a Triunity
3. Scriptural Evidence
a. Old Testament
1) Many times God is a plural noun (Elohim)
2) In Gen. 117 the verb come is plural and
requires a plural speaker, who is the Lord. The
speaker is speaking to two or more Come let us
go down
3) In Gen. 1924 and Hos. 17, Lord is
distinguished from Lord.
4) The Lord has a Son according to Psa. 27.
5) Gen. 1 1,2 mentions that God created and that
the Spirit moved upon the waters.
6) In Gen. 63, the Lord and My Spirit are
7) The use of echad in Deut. 64 indicates a
compound unity.
15Theology Proper
E. God is a Triunity
Father (OT)
7. False Views of the Trinity
a. Unitarianism
b. Sebellianism
c. Tritheism
d. Modalism
Son (NT)
Spirit (Now)