Title: Radio Galaxies
1Radio Galaxies part 4
2Apart from the radio the thin accretion disk
around the AGN produces optical, UV, X-ray
- The optical spectrum emitted by the gas depends
upon the abundances of different elements, local
ionization, density and temperature. - Photons with energy gt 13.6 eV are absorbed by
hydrogen atoms. - In the process of recombining, line photons are
emitted and this is - the origin e.g. of Balmer-line spectra.
- Collision between thermal electrons and ions
excites the low-energy level - of the ions, downward transition leads to the
emission of so-called - forbidden-line spectrum (possible in low
density conditions).
3Example of broad line radio galaxy (3C390.3)
4- Optical spectrum, what can we derive
- which lines
- flux/luminosity
- width (kinematics)
- ionization mechanism (line ratios)
- density/temperature of the emitting gas
- morphology of the ionized gas
- (any relation with the radio?)
- continuum and stellar population
using spectra and narrow band images
5- Ionization parameter
- ratio between ionizing photon flux/gas density
- Temperature of the emitting gas
- Mass of the emitting gas
6photoionization models for different ionization
Examples of diagnostic diagrams
7- Broad line regions (BLR)
- typical size (from variability)
- of 10-100 light-days (Seyferts) up to
- few light-years (few x 0.3 pc, quasars).
- electron density is at least 108 cm-3
- (from the absence of broad forbidden lines)
- typical velocities 3000-10000 km/s
- Narrow line regions (NLR)
- typical density 103 to 106 cm-3
- gas velocity 300 1000 km/s
- large range in size from 100-300 pc to tens of
8Powerful radio galaxies energetics
Quasar luminosity1044 1047 erg s-1 Luminosity
integrated over lifetime10571062 erg
Jet power1043 1047 erg s-1 Jet power integrated
over lifetime 1057 1062 erg
Total wind power1043 1046 erg s-1 Wind power
integrated over lifetime1056 1061 erg
Starburst-induced superwinds.
9Emission line nebulae what can we learn?
10Emission line haloes lt1kpc scale
- Kinematics. The emission line kinematics comprise
a combination of gravitational motions,
AGN-induced outflows, and AGN-induced turbulence - Black hole masses. Now possible to determine
direct dynamical masses for nearby PRG using
near-nuclear emission line kinematics - Feedback. The outflow component provides direct
evidence for the AGN-induced feedback in the
near-nuclear regions
the presence of the nuclear activity could
influence the evolution of the galaxy (e.g.
clear gas away from the nuclear regions)
11Cygnus A viewed by HST
NICMOS 2.0mm
Optical images
122.0 micron image HST/NICMOS
Evidence for a super-massive black hole in Cygnus
13Correlation between black hole mass and galaxy
bulge mass/luminosity
14- broad permitted line seen in polarized line
only the scattered component can be seen
Broad- and narrow line radio galaxies become
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16Emission line nebulae 1-5kpc scale
- Kinematics. Emission line kinematics a
combination of AGN-induced and gravitational
motions - Ionization. Gas predominantly photoionized by the
AGN - Outflows. Clear evidence for emission line
outflows in Cygnus A and some compact radio
sources, but outflow driving mechanism uncertain
17Example of complex kinematics
700 km/s
Complex kinematics of the ionized gas in
coincidence with the radio emission this
suggests interaction between radio plasma and ISM
18Emission lines in (powerful) radio galaxies
Wavelength (Å)
19Diagnostic diagrams including ionization from
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22Emission line nebulae 5-100kpc scale
- Kinematics.Activity-induced gas motions are
important along the full spatial extent of the
radio structures, regardless of the ionization
mechanism - Jet-induced shocks. The shocks that boost the
surface brightness of the structures along the
radio axes also induce extreme kinematics
disturbance - Gravitational motions. Require full spatial
mapping of the emission line kinematics in order
to disentangle gravitational from AGN-induced gas
motions - Starbursts. Starburst-induced superwinds may also
affect the gas kinematics out to 10s of kpc
23Gas with very high ionization at 8 kpc from the
Even if the nucleus is obscured by the torus, the
extended emission line regions can tell us about
the UV radiation from the nucleus.
24Emission line clouds in the halo of CenA
CenA D3Mpc
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261000 km/s
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28Contours radio Colors ionized gas
In some cases the radio galaxy seems to have a
strong effect on the medium around.
Diagnostic diagrams important to understand which
mechanism is dominant
29Radio galaxies at high redshift
- Morphology of the extended emission line regions
- depends on the size of the radio source
- Alignment between the emission lines and the
radio axis - Interaction between radio and medium does this
also trigger star formation?
30Any difference (in the optical lines) between
low and high power radio galaxies?
31What makes the difference?
Well known dichotomy low vs high power radio
galaxies Differences not only in the radio
Intrinsic differences in the nuclear regions?
Accretion occurring at low rate and/or
radiative efficiency? No thick tori?
32The central regions of low-power radio galaxies
No strong obscuration optical core very often
33From HST and X-ray
The HST observations
- High rate of optical cores detected
- Correlation between fluxes of
- optical and radio cores
But so far we havent seen broad permitted lines
34More on the host galaxy
35The optical continuum of Radio Galaxies
Usually the old stellar population is the
dominant - as usual in elliptical galaxies - but
in some cases a young stellar population
component is observed (typical ages between 0.5
and 2 Gyr).
- consistent with the merger
- hypothesis for the triggering
- of the radio activity.
- but not a single type of merger
- AGN appears late after the
- merger
old stellar pop.
young stellar pop.
power law
Results from UV imaging
Allen et al. 2002
37- The young stellar component may come from
- a recent merger
- We can use the age of the stars to date when
this merger - occurred
- To be compared with the age of the radio source
38Cavities created by the radio emission in the
hot (X-ray) gas
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40Emission line nebulae what they can tell us
- AGN Physics. Tests of the unified schemes, jet
physics, black hole masses - Host galaxy properties. Mass distributions,
abundances, gas masses - Galaxy Evolution. Clues to the assembly of
massive galaxies at both high and low redshifts - Feedback. The importance of AGN-induced feedback
effects in the evolution of the host galaxies