Title: An Introduction to Radio Astronomy and Radio Galaxies
1An Introduction to Radio Astronomy and Radio
- Bruce Partridge, Haverford College
- bpartrid_at_haverford.edu
- High redshift sources 3C48 3C273 and Cyg A first
found in radio. - Why, when Lrad lt Lopt?
- At stellar temperatures, Lrad lt 10-6 Lopt.
Cyg A - However
optical - Non-thermal emission boosts Lrad
radio - And radio receivers are
- very sensitive.
2Properties of Radio Telescopes
- Sensitivity of radio instruments
- by radio I mean ? 100-105 MHz
- flux density S in W/m2 Hz 1 Jy 10-26 W/m2 per
Hz - 3C sources gt 1 Jy
- present observations reach S 10 ?Jy 10-31
W/m2 Hz - Resolution of radio instruments ? ?/d
- - for single antenna worse than optical (1 not
1) - - but for arrays of size D, ? ? /D
- can achieve 10-3 arcsec resolution
- but arrays are inefficient collectors of energy
? N(d/D)2 , for array of N antennae.
3The VLA, with D 3 km
4 5- Luminosities of Radio Galaxies
- Lrad lt Lopt with huge range
- most powerful radio sources have Lrad 108-9 Lo
- consider Lrad 108 Lo, source freq. range 1010
Hz - and receiver properties as at VLA
- then source can be seen to 4000 Mpc in 1
min! - Morphology of Radio Galaxies
- ordinary, not radio, galaxies
- starburst systems
- classical radio galaxies (morphology very
different from optical)
6An Ordinary Galaxy M81 in Optical and Radio
- Optical Radio note concentration in
spiral arms core.
7A Classical Radio Galaxy Cen A in optical and
(false color) radio
8One of the radio sources in clusters studied by
Y.T. Lin RBP
- Classical radio galaxies (morphology very
different from optical) - core, jet, lobe structure
- FRI core and jet prominent (younger?)
- FRII lobes (and shock fronts) prominent (older?)
yes in this case
9FR Classes
10- Emission Mechanisms
- not blackbody (wrong morphology and expected S ?
?-2 tiny) - hence evoke nonthermal mechanisms
- 1.) Synchrotron
- 2.) Thermal Bremsstrahlung (free-free)
- 3.) Re-emission from warm dust
- All present (to some degree) in most sources
11- 1.) Synchrotron
- spiraling of relativistic electrons around (weak)
magnetic fields - expected B 1 ?G, for which the cyclotron
frequency 2? ? eB/mec - 18 Hz check this at home
- to get radio frequencies require relativistic
electron energies actual - frequency ? ?2 calculate energy of electrons
needed to produce - 10 GHz radio waves
- spectrum of assembly of e set by e energy
spectrum - if N(E) ? E-p, then S ? ? -(p-1)/2 not
hard to derive - typical values of p 2-3, for which S ? ?
-(0.5 -1.0) - if B uniform, synchrotron radiation is highly
polarized - ? (p 1)/(p 7/3) 69-75, ?r B field
- In real sources, B is NOT uniform, and Faraday
rotation depolarizes both reduce ? -
12 - Loss of energy (by synchrotron rad.) fastest for
highest energy results in ?p -1 - Or (gradual) change in synchrotron spectrum by
-1/2 - Time scale (2.5 x 1013)/B2 ? yrs, with B in
microgauss - for 100 GeV e- and B 1, t 108 yrs
13 - 2.) Thermal Bremsstrahlung or Free-Free
Emission - non-relativistic e in a plasma
- move past positive ions
- produced in HII regions (T 104 K)
- for T 104 K, optical depth ? ?-2.1
- A useful formula
- when ? ltlt 1, easy to show S ? ?-0.1
- when ? gt 1, we have opaque cloud at T 104 so S
? ?2
14 - 2.) Thermal Bremsstrahlung or Free-Free
Emission - non-relativistic e in a plasma
- move past positive ions
- produced in HII regions (T 104 K)
- for T 104 K, optical depth ? ?-2.1
- A useful formula
- where ne2 dl is emission measure in cm-6 pc
- when ? ltlt 1, easy to show S ? ?-0.1
- when ? gt 1, we have opaque cloud at T 104 so S
? ?2
15 A Thermal Bremsstrahlung Spectrum Orion Nebula
16 - 3.) Re-emission by Warm Dust
- dust absorbs uv and optical photons (for some
sources - ? gtgt 1)
- dust re-emits at its characteristic T
- T 15-25 K in our Galaxy
- T 40-50 K in starburst systems
- so peak of emission 100?
- long-wavelength tail extends to high radio
frequencies - (especially for high-z sources)
- radio spectrum not Rayleigh-Jeans, but S ? ?3-4
because emission efficiency declines sharply with
increasing ?
17Unified Spectrum (Arp 220)
- Note small role of Bremsstrahlung
- (dust reemission strong because Arp 220 is a
starforming galaxy)
18Unified Model of AGN
- Beaming
- Morphology
- core as origin
- (often) symmetrical, collimated jets
- lobes
- Unified model to explain morphology
- (see Urry and Padovani, 1998)
- Black Hole at core
- fed by accretion disk
- spin axis axis of symmetry
- relativistic mater escapes along axis ?r
accretion disk - magnetic fields (?) collimate jets
- lobes are shock fronts
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20- At radio wavelengths,
- see core jets
- In optical, depending
- on alignment, see
- narrow line or broad
- line region
21An Example 3C31
22Other Features of Unified Model
- Orientation
- line of sight ?r jet axisclassical radio
galaxies - line of sight inclined to jet axisasymmetrical
sources - line of sight ?? jet axisblazars
- Optical effects
- torus absorbs
- ? see broad line region only if line of sight
parallel axis - degree of obscuration distinguishes Type 1 and
Type 2 QSO
23Asymmetrical Jets
- An optical jet --
- synchrotron emission
- from M87
- and a radio
- jet
24Evidence that Jets ARE One-Sided
25AGN and the Central Black Hole
- All galaxies above a certain mass?? contain a
central Black Hole - and MBH ? mass of bulge component (Gebhardt et
al., 2000) - Why are only 10 of galaxies active?
- BH present, but not fed dM/dt too low
- as exercise, calculate dM/dt needed to power
107 Lo radio galaxy
26Raising dM/dt the Role of Collisions
- Collisions help randomize motions, increasing
radial component, thus increasing dM/dt to Black
Hole - explains larger fraction of AGN in early Universe
- explains large number of radio-active galaxies in
clusters - Collisions trigger star formation as well
27A Collision NGC 6240
check NED for radio properties
28Starburst systems in radio
- Active star formation ? SN
- synchrotron emission (broadly distributed)
- Can feed AGN as well
- (emission from core
- small jets)
- May be heavily
- obscured in optical
M82 in radio
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