Title: Folie 1
1 Smart Home in Europe
Kuniberg Berufskolleg Recklinghausen, Germany
Bekesczaba, May 2009
2Structure and overview
- Market analysis
- Awareness Analysis
- Advertising campaign
- Samples Adverts
3Market Analysis - Demography
gt Houses for 7 m people will be empty
gt Increased competition
4Market Analysis - Demography
gt Fewer young people have to care for more
elderly people
5Market Analysis - Care
gt More people - more costly care
6Market Analysis - Care
gt The older the people, the more care
7Market Analysis Singles living alone - by age
gt The more elderly loners, the more social care
8Is there a Demand for Smart Housing?
- empty houses
- increased life expectancy
- rising demand for care
- rising cost of care
- rising number of (elderly) singles
9Awareness Analysis
- Is the population aware of the future housing
10Awareness Analysis
2. Are the politicians aware of the future
housing problem?
Sustainable Housing
11Is there a General Awareness of the Housing
- The citizens need to be informed about
- the problem (no care for the elderly)
- the solutions (Smart Homes)
gt Advertising campaign to change attitude
towards housing
13Advertising Campaign
Advertising aims - inform about the future
housing problem - inform about technological
solutions - inform about subsidies - change
Central message You want to live in your own
house even when youre old ASSUME
Target groups - general public -
politicians - architects/builders
14Advertising Campaign
Advertising means - posters - radio spots -
video spots
Advertising period before the elections - EU
Parliament Elections - State Parliament
Elections - German Parliament Elections
Advertising area - locally (Recklinghausen) -
(state-, country-, EU-wide)
15Sample Adverts
1 Posters a) positive ads b) shock ads
16(No Transcript)
17(No Transcript)
The Smart Home fire alarm would have prevented
19Too late?
The Smart Home burglar alarm would have
prevented this. Protect yourself.
- There is a market for Smart Homes
- There is little awareness of the future housing
problem - gt Campaign to increase the awareness
21Radio Spot
TV Spot
22Thought about it?
With the Smart Home safety system you will never
forget to shut your windows. Protect yourself.
23Thanks for remembering me!
Think about later, when you build a home!
24Think abouttomorrow Today!
The Smart Homevitality checkwould have
prevented this.