Title: Access, Accommodation, Technology
1Access, Accommodation, Technology Good Teaching
- Helping Adolescents and Young Adults with
Learning Disabilities Succeed - Presenters
- Kristen OHare, Nipissing Student
- Mark Giddens, Assistive Devices Technician
- Mike Walker, Learning Strategist
- February 2002
- What is a Learning Disability?
- Definition, Diagnosis Information Processing
- Problems - Social/Emotional, Vocational
Academic - LDs Post-Secondary Services
- What your students can expect
- Accommodations vs. Modifications
- Helping Students with LDs Succeed
- Meet Kristen
- Technology for Students with LDS
- The Big Three
- Other Tools
3A quick overview . . .
- What is a
- Learning Disability?
4What is a Learning Disability?
- invisible
- a lifelong condition (permanent)
- trouble processing information (CNS)
- in a person of average or above average
intelligence - a pattern of uneven abilities
- unexpected problems in reading, writing, math,
listening, speaking, social skills - a condition which often causes some variability
even in daily performance
5What a LD is Not!
- low intelligence/an intellectual disability
- mental illness/emotional disturbance
- autism
- visual or auditory acuity problems
- laziness/lack of motivation
- a way to avoid other issues
- a physical handicap
- the result of a poor academic background
6Some Stats . . .
- learning disabilities impact the lives of
approximately 10 of the population - approximately 4 of Ontarios school aged
population is formally identified - of Ontarios identified exceptional population
- approx. 48 of elementary students are LD
- approx. 54 of secondary students are LD
- 25 to 30 of those with LDs have AD/HD
- 75 to 80 of those with AD/HD have LDs
7Diagnosing a Learning Disability
8Diagnosing a Learning Disability
- identification is NOT diagnosis
- diagnosis must be made by a psychologist
- based on a discrepancy between ability (as
measured by IQ) and academic achievement and/or
information processing - students at the post-secondary level MUST have a
recent assessment with a valid diagnostic
statement in order to get academic accommodation
9Average Student source online
10Student with a LDsource online
11A Learning Disability is a Information Processing
- It is like having too many bridges out as well as
too many overlapping pathways along the
information highways of the brain. - Dale R. Jordan
- U. of Arkansas
12A Simple Model of Learning Information
- Attention
- Sensory Input
- Decoding
- Processing
- May include Storage
- and/or Retrieval processes
- Encoding
- Physical Output
13A Visual IP Model - Learning and Memory
14Another IP Model Learning, Attention Memory
15Where can IP break down? Dr. Allyson G.
Harrison, Queens University
- 1. Frontal lobe functioning deficits
- - abstract and conceptual thinking
- 2. Memory impairment
- - Short term memory
- - Working memory- mental blackboard dynamic
process - - Long term memory
- - Storage vs retrieval issues
- 3. Sequencing deficits (visual or auditory)
16Breakdown continues Dr. Allyson G. Harrison,
Queens University
- 4. Speed of information processing
- 5. Attention
- - Selective (cannot choose/focus)
- - Sustained (cannot maintain)
- - Divided (cannot shift/hyperfocus)
- 6. Narrow processing style - cant simultaneously
attend to process multiple aspects of a
stimulus field
17Still breaking down Dr. Allyson G. Harrison,
Queens University
- 7. Poor scanning resolution-miss relevant data
- 8. Right hemisphere dysfunction good at details
but not global picture. Gets lost in details,
easily overloaded. Cant make sense of
holistically presented information. Poor ability
to interpret visual cues. - 9. Faulty output mechanism - interferes with
demonstration of adequate information processing.
18So how might an LD affect a Learner?
- A Couple of Examples . . .
19Cant you read this?
- Myle arn in gdisa bi LI tyma kesit dif Ficu
ltform eto re Adi tslo wsm edo wnwh eniha veto re
AdmYte xtbo Ok sbu twhe nius Eboo kso Nta peo rco
mpu Teri zedsc ree nrea Din gsof twa Reto lis
tent Om yte xtbo ok sith elp sal Ot.
20Cant you see this?
- Cant you see the _________?
21Social Emotional Aspects of a Learning
- From Introducing Learning Disabilities to
Postsecondary Educators - The Meighen Centre for Learning Assistance and
Research, Mount Allison University
22What does a Learning Disability feel like?
23A Tough Fact
- 50 of adolescent suicides had previously been
diagnosed as having learning problems. The
single most commonly cited factor for this
desperate act was low self-esteem arising from
school failure.
24Possible Academic Problems
- silent reading/reading aloud
- writing/spelling
- learning languages/math
- expressing what is known and understood
- having to re-do school work at home
- having no time off since everything takes longer
- dropping out
25Possible Social/Emotional Problems
- feeling dumb, stupid, embarrassed, frustrated,
anxious, lonely, isolated - being called stupid, lazy being put down by
teachers, friends, and even parents - feeling nobody understands
- feeling need of help
- fearing rejection failure
- always having to cover up, act a role
26Possible Career/Vocational Problems
- lack of basic skills
- lack of social skills
- Its never cured, It never goes away
- having to cover up
- never feeling adequate
- low expectations
- jobs dont last
27LDs Academic Performance
- Specific Deficits which may occur in Adolescents
and Young Adults with Learning Disabilities - From Introducing Learning Disabilities to
Postsecondary Educators - The Meighen Centre for Learning Assistance and
Research, Mount Allison University
- word reversals, confusion of similar words,
- difficulty applying phonics
- problems reading multi syllable words
- slow or uneven reading, difficulty adjusting
speed - poor comprehension and retention of material
- problems with forming letters, spacing, capitals,
and punctuation - spelling errors, inconsistent spelling, letter
reversals, word reversals - difficulty with sequencing
- difficulty with sentence structure, poor grammar,
omitted words - difficulty copying from board, overhead, or
30Listening Speaking
- difficulty extracting meaning from oral language
- difficulty "reading" subtle messages in body
language, facial expressions, tones of voice,
sarcasm, irony, understatement or overstatement - difficulty expressing orally ideas which the
student seems to understand - problems describing events or stories in proper
sequence - problems with grammar and inflectional or
derivational endings
- difficulty memorizing basic facts
- confusion or reversal of numbers, sequences, or
operational symbols - difficulty copying problems, aligning columns
- difficulty reading or comprehending word problems
- problems with reasoning and abstract concepts
32General Knowledge
- lack of basic foundations in any discipline
- lack of the background to understand common
cultural references - unawareness of these gaps in general knowledge,
or reluctance to acknowledge them - as a teacher, please carefully assess the
value/timing of withdrawal
- difficulty in turning attention to a task
- difficulty in maintaining attention
- difficulty attending to spoken language,
inconsistent concentration - difficulty in switching from one task to another
- difficulty remembering material presented through
only one channel (visual or auditory) - need for far more work and time than usual to
store material in long-term memory - short term memory may be limited and subject to
35Organization/Time Management
- frequent lateness and disorganization
- apparent inattention, asking the question that
was just answered - slowness in getting things down, difficulty
following instructions - need for more time to complete assignments
- confusion in spatial orientation, getting lost
easily, difficulty following directions
36Meeting Their Needs . . .
- A brief summary of assessment and accommodation
services available at the post-secondary level
37About Our LOP Project
- Learning Opportunities Task Force (LOTF)
- The Virtual Centre of Excellence in Learning
Disability Integration - Canadore College
- Loyalist College
- Nipissing University
- Trent University
- Nipissing U - Learning Opportunities Program (LOP)
38About our Services to LD Students
39About Our Students
- The criteria
- Average or better intelligence
- 1.5 SD between ability and achievement and/or
information processing - Other causes ruled out
- AD/HD?
- LDAO LD categories
- Visual
- Auditory
- Motor
- Organizational
- Conceptual
- Non-Verbal
- Math
40About Our Students
- Previously Identified
- (typically)
- 2 parent families
- at least one parent was an advocate
- student was a self-advocate
- usually some good teachers along the way
- Not Previously Identified
- hit the wall when they get to university
- 3 identified last year in the B.Ed. program
- many are mature students
- many are female (AD/HD)
41Accommodation verses Modification
- Helping students with LDs meet academic standards
- Thanks to Diane Berzins, B.Ed., M.Ed. and
Pamela Morel, B.Ed., M.A., C. Psych.Assoc.
Cambrian College
42Accommodating students
- but first a bit about
- Learning Expectations
- Modification vs. Accommodation
- Should
- change curriculum outcomes
- lessen expectations
- make work easier
- shorten assignments
- But or Are
- can lead to learned helplessness
- ineligible for high school credits
- do not exist at college/university level
- Should
- meet learning outcomes/objectives
- keep expectations at grade level
- allow for similar work
- allow for alternative presentation of info,
assignment completion, test taking - Can or Are
- build self-esteem
- eligible for high school credits
- available at colleges and universities
45Modification versus Accommodation
- Modifications may be needed
- to experience academic success
- to maintain motivation to learn
- Accommodations may be needed
- to maintain grade level standards
- to broader future learning opportunities
46What Can Students with LDs Expect?
- Typical accommodations available to students with
learning disabilities at the post-secondary level
47Test/Exam Accommodation
- Common
- extra time
- spell checker
- use of a computer
- distraction-free environment
- leniency towards spelling grammar
- Less Common
- reader
- scribe
- e-reader
- voice dictation
48Classroom/Lecture Accommodation
- Common
- tape recorder
- note-sharer/taker
- use of overheads/ visual organizer
- Alpha-Smart/lap-top computer/Pocket PC
- Less Common
- FM system
- wait time when called upon
- lecture notes on reserve/on web
- lecture outline in advance
49Personal Study Accommodation
- master notebook
- organizer
- talking spell checker
- texts on tape
- tape/digital recorder
- computer
- scanner
- e-reader/e-texts
- voice dictation
- study buddy
- mentor
- academic skills
- peer tutor
- professional tutor
- technology training
- targeted learning strategy training based on LD
assessment - reduced course load
50What you can do . . .
- How can a classroom teacher support a student
with a learning disability
51Be a GREAT teacher
- Use multi-modal teaching techniques and offer
valid evaluation alternatives . . .
52We Learn... William Glasser
- 10 of what we read
- 20 of what we hear
- 30 of what we see
- 50 of what we both see and hear
- 70 of what is discussed with others
- 80 of what we experience personally
- 95 of what we teach someone else
53Or Simply
- Tell me and I will forget
- Show me and I may remember
- Involve me and I will understand
- Ancient Chinese proverb
54How can YOU help?
- Raise self-esteem by staying positive -- you may
be the adult who makes a difference - Include the student in the process
- Focus on strengths
- Teach learning strategies
- Use technological aids/software as availability
dictates - Encourage/teach social skills
- Positive, realistic feedback
55Preparing Students With LDs for Transition
- Help Them Plan
- Help Them Understand
- Help Them Learn to Learn
56Help Them Plan
- make wise program/career choices
- get the prerequisites they need (math)
- find the right school
- gather their documentation
- contact Special Needs/Disability Services
57Help Them Understand
- their learning disability
- their strengths
- their weaknesses
- their value
58Help Them Learn to Learn
- Knowledge is Power
- help them
- understand their learning preferences
- learn academic skills
- develop socially/emotionally
59Teach Academic Skills (UNIV1011)
- How We Learn
- Learning Styles
- Time Management
- Active Listening Notetaking
- Active Reading
- Writing Strategies
- Critical Creative Thinking
- Test Taking Evaluation
- Attitude Motivation
- Self-Determination Self-Advocacy
- Teamwork Rapport
- Energy Stress
- Health Wellness
60Please meet Kristen . . .
- a Nipissing University student with a learning
61Kristens learning context then . . .
- My high school experience
- How I was perceived
- How I performed
- the exam accommodations
- How I learned
- accommodations at home
62Her context then . . .
- Previous assessment (wasnt shared with Kristen)
- weakness in
- letter word identification
- reading comp
- writing skills
- diagnosis - specific learning disability
- Previous accommodation
- progress monitored
- extended time for tests and exams
- alternate forms for texts and exams
- EA/Spec Ed assistance in exams
63In addition we now know
- new assessment information
- poor visual memory
- visual tracking problems including reversals
- visual decoding (grapheme awareness)
- auditory memory
- phonetic decoding
64Current Accommodations
- Kurzweil 3000 (text to speech)
- Dragon Naturally Speaking (speech to text)
- textHELP Read Write (editing reads back,
dyslexic spell check, homophones) - Pocket PC keyboard organization, notes in
class reading - Study carrels in library
- Exams above tools and extra time if necessary
65The difference?
- New assessment greater self-knowledge
- 4 page to 20 page assessment
- Im now part of the IEP process (shut out before)
- Access to Resources
- Special Needs, LOP, Assistive Devices Tech
Learning Strategist - Increased self-confidence
- ability to explain self-advocate
- More efficient learning
- reading, writing, organization test-taking
66Kristens context now . . .
- My university experience
- Has the perception changed?
- How I perform
- the exam accommodations
- How I learn
- using my learning strengths
- accommodations for learning
67Technology for Students with Learning Disabilities
- Tools to help accommodate for information
processing deficits
68The Big Three
- Kurzweil 3000
- textHELP Read Write
- Dragon Naturally Speaking
- Thanks to Marlene McIntosh,
- Cambrian College
69OCR Reading Software
70Kurzweil 3000
- Reads
- scanned pages with formatting retained (.kes
format) - text files (.txt format)
- web pages while in the browser window (.html
- Scans
- textbooks
- newspaper articles
- magazines
- reading materials
- CD - Classic Literature
- 1,100 titles!
71Kurzweil 3000
- For individuals with
- learning disabilities
- reading difficulties
- improves reading speed and comprehension
- highlights text as it is spoken aloud
- multisensory approach provides support
- at school
- in the home
- at work
72Kurzweil 3000 Demo
- scan read a book
- reading features visual tracking, speed, voice,
definitions, pronunciation . . . - study skills tool bar highlighting, note
extraction, test taking and various note features
. . . - word processor, including word prediction
- reading the web
73Voice Recognition Software
74Dragon NaturallySpeaking
- Benefits people
- physical disabilities
- fine motor problems
- LD who can verbalize but not write
- Writing tool
- get the ideas down
- worry about grammar and sentence structure
75Dragon NaturallySpeaking
- Dictate directly into the computer
- 15-minute training session
- Patience!
- Works with MS Word, WordPerfect, almost all
Windows programs
- Allows hands-free use of the computer
- Have to memorize commands
- Mobile unit available, too!
- Reads back what you say
- Beware the voice!
76Dragon Naturally Speaking Demonstration
- dictation
- read back two modes
- make corrections
- training note (for reading disabilities)
- test taking alone or in combination with
Kurzweil or textHELP Read Write
- Read Write v. 5.0
- (on our student network)
- Screen Reader
- You can type and it reads
- back to you after you type
- back while you type
- files other people have created
- the Internet
- what is on the screen
- Word Prediction
- the word starts with an e
- Thesaurus
- Homonym Checker
- Spell Check
- Dyslexic (b p q d)
- first letter errors
- word wizard - looks up topics for you
79textHelp - Helps!
- Assists and Motivates
- Accommodates reading and writing difficulties
- Helps build reading and writing skills
- Probably the best all round LD tool for the money
80Read Write Demo
- reading text/html
- type read in application
- change voice, character, speed
- word prediction
- dyslexic spell check homophone check
- word wizard expand vocabulary when writing
81Other Technology for LDs
- Web tech for people with disabilities
- great accessibility tool
- brings world into the home
- communication
- learning
- research
- resources
- advocacy information
82A Bit About Computers
- The basics
- multimedia system
- lots of ram is good
- Monitor flat screen or slim (TFT like laptop)
is best for disabled - CD-R (burner)
- scanner (sheet feed is nice)
- OCR software (scanner)
- Keyboard mouse
- Other input devices
- Microphone
- Track ball
- Touch screen
- Writing tablet
- Scanner
- Digital camera
83Reading and Research
- The tools
- Text readers
- Screen readers
- Web readers
- Books on Tape
- e-Text
- Reading pen
- Scanners
- Including products such as
- Kurzweil 3000
- textHELP Read Write
- HELPRead/ReadPlease
- TextAloud Mp3
- Iris Pen
- Quicktionary Pen
84Writing, Expression Presentation
- The tools
- Voice dictation
- Word prediction
- Spelling aids
- Idea gathering
- Organization
- Portable writing
- Presentation
- Recorders (tape digital)
- Including products such as
- Dragon Naturally Speaking
- textHELP Read Write
- Franklin Spell Checkers
- Inspiration
- MindManager
- AlphaSmart
- Pocket PC (keyboard)
85Mind Mapping for Writing and Organization
- The tools
- Idea gathering
- Organization
- Including products such as
- Inspiration
- Kidspiration
- MindManager
- eMindMaps
89Planning, Organization Time Management
- The tools
- Master notebook
- Day planner
- Time poster
- Idea gathering
- Organization
- E-organizer
- Including products such as
- MindManager
- Inspiration
- SmartDraw
- Watch Minder
- PDAs - Palm Pilot, Handspring, Pocket PCs
- . . . our thanks for this opportunity!
91More Info . . .
- On LDs and Richard D. Lavoie
- www.schwablearning.org
- On learning disabilities
- www.ldonline.org
- www.ldpride.net
- www.ldao.on.ca
- www.ldrc.ca
- http//specialed.about.com/cs/learningdisabled
92For Kurzweil Sales info
- Paul Giddens
- cell 498-8938
93About Your Resource Package
- The paper stuff
- Transitional planner
- Pamphlets poster
- Solutions for disabilities (MSC)
- Master notebook and other resources
- The CD-ROM
- Demo software (limited time or use)
- Utilities (everyday tools)
- Internet Web Guide
- Product info
- Supplier info
- Web links
94Mikes thoughts on learning
- Keys
- knowledge of the learner
- multi-sensory strategies
95We Learn... William Glasser
- 10 of what we read
- 20 of what we hear
- 30 of what we see
- 50 of what we both see and hear
- 70 of what is discussed with others
- 80 of what we experience personally
- 95 of what we teach someone else
96Or Simply
- Tell me and I will forget
- Show me and I may remember
- Involve me and I will understand
- Ancient Chinese proverb
97So remember . . .
- See
- Listen
- Say
- Model
- Do
- Do again
- The list goes on
98Assessment/Academic Planning
- Upgrade psych-ed assessment
- Learning Profile
- psych-ed learning skills assessment
- learning styles inventories
- personal history
- Individual Education Transition Plan
- Special Needs Services
- Academic Skills
- Academic Advising
- Career Counselling
- Personal Counselling
99Other possible topics of discussion . . .
- Diagnosing a Learning Disability
- Accommodation vs. Modification
- Technology for Students with LDs
- About the LOTF project at Nipissing