Title: Stochastically Dominating
1Stochastically Dominating
2The Idea
We want to simulate one process on a unbounded
state space. (Say 0, ).)
Suppose there is another process that is
- always above the process we care about
- has a stationary distribution that we know and
can draw from
3Then starting at time zero, we draw a value from
where is the stationary distribution of
the upper process.
4We run the upper process backwards one step to
time 1.
5We then use this point to be the highest point
for which the process of interest can start at
time 1.
6If coupling for the process of interest is
achieved after one time step, we are done.
Otherwise, we run the upper process back another
time step, etc
7A Trivial Example of a Reversible Process
(and the non-trivial problem of reversing it in
a way that would dominate a forward moving
- Any two-state Markov chain is reversible
8A Trivial Example Reversible Process?
- Suppose that the process of interest is given by
- Note that this process is monotone.
9A Trivial Example Reversible Process?
- An upper bounding process is given by Pu
10A Trivial Example Reversible Process?
- We draw from at time zero.
ie we draw Uunif(0,1) at let
- Draw U1unif(0,1) to send the upper process back
one step.
ie if then
11A Trivial Example Reversible Process?
On the other hand, if then
- Find and store U-1. U-1 is related to, but not
equal to U1.
- Use U-1 to run a path from forward to time
zero using P.
12Stochastically Dominating Upper Processes
Example The Infinite Storage Model with
Exponential Release
- input arriving according to a Poisson process
with rate
- input in exponential amounts with mean
13Stochastically Dominating Upper Processes
Example (continued)
- We dominate this process with the storage model
with identical input parameters and simple unit
linear release rate r(u)1.
- When run with the same jumps sizes at the same
Poisson arrival times, this linear process will
stay above the process of interest as long as
both sample paths are above 1.
14Stochastically Dominating Upper Processes
Example (continued)
- So, we set the bottom of the boundng process to
be 1.
(ie whenever the sample path of the upper
process hits 1, it will stay flat until the next
input time)
15Stochastically Dominating Upper Processes
Example (continued)
The stationary distribution for this upper
process is known
16Stochastically Dominating Upper Processes
Example (continued)
This upper process is reversible.
We will check the tricky case (at the bottom of
the space). Checking for the rest of the space is
left as an exercise!
17Stochastically Dominating Upper Processes
Example (continued)
For xgt1,
18Stochastically Dominating Upper Processes
Example (continued) on the other hand
For xgt1,
19Stochastically Dominating Upper Processes
20Stochastically Dominating Upper Processes
21Stochastically Dominating Upper Processes
This reversibility is not going to help us in
practice though
- we could write down the transition probabilities
for the linear upper process
- we may even be able to draw directly from these
transition probabilities
- we cant, however, draw directly from the
transition probabilities for the exponential
release process of interest
22Stochastically Dominating Upper Processes
. hmmm
- we need to draw from the upper bounding process
and the process of interest in the same way in
order to preserve monotonicity
- we would like to make the transitions based on
drawing some exponential inter-arrival time and
exponential replenishment amounts
- this procedure is not reversible
23Stochastically Dominating Upper Processes
The Workaround
- the linear upper process can be interpreted as
the workload process for the M/M/1 queue (shifted
up by one unit)
- just because we gave it a different name does not
suddenly make it reversible!
24Stochastically Dominating Upper Processes
- with this interpretation, we can shift to a
consideration of the process Nn, of the number of
customers in the queue
25Stochastically Dominating Upper Processes
- Note here are some imaginary transitions.
(When the chain is at zero, we can not generate a
departure, we just remain at zero with
probability p.)
- This chain has transition law
26Stochastically Dominating Upper Processes
Still going
- It is easy to check that this chain is reversible.
27Stochastically Dominating Upper Processes
and more
- The backward construction on Nn
- Now generate the Poisson process backwards by
moving up or down w.p. q or p, respectively
(staying at zero w.p. p).
28Stochastically Dominating Upper Processes
The Workload Process
- Given this sample path of the customer process,
we generate a sample path of the workload process
conditional on the upper process.
- This requires a little thought At the times of
arrivals, the input is precisely the exponential
variable that gives the next forward time of
29The Workload Process
workload W-2 W-3-A-2W-2