Title: EE 60556: Fundamentals of Semiconductors Lecture Note
1EE 60556 Fundamentals of SemiconductorsLecture
Note 14 (10/14/09)Read a band structure you
know everything about a crystal
- Outline
- Last class post midterm review, effective mass,
group velocity - Information from a band structure effective
mass, group velocity, bandgap, direct or indirect - The meaning of wave vector k crystal momentum of
an electron (Kittel p.173) - Constant energy contours
2Now we can derive a bandstructure (E-k diagram),
what information can we read from it? Effective
mass, group velocity. Let us also revisit the
physical meaning of k the wave vector
Kittel p.173 significance of k 1) the phase
factor in Bloch function, 2) electron crystal
momentum (not its total momentum) and used in the
conservation laws that govern collision processes
in crystals.
3Effective Mass
- Parabolic approximation
- Bigger the curvature, smaller effective mass
- light holes and heavy holes
Electrons in crystal obey the Newtons law when
the external force and its wave vector are used.
Starting from Newtons 2nd law, can you derive
the expression for the effective mass? (30 sec)
4Effective Mass
- Importance the motion of electrons in a crystal
can be visualized and described in a
quasi-classical manner! - electron billiard ball Newtonian mechanics
because m accounts for the effect of crystal
forces and quantum mechanical properties!
5Effective mass
It is not possible to fit the entire energy band
with a parabolic relation, but near the extreme
points we can generally approximate it with a
parabolic E-k diagram, i.e. find its effective
The larger the lattice constant, the smaller the
effective mass. The larger the interatomic
interaction (highly delocalized valence
electrons), the smaller the effective mass
6Interesting results from k.p theory
- For details, refer to the handouts but it is not
required. - Using perturbation theory and crystal symmetry,
we can estimate the band structure of
semiconductors thus effective mass (easy for
conduction band electrons since C.B. is more
7Indirect direct
Constant energy contours
Using principle axes of the crystal (unit cell)
to reduce m tensor
Figure 310 Realistic bandstructures in
semiconductors (a) Conduction and valence bands
in Si and GaAs along 111 and 100 (b)
ellipsoidal constant energy surface for Si, near
the 6 conduction band minima along the X
directions. (From Chelikowsky and Cohen, Phys.
Rev. B14, 556, 1976).
8Absorption/emission of photon - Vertical
Absorption/emission of phonon - horizontal
- In any transition, K must be conserved as well as
E. - A direct gap semiconductor on the left is the
E-K diagram, and on the right the conventional
energy band diagram. - An indirect gap material (so called because
conduction band minimum and the valence band
maximum do not occur at the same value of K). - Figure 3.14
Anderson 2005
94-fold degenerate at the bottom of Ge conduction
6-fold degenerate
Constant energy surface in conduction band
10- Importance
- s-like band is more parabolic and its constant
energy contour closer to spherical - p-like band is more ellipsoidal with complicated
constant energy contours
Orbits, bands and constant energy contour
11Constant energy surface in valence band (Si)
heavy hole band
Split-off hole band
light hole band
12Indirect Bandgap
Direct Bandgap
Spin-orbit split band energy 10 1000 meV,
increases with decreasing Eg.
13Eg m versus T
Strong dependence of Eg on T Weak dependence of
m on T