Serializability in Multidatabases - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Serializability in Multidatabases


global transaction manager (GTM) breaks global transactions into ... Breitbart's algorithm: assumes each LDBS uses strict-2PL as concurrency ... Breitbart, ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Serializability in Multidatabases

Serializability in Multidatabases
  • Ramon Lawrence
  • Dept. of Computer Science

  • Introduction
  • Definitions of Serializability and MDBS
  • Background Work
  • strict-2PL algorithm, ticket algorithm, 2LSR
  • Problems with serializability
  • MDBS model not supporting serializability
  • updating independently updatable attributes
  • Future work and conclusions

MDBS Architecture
MDBS Architecture (cont.)
  • global transaction manager (GTM) breaks global
    transactions into subtransactions for the local
  • a global transaction server (GTS) converts the
    subtransactions for each local database system
    (LDBS) into a form usable by the LDBS
  • local transactions are allowed at each LDBS and
    are not controlled by the GTM

General Definitions
  • a global transaction involves data items at
    multiple sites
  • a local transaction involves data items at one
  • a schedule is globally serializable there exists
    an ordering of committing global transactions
    such that all subtransactions of the global
    transactions are committed in the same order at
    all sites

Background Work
  • Transaction management in MDBS has proceeded in 3
    general directions
  • Weakening autonomy of local databases
  • Enforcing serializability by using local
  • relaxing serializability constraints by defining
    alternative notions of correctness

Weak LDBS Autonomy
  • if all LDBS control information is shared,
    problem is the same as a distributed-DB
  • many algorithms assume LDBS has certain
  • Breitbarts algorithm
  • assumes each LDBS uses strict-2PL as concurrency
    control mechanism
  • serializability can be guaranteed by waiting to
    commit all subtransactions until all database
    operations are completed at all sites

Weak LDBS Autonomy (cont.)
  • This algorithm has several problems
  • low concurrency
  • possibility of global deadlock
  • assumes each LDBS support prepare-to-commit state
    and strict-2PL
  • not fault tolerant during global commit
  • According to Breitbart,
  • if all the local DBMSs of a multidatabase system
    would use strict-2PL and 2PC then the problem of
    transaction management in a MDBS would be
    trivially solved

Enforcing Serializability using Local Conflicts
  • an elegant algorithm was proposed by
    Georgakopoulos which used tickets at each LDBS to
    enforce global serializability
  • Algorithm
  • each LDBS stores a ticket value
  • each subtransaction proceeds unobstructed but
    must take-a-ticket (increment ticket value)
  • when all subtransactions of a global transaction
    are in the prepare-to-commit state the execution
    is validated using a Global Serialization Graph

Global Serialization Graph
  • nodes of GSG are recently committed
  • an edge Gi -gt Gj exists if at least one of the
    subtransactions of Gi preceded (had a smaller
    ticket that) one of Gj at any site
  • initially the GSG contains no cycles
  • add a node for the global transaction G to be
    committed and the appropriate edges
  • if a cycle exists abort G otherwise commit G

Optimistic Ticket Method (OTM)
  • This is called the Optimistic Ticket Method, and
    it guarantees serializability if each LDBS
  • guarantees serializability
  • has a prepare-to-commit state
  • Drawbacks
  • possible high rate of global transaction aborts
  • hot spot at ticket item
  • livelock is possible
  • Conservative Ticket Method has low concurrency

Quasi and Two-Level Serializability
  • both define a database to be consistent if it
    satisfies all database constraints (global/local)
  • quasi serializability forbids global transactions
    from accessing items with data dependencies
    spanning multiple sites
  • two-level serializability (2LSR) partitions the
    data items into local and global data
  • LDBSs serialize local data access
  • GTM serializes global data
  • local transactions cannot modify global data

Two-Level Serializability (cont.)
  • Advantages
  • better concurrency due to separation of local and
    global data
  • probably best algorithm to implement in
  • Drawbacks
  • partitioning data into global/local may be
  • global constraints may be violated unless forbid
    global transactions from accessing local data

The Problem with Serializability
  • no efficient algorithm to enforce serializability
    for the MDBS environment because of
  • communication costs/size of MDBS
  • LDBS autonomy - little cooperation
  • autonomous entities interact in parallel in a way
    that cannot be serialized
  • Real-world analogies
  • distributed database bee-hive
  • MDBS group of people

A MDBS without Serializability
  • same architecture as before except
  • a LDBS can reject a global update
  • unrestricted access to data items with low
    consistency requirements is allowed
  • reconciliation is done to make sites consistent
  • transaction semantics must be captured to make
    this reconciliation possible
  • global inconsistencies are allowed resulting in a
    change in the definition of a global transaction
  • each LDBS associates a trust factor for the other
    databases when deciding to commit updates

Defining the Global Schema
  • each DBA defines a global schema and the
    trustworthiness of other databases in the GTS
  • Algorithm
  • export schema is entire LDBS schema
  • each attribute in export schema has two 32-bit
    bitmasks representing 32 levels of read/write
  • a one in the k-bit indicates a transaction of
    priority k can access the attribute
  • the levels are not hierarchical

Defining the Global Schema (cont.)
  • Algorithm (cont.)
  • two special levels of access
  • Level 0 - unrestricted global access
  • Level 31 - no global access
  • each transaction is assigned a source LDBS
  • each GTS stores bitmasks representing access of a
    given LDBS, if a LDBS has access to the
    attributes in the transaction it is allowed to
  • Method allows arbitrary federations to be defined
    on the same schema but is not secure

What is a Global Transaction?
  • in this environment, a transaction is a program
    consisting of
  • a sequence of read/write operations
  • a commit or abort operation
  • a timestamp of submission and
  • a formulation of its execution sequence such that
    for every value written to the database there
    exists some function which determined the value
  • a global transaction queries an inconsistent
    global view looking for
  • the most recent data value
  • the most common data value
  • the most trusted data value

Handling Independently Updatable Attributes
  • an independently updatable attribute is a
    stateless attribute that is not involved in any
    data dependencies
  • it can be modified without knowing its previous
    value or effecting other attributes in the system
  • examples name, address, other vital statistics
  • the algorithm attempts to serialize transactions
    in timestamp order
  • no reconciliation is necessary as there are no
    data dependencies

Updating Algorithm
  • use the MDBS model defined previously
  • for local transactions
  • execution is unchanged
  • on commitment extract write set(WS), timestamp of
    commitment, and local database identifier (LDI)
  • for global transactions
  • timestamp, write set, and LDI must be determined
  • each data item has an associated timestamp
    managed by the GTS

Updating Algorithm (cont.)
  • for both local and global transactions
  • the GTS of a LDBS participating in the update has
    the write set, timestamp, and LDI of the
  • LDI is used to get transactions access priority
  • for each attribute x that the transaction has
    access to, the GTS performs
  • read(x)
  • read(TS)
  • if TS lt transaction timestamp then
  • write(x)
  • TS - timestamp of last update for x

Future Work
  • the MDBS model defined is very rough and needs to
    be defined more precisely
  • must be determined if a method of reconciliation
    is possible using current compiler/database
  • handling attributes with data dependencies is a
    critical issue

  • serializability is too restrictive in a MDBS
    environment as algorithms enforcing it have too
    low a degree of concurrency
  • an alternative method of looking at a MDBS based
    on a human model may be appropriate
  • unrestricted parallelism and reconciliation may
    be useful in a MDBS
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