Title: Sequential reductions for verifying serializability
1Sequential reductions for verifying
- Hagit Attiya Technion EPFL
- G. Ramalingam MSR India
- Noam Rinetzky University of London
2The goal
- Verify concurrent data structures
- Pre-execution static analysis
- E.g., linked list with hand-over-hand locking
- memory safety (no memory leaks)
- shape invariants (its a list)
- atomicity (serializability)
- Find sequential reductions
- Consider only sequential executions
- But conclude that properties hold in all
Papadimitriou 79
interleaved execution
thread-local views
complete non-interleaved execution
4Serializability assists verification
- Concurrent code M
- ? all executions of M
- cni-? all complete non-interleaved
executions of M ? ? - f some thread-local property
If M is serializable Then ? ? f ? cni-? ? f
5Chicken and egg?
How do we know that M is serializable, w/o
considering all executions? I.e., checking only
If M is serializable Then ? ? f ? cni-? ? f
6Special case Disciplined coding
- Guard access to data with locks ensure
well-lockedness - Follow a locking protocol that guarantees
(conflict) serializability - E.g., 2PL or tree (hand-over-hand) locking
- Bayer Scholnick 77 Kedem Sliberschatz
76 Smadi 76
7Special case Disciplined coding
- Guard access to data with locks ensure
well-lockedness - Follow a locking protocol that guarantees
(conflict) serializability - E.g., 2PL or tree (hand-over-hand) locking
- Bayer Scholnick 77 Kedem Sliberschatz
76 Smadi 76
8Is this enough?
- int Y, B
- void p()
- acquire(B)
- B 0
- release(B)
- acquire(B)
- int b B
- if (b) Y 2
- release(B)
- void q()
- acquire(B)
- B 1
- release(B)
- Yes!
- for databases
- concurrency control monitor
- ensures that M follows the
- locking policy at run-time
- ? M is serializable
- No!
- for static analysis
- no central monitor
Not even well-locked But only in interleaved
How to (statically) verify that M follows a
locking policy?
9Our approach
- Holds for local conflict-serializable (LCS)
locking protocols - Use only thread-local information
- E.g., two phase locking, tree locking, DAG
locking - But not protocols that rely on a concurrency
control monitor!
10Our contribution Easy step
- cni-? all complete non-interleaved
executions of M ? ?
Two phase locking Tree locking Dynamic tree
locking Dynamic DAG locking
For any LCS locking policy LP ? ? LP ? ni-? ? LP
For any thread-local property f ? ? f ? ni-? ? f
11Our contribution Further reduction
- acni-? all almost-complete non-interleaved
executions of M ? ?
For any LCS locking policy LP ? ? LP ? acni-? ?
12Further reduction A complication
- Need to argue about termination
Y is set to 1 the method enters an infinite loop
Observe Y 1 violates 2PL
int X0, Y0 void p() acquire(Y) y
Y release(Y) if (y ? 0) acquire(X) X
3 release(X)
void q() if (random(5)
3) acquire(Y) Y 1 release(Y) while
(true) nop
13Further reduction Termination
- ? Can use sequential reduction to verify
For any terminating LCS locking policy LP ? ?
LP ? acni-? ? LP
14Initial analysis results
- Shape analysis of hand-over-hand lists
- Does not verify sortedness of list and fails to
verify linearizability in some cases - Shape analysis of hand-over-hand trees (for the
first time) -
15Why in the TM workshop?
- Transactions are transactions
- But we need to consider additional aspects
- aborted transactions
- non-locking serializability (did anyone say
timestamps?) - Combine with other reductions
- Guerraoui, Henzinger, Jobstmann, Singh
- Beyond memory transactions
- Disciplined concurrent programming
- Automatic insertion of lock/unlock commands
16Thank you!