Title: Computer Interfacing' To humans
1Computer Interfacing.To humans
Interfacing computers to humans is an
2HiRes detector as an example
Graphical User Interface Controls readout and
control Of 42 x 256 PMTs 42 FADC crates with
25664 channels Total of (323)211736 Digit
al Signal Processors
3The HiRes Detector Volume
Photograph of the Camels back site
(HiRes2) looking Northeast
4The Air Fluorescence Technique
Shower Development
Detector Response and Calibration
Atmospheric Monitoring
- Need to understand
- Shower Development
- Atmospheric Monitoring
- Detector Response and Calibration
5Schematic of HiRes Detector Elements
HiRes 1 21 Mirrors 3-15 degree elevation
HiRes 2 42 Mirrors 3-31 degree elevation
6Photograph of HiRes Mirror and PMT cluster
7A 25 Microsecond Movie (playback at 1/500,000
8Typical Stereo HiRes EventJuly 11, 1999
Event seen from HiRes 1
Event seen from HiRes 2
9Typical Stereo HiRes EventJuly 11, 1999
3d Event Display of Event seen by HR1 and HR2
10State Machine
Synchronization. Queues Error handling
11Error Handling
For a system composed of seveal hundred
processors error handling is extremely
12State Machine Labview ExampleWashing Machine
15Basic Queing in Labview 7.1