Fiscal Update - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Fiscal Update


... child and the district's state share percentage is 45%. The calculation is: ... Payment calculation will be a combination of the following ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Fiscal Update

Fiscal Update
  • Jo Hannah Ward
  • Thomas Lather

  • Fiscal Update
  • Private Schools
  • Fiscal Impact / Disproportionality
  • Part-B Financial Flexibility
  • State Special Funding
  • Weighted Funding
  • Catastrophic Funding
  • Autism Scholarship Program

  • Fiscal Update

4 Year Getting on Cycle Process
  • Initiated in 2004 to move toward a current year
    funding system
  • The FY08 allocation was year 4 of cycle
  • The FY09 allocations (2008-2009) school year
    will be current year funding

(No Transcript)
Getting on Cycle
  • 7/1/2003 249,117,400
  • 7/1/2004 391,426,591 (57)
  • 7/1/2005 439,106,308 (12.1)
  • 7/1/2006 444,967,346 (1.3)
  • 7/1/2007 444,554,728 (-.09)
  • 7/1/2008 ?

Getting on Cycle
  • Amount of FY09 IDEA Funds
  • Assume flat funding for FY09
  • FY08 IDEA Part- B Grant
  • 355,643,783 flow-thru would result in a
  • 20 reduction in Part-B funding
  • Keep in mind a couple of things.

IDEA Part-B allocation
  • The IDEA Part B allocation is made up of the
    following factors
  • Dec. 1998 child count
  • Current ADM Public and Non-public
  • Current count of children living in poverty

Getting on Cycle
  • Planning suggestions
  • Begin planning for reduced allocation
  • Look at and assess the efficiency regarding your
    use of funds
  • Look at potential carryover amount available from
    FY08 to FY09 to ease transition
  • Keep in mind the early intervening option
  • Keep in mind allowable replacement of local funds
    and how this works in conjunction with early

  • Private Schools

FY08 Allocations
  • Eligible non-public children
  • Formula for non-public allocation includes total
    number of eligible students
  • Served students reported through EMIS in December
    M period
  • Students eligible but not receiving services are
    reported in October K (district level record)

Non-public AllocationProportionate Share
  • of SWD _at_ LEA 300
  • of eligible SWD _at_ Private 20
  • Total eligible children 320
  • __________________________________________________
  • Total IDEA Part-B Allocation 152,500
  • Per student amount 152,500 / 320 476.5625
  • NP Proportionate share 476.5625 x 20 9,531.25

  • Non-public
  • 612 (a)(10)(f)(iii) Consultation
  • Child find process
  • Determine of proportionate share of federal IDEA
    Part-B funds, and how the amount of was
  • Formula includes all eligible non-public students
    served and un-served
  • How, where, and by whom special education and
    related services will be provided
  • Document everything
  • If there is disagreement LEA to provide
    non-public with a written explanation of the
    reasons behind the LEA decision.
  • Written affirmation from the non-public
  • Complaint procedure to SEA and USDoE

  • Fiscal Impact of
  • Disproportionality
  • Finding

  • Changes for 2007-08
  • Population n size change from 10 to 30 (n30)
  • Student EMIS status code 1 0
  • Self-Assessment to determine if
    over-representation due to inappropriate
    identification procedures.
  • Districts with significant over-representation
  • To examine identification policies and
  • Redirect 15 of their annual Part-B allocation to
    address the issue (Redirection Page)

Disproportionality questions
  • Analysis of identification, placement, and
    discipline data, Ronda Hinson at
  • IDEA Part-B allocation, Jo Hannah Ward at

FY08 allocation
  • Financial flexibility
  • Voluntary 15 redirection
  • Early Intervening
  • 15 of total allocation
  • Redirection page within CCIP
  • Mandatory 15 redirection
  • Disproportionality
  • Letters to ALL superintendents

  • IDEA Part-B
  • Financial
  • Flexibility

  • 50 replacement of local funds
  • LEAs can treat as local funds up to 50 of the
    amount of increase year to year from IDEA Part-B.
  • Example
  • FY07 100
  • FY08 200
  • Increase 100
  • 50 replacement 50

Fiscal Caution
  • Year 1 Part-B Allocation 100
  • Year 2 Part-B Allocation 200
  • Increase 100
  • If LEA chooses to pursue local cost
  • replacement option (50) OR 50
  • If LEA chooses to pursue 15 Early
  • Intervening option (15) 30
  • HOWEVER, if district choose to do both
  • options they can still use 30 for EI
  • and ONLY 20 for the replacement
  • option (net of 50-30)

Use IDEA Part-B funds for Early Intervening
  • LEA may not use more than 15 of their Part-B
    allocation to develop and implement coordinated
    early intervening services for students who have
    NOT yet been identified as needing special
    education and related services BUT who do need
    additional academic and behavioral support to
    succeed (at risk learners)
  • Prevention
  • K-12, (emphasis on K-3)
  • Mandatory and discretionary provision
  • Disproportionality

Early Intervening Services
  • To address students at risk not yet identified
    as a child with a disability
  • Professional development surrounding
    scientifically-based academic instruction and
    behavioral intervention
  • Provision of educational and behavioral
    evaluations, services and supports and
  • Coordinated services aligned with ESEA of 1965
  • Within the CCIP Budget page, the redirected funds
    will be detailed within the Professional
    Development line.

Use of Funds
  • Pooling of IDEA Part-B funds with Title I funds
  • LEAs can use a portion of their IDEA Part-B
    funds to carryout the activities of a school-wide
  • Specific calculation formula based on number of
    children with disabilities served within the
    school-wide program

  • State Weighted Funding

State Funding
  • Children (3-5) Unit Funding
  • reflects funds allocated to districts to pay for
    the education of children with disabilities who
    are in preschool programs. This aid is based on a
    salary allowance plus a 15 percent fringe
    allowance, a non-salary allowance and a
    supplemental allowance. Both classroom unit
    funding and related services units are funded.
  • Children (6-21) Supplemental weighted funding
  • Provides additional funding for pupils with
    disabilities based on the severity of a pupils

Disability Conditions
  • Multiple Disabilities (other than deaf-blind)
  • Deaf-Blindness
  • Hearing Impairments
  • Visual Impairments
  • Speech and Language Impairment
  • Orthopedic Impairments
  • Emotional Disturbance
  • Mental Retardation (Cognitive Disability
  • Specific Learning Disability
  • Preschool child with disability (Ages 0-5)
  • Autism
  • Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
  • Other Health Handicapped-Major
  • Other Health Handicapped-Minor
  • (USDoE combine major and minor into one category)

State Weighting Categories
  • Category 1 Speech Only
  • Category 2 Learning disables, Cognitive
    Disability and Other Health Minor
  • Category 3 Hearing Impaired, Visually Impaired
    and Emotional Disturbance
  • Category 4 Other Health Major, Orthopedic
  • Category 5 Multi-handicapped
  • Category 6 Traumatic Brain Injury, Autism and

State Weighting Factors
  • Category 1 .2892
  • Category 2 .3691
  • Category 3 1.7695
  • Category 4 2.3646
  • Category 5 3.1129
  • Category 6 4.7342

State Funding
  • A child with a disability is counted as a student
    first, then counted as a child with a disability.
  • Each school district is required to spend state
    funds received through the special education
    weighted formula on direct special education and
    related services for children with disabilities.
  • Districts report these expenditures to the
    Department which in turn reports these special
    education expenditures for each district to the
    Governor and General Assembly on an annual basis.
  • Annual Special Education Fiscal Accountability
  • OEC monitors the SEFA report

Weighted Funding Calculation
  • Formula
  • of disabled students (by category) X
    categorical weighted factor X per pupil
    foundation amount (per pupil formula amount, FY06
    5,403) x districts state share
  • Note The weights are not fully funded, they are
    pro-rated in the calculation FY08 90.
  • of disabled students (by category) X
    categorical weighted factor X per pupil base cost
    funding (FY08) 5,565 x districts state share x
    of funding level.

State Weighted Special Education Calculation
  • For example, if a district has (1) autistic child
    and the districts state share percentage is 45.
    The calculation is
  • (1x 4.7342) x 5,565 x .45 x .90 10,670.05 in
    weighted supplemental special education funding.

  • Catastrophic Funding

Catastrophic Aid
  • supplemental payment to districts, joint
    vocational schools, and community schools for
    special educational students in categories two
    through six.

Catastrophic Aid
  • This reimbursement is available to the
    financially responsible district for any child in
    category two, three, four or five whose
    educational and related expenses exceed 27,375,
    and any child in category six whose expenses
    exceed 32,850.

Catastrophic Aid
  • Payment calculation will be a combination of the
  • 50 of the cost exceeding the threshold of
    27,375 or 32,850, whichever is applicable.
  • 50 of the cost exceeding the threshold of
    27,375 or 32,850, times the districts state
    share percentage.
  • Reimbursement request are due by Jan 31, 2008.

Catastrophic Aid
  • Locate the forms
  • Search - catastrophic form
  • Select Forms and Program Information for
    Traditional Public Schools

  • Autism Scholarship Program

Autism Scholarship Program
  • Total students 750
  • Total providers - 150 approved
  • Checks have provider and parent name
  • New Rules to the board in 09
  • Maximum still 20,000

  • State weighted special funds search web page for
  • Catastrophic aid School finance web page
  • IDEA Part-B allocations OEC web page (May-June)
  • IDEA use of funds document CCIP (April May)

  • Contact Information
  • (614)466-2650
  • Jo Hannah Ward
  • Thomas Lather
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