Title: The state of the Israeli economy
1The state of theIsraeli economy
Ministry of Finance
December 2005
2(No Transcript)
3Facts figures
Declared independence 1948 Area 22,330 sq
km Government parliamentary democracy Population
6,809,000 (2004) Population growth
1.8 Literacy 95.4 Religion 76.4 Jewish,
16.0 Muslim Economy advanced industrialized
market economy
Source CIA Fact book
4A country seeking peace
- Milestones in the Peace Process
- 1979 - Peace treaty with Egypt
- 1993 - Oslo Accord with Palestinians
- 1994 - Peace treaty with Jordan
- 2005 - Disengagement from Gaza
- Improved Political Environment
- New regime in Iraq
- Changes within the Palestinian Authority
- Israeli commitment to finding a solution
5Clear and consistent economic policy
Budget discipline
Tax reduction
From welfare to work
Market economy privatization reforms
6Economic Policy budget discipline
General government expenditure as of GDP
Budget deficit as of GDP
Source Ministry of Finance
7Economic Policy tax reduction
Average tax rate on personal income
Corporate tax rate
Monthly income, NIS, 2005 prices
Source Ministry of Finance
8Economic Policy from welfare to work
Unemployment and Participation rates
Source Ministry of Finance
9Economic policy Market economy
- EL AL Israeli Airline Co.
- ZIM Israeli Shipping Co.
- Israel Discount Bank
- Bezeq Israeli Telecom Co.
- Bank Leumi
- Bazan Israeli Refineries
- Israeli Defense Industry
- Pension funds
- Sea ports
- Tax
- Capital markets
10Economic performance
- Sustainable growth
- Inflation under control
- Interest rates at record low
- Outstanding equity market performance
- Tourism back to 2000 figures
- Increase in foreign direct investments
- Strong and stable ratings
11Sustainable growth
Growth of GDP per Capita per annum
Source Central Bureau of Statistics and
Ministry of Finance
12Inflation under control
Year-end inflation rate
Central Banks key interest rate
Source Ministry of Finance and Bank of Israel
13Yields on indexed government bonds, 2001-2005
Drop in interest rates
Source Bank of Israel, MoF estimates
14Outstanding equity market performance
15Increase in tourist confidence
Number of tourist arrivals by air (per month)
16Favorable government debt structure
External public sector debt as of March 2005
Source of debt
Original term to maturity
Source Bank of Israel March 2005
17Net Inflows of Foreign Direct Investment in
Israel (US billions)
Return of foreign investors
JAN-NOV 2005 at annual rate
18Strong and Stable Credit Ratings
Baa1 /BBB
Baa2 /BBB
Baa3 /BBB-
SP, 2005
The solid investment grade ratings on Israel
reflect its advanced, prosperous, export-oriented
economy with few balance-of-payments pressures,
underpinned by structural reforms.
Moodys, 2004
In economic terms, the current Israeli
government is the most pro-market government in
50 years.
Source Credit Rating Agencies
19Diverse trading
Exports Imports
North America
South/ Central America
Excluding diamonds
Source Central Bureau of Statistics, 2004
20Hi-Tech attraction
International technologycompanies invested in
Israeli tech companies
- Clear and consistent economic policy
- Commitment to deep and lasting structural reforms
- Sound and resilient credit quality
- Fundamentals compare favorably with higher-rated
sovereigns - New geopolitical environment
- Real business opportunities
22Additional Information...
- Web site addresses
- Ministry of Finance
- http//www.mof.gov.il/englishframe.htm
- http//www.mof.gov.il/research_e
- Bank of Israel
- http//www.bankisrael.gov.il/firsteng.htm
- Central Bureau of Statistics
- http//www.cbs.gov.il/engindex.htm