Title: Programming Fundamentals I Java Programming ICE0124ITB0121
1Programming Fundamentals I Java
July 4th, 2005 Lab No. 2
- Tae-ho Hwang (fanteo.AT.icu.ac.kr)
- Eru Hojin Kim (eruhkim.AT.icu.ac.kr)
22 Concept of class and object, and Control
3Agenda for Today
- Explanation on class and object
- Control statements
- if
- for, while, do while
- switch
- Practice together!
- Assign Homework 2
4Explanation on class and object
- Java an object-oriented programming language
- Performing a task in a program requires a method.
- The program unit that houses a method is called a
class. - A class can be used to create an instance of the
class called an object. - A class has specified attributes that the object
will have. - Class instance creation expressions beginning
with keyword new create new objects.
5Explanation on class and object
- public an access modifier
- public available to the public so it can be
called by other classes declared outside the
class declaration - protected intermediate level of access to the
method or variable (we will see later) - private minimum level of access to the method or
variable (we will see later) - Method
- Arguments
- Parameters
6Control statements
- Condition
- if
- if (age
- else if ((age 18) (age
- else
- switch
- switch (age)
- case 1
- break
- Iteration
- for
- for (i 0 i
- while
- while (age
- do while
- do
- while (age
7Practice together
- Get two integers, one is base number of
multiplication, the other is the number of column - Print out the result of multiplication
8Practice together (Contd)
9Practice together
- // Lab 2_1 2005-07-04
- // 20050001 Gildong Hong
- import java.util.Scanner
- public class Lab2_1
- public static void main(String args)
- Scanner input new Scanner(System.in)
- int number1
- int number2
- System.out.print("Enter first integer ")
- number1 input.nextInt()
- System.out.print("Enter second integer ")
- number2 input.nextInt()
10Practice together (Contd)
- int i 1
- while (i
- System.out.printf("dd2d\t", number1, i,
number1 i) - if (i number2 0)
- System.out.println()
- i
11Practice together
- Get the integer number as number1
- Generate random number as number2
- If the random number number2 is different from
number1, print out the number2 and repeat above
action - Otherwise exit the program with printing out END
with ? message
12Class Random
- Generate random numbers Random rnd new
Random() number rnd.nextInt(100) - Above code generates the random integer number
from 0 to 100 which includes 0 and excludes 100 - import java.util.Random
13Practice together (Contd)
14Practice together
- // Lab 2_2 2005-07-04
- // 20050001 Gildong Hong
- import java.util.Scanner
- import java.util.Random
- public class Lab2_2
- public static void main(String args)
- Scanner input new Scanner(System.in)
- int number1
- int number2
- Random rnd new Random()
- System.out.print("Enter the integer ")
- number1 input.nextInt()
15Practice together (Contd)
- while (number1 ! (number2 rnd.nextInt(100)))
- System.out.println(number2)
- System.out.printf("END with d", number2)
16Assign Homework 2
- Create a Java program, Homework2.java that does
the following things - Input 2 integer values, one determines the shape
of triangle, the other does the number of in a
row or column - Draw triangle using while statement
17Assign Homework 2 (Contd)
18Assign Homework 2 (Contd)
19Assign Homework 2 (Contd)
- Submission
- Compress the files to zip file (not alz) named
like ICE0124_20050001_HW2.zip - Mail subject should be likeICE0124 Homework 2
by 20050001 ??? - Send to eruhkim.AT.icu.ac.kr
- Due date 2005-07-11 180000
- 50 penalty if the homework is late or you dont
keep the above rules