Title: Translating the PCAOB Guidance:
1Translating the PCAOB Guidance
- Plain Talk About the New Rules
2Translating the PCAOB GuidancePlain Talk About
the New Rules
3Who am I?
- David E. Smith, CISSPDavid.Smith_at_BindView.com
- 8 Years in Information SecurityGlobal Fortune
500 Financial Companies - BindView-
- Professional Services Consultant
- RAZOR TeamSecurity Compliance Analyst
4Sarbanes Oxley Changed Everything
- Section 101 (a)
- There is established the Public Company
Accounting Oversight Board, to oversee the audit
of public companies that are subject to the
securities laws, and related matters, in order to
protect the interests of investors and further
the public interest in the preparation of
informative, accurate, and independent audit
reports for companies the securities of which are
sold to, and held by and for, public investors. - The Board shall be a body corporate, operate as a
nonprofit corporation, and have succession until
dissolved by an Act of Congress.
5PCAOBs Role
- Issue Standards
- Solicit feedback
- Act as a conduit between companies, auditors and
6PCAOB Audit Standards
- Audit Standard 1
- Requires reference to PCAOB standards in all
audits and reviews of financial statements
eliminates AICPA references - Re-asserts authority of PCOAB for rulemaking
- Audit Standard 2
- Defines the standards auditors must follow in
auditing internal controls over financial
statements - Audit Standard 3
- Details documentation requirements
7Audit Standard 2 Major Components
- Define the auditors objective
- Evaluate Management's assessment
- Evaluate internal controls
- Name COSO as the model framework
- Clarify the concept of Reasonable Assurance
- State the responsibility of management to present
an adequate written assessment - Describe considerations for evaluating material
assessment and fraud
8Audit Standard 2 Major Components
- Performing an audit of internal controls over
financial statements - Relationship between the audit of controls and
the audit of financial statements - Reviewing managements disclosures
- Documentation requirements
- Communication requirements
9May 16, 2005
- PCAOB and SEC issue simultaneous commentary
related to SOX Auditing - Responded to questions raised during an April 13,
2005 roundtable on SOX efforts - Key Concern
- Cost Effectiveness of SOX audits
10PCAOB Commentary Five Objectives
- Integrate internal control audits with financial
statements audits - Exercise judgment to tailor audit plans for
individual audit clients - Use a top-down approach based on Risk Assessment
- Use the work of others
- Engage in direct and timely communication with
audit clients
11Integrated audits
- Audit Standard No. 2 is an integrated audit
standard -
- should be designed to achieve their results
12Tailored audit plans
- Standardized audit checklists
13Use a top-down approach
- Focus on a High-Risk first based approach
- -Company Controls
- -Significant Accounts
- -Significant Processes
- -Individual Controls
14Use the work of others
- Can External Auditors use the work of Internal
Auditors on SOX Audits? - Audit Standard No. 2 - Principle Evidence
Audit Opinion must be based on auditors own work - AU Section 322- Allows the work of others to be
incorporated into the audit - Final Verdict The auditor must do enough
independent work to validate their own opinion
15Communication with audit clients
- Auditors may not make accounting decisions on
behalf of their clients - Auditors can and should
- Review draft financial statements
- Provide advice on accounting and internal
controls - Discuss freely with management the significance
of financial controls - Make technical suggestions on proper application
16The SEC Commentary
- The purpose of internal control over financial
reporting - Reasonable assurance, risk-based approach, and
scope of testing and assessment - Evaluating internal control deficiencies
- Disclosures about material weaknesses
- Information technology issues
- Communications with auditors
- Issues related to small business and foreign
private issuers
17The purpose of internal controls auditing
- Focus on items that could lead to material errors
- Decline to prescribe amount of testing and
documentation - Each company makes an informed decision in
designing an assessment process
18Reasonable Assurance, Risk, Testing
- Reasonable is not Absolute Assurance
- Use top-down, risk based approach
- Testing is an on-going process
19Evaluating Internal Control Deficiencies
- Identification of deficiencies should be based on
the significance of the deficiency on financial
statements - Errors in reporting (restatements) do not
necessarily indicate a control deficiency
20Disclosures About Material Weaknesses
- Material Weaknesses must be reported
- Companies encouraged to include enough
information about - The nature of the weakness
- The impact of the weakness
- The plans for remediating the weakness
- that investors can make informed decisions
21Information technology issues
- Tested IT controls should be relevant to
Financial Reporting - IT Control frameworks (CobiT) may be useful, but
are too broad to be required - New IT Systems will not be exempted from testing
- controls should be built in and tested as part of
22Communications with auditors
- Auditors can and should
- Review draft financial statements
- Provide advice on accounting and internal
controls - Discuss freely with management the significance
of financial controls
23Small Business and Foreign Issuers
- SEC continues to assess the burdens of SOX on
Small Business and foreign businesses - Founded an advisory committee on small business
impact - Foreign Companies still not required to comply,
but included in discussions
24Implications for Internal Audit
- Internal Audit can and should
- Advise on how to manage SOX costs
- Develop and implement year-round testing
- Advise on account controls implementations
- Work with and possibly under external auditors to
complete assessments
25Partnering with Independent Auditors
- Refer to
- PCAOBs Interim StandardAU 322
- http//www.pcaobus.org/Standards/Interim_Standards
26The Challenges
- Balancing Audit Role with Advisory Role
- Meeting the standard of independence
- Containing costs
27Your Thoughts
- Does Internal Audit have a responsibility to the
organization to help contain Sarbanes related
audit costs?
28Your Thoughts
- At what level should Internal Audit be involved
in the process of evaluating controls for
financial reporting?
29Your Thoughts
- At what level should Internal Audit be involved
in assisting external auditors with their
30Your Thoughts
- Where have PCAOB and SEC missed opportunities to
provide better guidance?
31Real things you can do today
- Work to build a consistent testing cycle
- Identify the high priorities
- Automate to reduce costs and increase
repeatability - Educate Management about controls on a consistent
basis - Build the control testing process into new
projects and technologies.