Title: Managing Demand and Capacity Chapter 14
1Managing Demand and Capacity (Chapter 14)
- Gap 3 - Not Delivering to Service Standards
- Lack of Inventory Capacity
- Capacity Constraints/Demand Patterns
- Strategies for Matching Capacity and Demand
- Waiting Issues/Strategies
2Key Factors Leading to Provider Gap 3
Service Delivery
- Key Factors Related to Demand and
Capacity -
Customer-Driven Service Designs and Standards
3Lack of Inventory Capacity
- leads to four possible scenarios
- (at the level of optimum capacity)
4Service Supply and Demand
Source Christopher H. Lovelock, Classifying
Services to Gain Strategic Marketing Insights,
Journal of Marketing, 47, 3 (Summer 1983) 17.
5Service Capacity Constraints
6Service Demand Patterns
- predictable cycles
- random demand fluctuations
- demand patterns by market segment
7Summary of Capacity Constraints and Demand
Capacity Constraints
Demand Patterns
8Strategies for Matching Capacity and Demand
- Shifting Demand to Match Capacity
- Flexing Capacity to Meet Demand
9Strategies for Shifting Demand to Match Capacity
Demand Too High
Demand Too Low
Shift Demand
- Use signage to communicate busy days and times
- Offer incentives to customers for usage during
non-peak times - Take care of loyal or regular customers first
- Advertise peak usage times and benefits of
non-peak use - Charge full price for the service--no discounts
- Use sales and advertising to increase business
from current market segments - Modify the service offering to appeal to new
market segments - Offer discounts or price reductions
- Modify hours of operation
- Bring the service to the customer
10Strategies for Flexing Capacity to Match Demand
Demand Too High
Demand Too Low
Flex Capacity
- Stretch time, labor, facilities and equipment
- Cross-train employees
- Hire part-time employees
- Request overtime work from employees
- Rent or share facilities
- Rent or share equipment
- Subcontract or outsource activities
- Perform maintenance renovations
- Schedule vacations
- Schedule employee training
- Lay off employees
11Waiting Issues/Strategies
12Strategies to Address Waiting
- importance of customer
- urgency of job
- duration of the service transaction
- payment of a premium price