Applied Microeconomics - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Applied Microeconomics


limm am=a , and amp (1-am)q hr for all m, then ap (1-a)q hr ... v(xi) representing the preferences must be of the form v(xi)=bu(xi) c, where b 0 ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Applied Microeconomics

Applied Microeconomics
  • Decision-Making Under Uncertainty

  • Uncertainty
  • Expected utility theorem
  • Risk aversion
  • Arrow Pratt measure of risk aversion
  • CARA/DARA utility

  • Kreps chapters 15 and 16
  • Perloff chapter 17

St. Petersburg Paradox
  • How much would you pay to participate in the
    following gamble? (Nicholas Bernoulli, 1713)
  • A fair coin will be tossed until a head appears
  • If the first head appears on the nth toss, then
    the payoff is 2n ducats

St. Petersburg Paradox
  • The expected value of the gamble p is Exi___
  • Daniel Bernoullis solution (1738)
  • people's utility from wealth, u(W), is not
    linearly related to wealth (W) but rather
    increases at a decreasing rate - the famous idea
    of diminishing marginal utility, u(W) gt 0 and
    u(W) lt 0
  • a person's valuation of a risky venture is not
    the expected return of that venture, but rather
    the expected utility from that venture
  • Ep(u(xi))___

  • Let X(x1,x2,,xn) be a set of outcomes
  • Let p(p1,,pn) be a simple lottery on the set of
  • pi is the probability of outcome xiÃŽX occurring
  • pi³0 for all xi in X and Ã¥ i1npi1
  • Define D(X) as the set of lotteries on X

  • Suppose a coin is tossed and we win 100 Euros if
    heads comes up and nothing if tales comes up
  • The set of outcomes in this case is X(100,0)
  • A fair coin represents the simple lottery
    p(0.5,0.5) over X
  • A manipulated coin could for instance give us the
    simple lottery q(0.3,0.7) over X

Compound Lotteries
  • Suppose we have two simple lotteries p and q
  • Then we can define a compound lottery over the
    two lotteries with probability a you win lottery
    p and with probability 1-a you win q
  • But this is the same as the simple lottery
  • Example if with probability 0.5 we win the fair
    coin lottery and with probability 0.5 the
    manipulated coin lottery, this is equivalent to
    the simple lottery r(0.4,0,6)

Preferences over Lotteries
  • Suppose now that decision makers (DMs) have
    preferences over the simple lotteries on X
  • We will write p³hq to denote that the DM weakly
    prefers p to q
  • We will write pgthq to denote that the DM strictly
    prefers p to q

  • A.1 ³ h is complete, i.e. either p ³ h q or q ³
    h q for all p,qÃŽD(X).
  • A.2 ³ h is transitive, i.e. if p ³ h q and q ³ h
    r, then p ³ h r for all p, q, r Î D(X)
  • A.3 ³ h is continuous if p,q,rÃŽD(X),
    amÎ0,1, limm?8 ama , and amp(1-am)q³ hr for
    all m, then ap(1-a)q³ hr
  • A.4 Independence Axiom if p,q,rÃŽD(X) and a
    Î0,1, then p ³ hq if and only if ap(1-a )r³
    haq(1-a )r

The Expected Utility Theorem(Neumann
Morgenstern 44)
  • ³ h satisfies (A.1), (A.2), (A.3) and (A.4) if
    and only if there is a Bernoulli function u(xi)
    such that for all p,qÎD(X), p ³ hq Û
    U(p)Epu(xi) ³ Eq u(xi)U(q)
  • If u(xi) is such a function, then any other
    function v(xi) representing the preferences must
    be of the form v(xi)bu(xi)c, where bgt0
  • A DM whose preferences satisfy the four axioms is
    said to have a von Neumann-Morgenstern (vNM)
    utility function

  • A DM with vNM utility has the Bernoulli function
  • Which of the following two lotteries does he
  • p(0.5,100,0.5,1)
  • q(1,50)
  • Answer compute the expected utilities
  • U(p)0.5ln(100)0.5ln(1)2.3
  • U(q)ln(50)3.9

  • Lotteries are over final outcomes
  • Suppose a DM with vNM utility function and wealth
    1 million Euros is choosing between a lottery
    that gives him 1 extra Euro with probability 0.5
    and 0 with prob. 0.5 and a lottery that pays off
    90 cent with certainty
  • To decide he needs to compare the lotteries
    p(1,000,0010.5,1,000,0000.5) and

  • If U(p) represents the preferences of the
    decision maker, than so does V(p)aU(p)b for agt0
  • Outcomes do not have to be monetary payoffs, but
    can for instance be bundles of goods

Certainty Equivalent
  • Suppose a DM is indifferent between 40 Euros for
    sure, and a lottery p that gives 100 Euros with
    prob. 0.5 and 1 Euro with prob. 0.5,
  • Then 40 Euros is his certainty equivalent, CE(p),
    of the lottery p
  • Mathematically, this can be expressed as

  • Suppose a vNM decision maker with zero wealth has
    the Bernoulli function u(x)-e-0.01x
  • What is his certainty equivalent of the lottery
  • Answer solve the equation 0.5(-e-1)0.5(-e-0.01)
  • Solution CE(p)-100ln(0.5e-10.5 e-0.01)38.7

Risk Aversion
  • Note that CE(p)38.7ltEp(xi)50.5
  • Hence, the DMs money value of the lottery is
    less than its expected value
  • A decision maker who has a lower certainty
    equivalent than expected value of any risky
    lottery, is said to be risk avert
  • The difference between the two is known as the
    risk premium RP(p) Ep(xi)-CE(p)
  • In the above example RP(p)50.5-38.711.8

Risk Neutrality
  • On the other hand, a decision maker whose
    certainty equivalent and expected value are equal
    for any lottery on X is said to be risk neutral
  • A decision maker who has a weakly higher
    certainty equivalent than expected value for any
    lottery, is said to be risk loving
  • What are your risk preferences?

  • Suppose a decision maker has the Bernoulli
    function u(x)x. Is he risk averse/loving/neutral?
  • Answer since u(Exi)ExiEpu(xi), he is
    risk neutral
  • Moreover, any risk neutral decision maker must
    have a Bernoulli function of the form u(x)axb,
    where agt0
  • What about more general Bernoulli functions?

Risk Aversion and Concavity
  • A decision maker is risk-averse ? he has concave
    utility function
  • With a differentiable Bernoulli function this is
    equivalent to u(x)0 for all x in X

Risk Aversion and Concavity
  • A decision maker is risk loving ? he has convex
    utility function
  • A decision maker is risk neutral ? he has linear
    utility function

Comparing Risk Aversion
  • How do we compare the risk aversion of different
    decision makers?
  • Arrow-Pratt measure of absolute risk aversion
  • Examples
  • u(W)ln(W) gives RA(W)1/W Absolute risk
    aversion decreasing in wealth, DARA utility
  • u(W)a-be-cW gives RA(W)c Absolute risk
    aversion constant at all wealth level, CARA

  • If the DMs preferences over lotteries satisfies
    four axioms, then they can be represented by an
    expected utility function
  • A DMs certainty equivalent of a lottery is the
    amount of money that makes him indifferent
    between participating in the lottery and taking
    the money
  • The risk premium is the difference between the
    expected value and the certainty equivalent
  • A risk averse vNM DM has concave Bernoulli
    function and lower certainty equivalent than
    expected value for all lotteries over the set of
  • The Arrow-Pratt measure of absolute risk aversion
    makes it possible to compare the risk aversion of
    different DMs
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