Principles of Microeconomics - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Principles of Microeconomics


Title: Principles of Microeconomics Author: Ka-fu WONG Last modified by: School of Economics and Finance Created Date: 1/13/2001 12:04:22 AM Document presentation format – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Principles of Microeconomics

Perfectly Competitive Supply The Cost Side of
The Market
Profit-Maximizing Firms and Perfectly Competitive
  • A profit-maximizing firm is one whose primary
    goal is to maximize profit, i.e. total revenue
    minus total cost.
  • A perfectly competitive market is one in which no
    individual supplier has any influence on the
    market price of the good.

Characteristics of Perfectly Competitive Market
  • Homogeneous product
  • Many buyers and sellers, each of which buys or
    sells only a small fraction of the total quantity
  • Buyer and sellers are well-informed
  • Rapid dissemination of accurate information at
    low cost
  • Free entry and exit into the market
  • Productive resources are mobile

Profit-Maximizing Firms and Perfectly Competitive
  • A price taker is a firm that has no influence
    over the price of the product that it sells.

Art reproduction
Factors of production
  • Factors of production are inputs used in the
    production of a good or service.

Fixed factor of production
  • A fixed factor of production is an input whose
    quantity cannot be altered in the short run.
  • A typical fixed factor is capital
  • E.g., buildings or plants

Example Transmission tower for a student radio
Variable factor of production
  • A variable factor of production is an input whose
    quantity can be altered in the short run.
  • A typical variable factor is labor
  • E.g., workers or raw materials or plants

Example Music library for a student radio
Total Product and Marginal Product
  • Total Product (TP)
  • The quantity of output produced by the firm in a
    given period of time.
  • The total output is related to the input level of
    the fixed and variable factors of production
  • Marginal Product (MP)
  • The increase in total product due to hiring of
    one additional unit of the variable factor
    (assuming quantities of other factors are

The Law of Diminishing Returns
Note that output gains begin to diminish with the
third employee. Economists refer to this
pattern as the law of diminishing returns, and it
always refers to situations in which the
quantities of all other factors are fixed.
Total no. of employees/day Total no. of bats/Day (TP) Additional no. of bats/day (MP)
0 0
1 40 40
2 100 60
3 130 30
4 150 20
5 165 15
6 175 10
7 181 6
Short Run and Long Run
  • Short Run (SR)
  • A period of time over which at least one factor
    is fixed.
  • Long Run (LR)
  • A period of time over which all factors are

Example Louisville Slugger uses two inputs
labor (e.g., woodworkers) and capital (e.g.,
lathes, tools, buildings)
A lathe is a tool which spins a block of material
to perform various operations such as cutting,
sanding, knurling, or deformation with tools that
are applied to the workpiece to create an object
which has symmetry about an axis of rotation.
to transform raw materials (e.g., lumber)
into finished output (baseball bats).
Fixed Cost
  • Suppose the lease payment for the Louisville
    Sluggers lathe and factory is 80 per day.
  • This payment is a fixed cost (since it does not
    depend on the number of bats per day the firm
  • FC rK
  • r Price of renting a unit of capital service
    (rental rate)
  • K No. of unit of the capital service

Variable Cost
  • The companys payment to its employees is called
    variable cost, because unlike the fixed cost, it
    varies with the number of bats the company
  • VC wL
  • w Price of hiring a unit of labor service (wage
  • L No. of unit of labor service

Total Cost
  • The firms total cost is the sum of its fixed and
    variable costs
  • Total cost Fixed Cost Variable Cost
  • TC FC VC
  • TC rK wL

Marginal Cost
  • The firms marginal cost is the change in total
    cost divided by the corresponding change in

Example Louisville Slugger
  • If Louisville slugger pays a fixed cost of 80
    per day, and to each employee a wage of 24/day,
    calculate the companys output, variable cost,
    total cost and marginal cost for each level of

Example Louisville Slugger
Employees per day Bats per day Fixed Cost ( per day) Variable Cost (/day) Total Cost (/day) Marginal Cost (/bat)
0 0 80 0 80
1 40 80 24 104 0.6 (24/40)
2 100 80 48 128 0.4(24/60)
3 130 80 72 152 0.8(24/30)
4 150 80 96 176 1.2(24/20)
5 165 80 120 200 1.6(24/15)
6 175 80 144 224 2.4(24/10)
7 181 80 168 248 4.0(24/6)
Choosing Output to Maximize Profit
  • If a companys goal is to maximize its profit, it
    should continue to expand its output as long as
    the marginal benefit from expanding is at least
    as great as the marginal cost.

Example Louisville Slugger (Continued)
  • Suppose the wholesale price of each bat (net of
    lumber and other materials costs) is 2.50.
  • How many bats should Louisville Slugger produce?

Example Louisville Slugger (Continued)
  • If we compare this marginal benefit (2.50 per
    bat) with the marginal cost entries shown in
    table, we see that the firm should keep expanding
    until it reaches 175 bats per day (6 employees
    per day).

Employees per day Bats per day Fixed Cost ( per day) Variable Cost (/day) Total Cost (/day) Marginal Cost (/bat)
0 0 80 0 80
1 40 80 24 104 0.6
2 100 80 48 128 0.4
3 130 80 72 152 0.8
4 150 80 96 176 1.2
5 165 80 120 200 1.6
6 175 80 144 224 2.4
7 181 80 168 248 4.0
Example Louisville Slugger (Continued)
  • To confirm that the cost-benefit principle thus
    applied identifies the profit-maximizing number
    of bottles to produce, we can calculate profit
    levels directly

Employees per day Output (bats/day) Total revenue (/day) Total cost (/day) Profit (/day)
0 0 0 80 -80
1 40 100 104 -4
2 100 250 128 122
3 130 325 152 173
4 150 375 176 199
5 165 412.50 200 212.50
6 175 437.50 224 213.50
7 181 452.50 248 204.50
Choosing Output to Maximize Profit
  • According to the law of diminishing returns,
    marginal cost increases as the firm expands
  • The firm's best option is to keep expanding
    output as long as marginal cost is less than
    price, i.e. marginal benefit of production.
  • In equilibrium, the profit maximizing output
    level for a perfectly competitive firm
  • P MC

Caveat Production at a loss when PMC
  • If the company's fixed cost was more than 213.50
    per day (say, 300/day), it would have made a
    loss at every possible level of output.

Employees per day Output (bats/day) Total revenue (/day) Total cost (/day) Profit (/day)
0 0 0 300 -300
1 40 100 324 -224
2 100 250 348 -98
3 130 325 372 -47
4 150 375 396 -21
5 165 412.50 420 -7.5
6 175 437.50 444 -6.5
7 181 452.50 468 -15.6
Choosing Output to Maximize Profit in the SR
  • In the short run (SR), the fixed cost is
    unavoidable and does not affect the output
    decision in the SR.
  • As the firms fixed cost is a sunk cost, the
    firms best bet would have been to continue
    producing 175 bats per day, because a smaller
    loss is better than a larger one.
  • If a firm continues to face the same situation in
    the long run (LR), it would be better for the
    firm to get out of the bat business completely as
    soon as its equipment lease is expired.

Shut-Down Condition in the Short Run
  • It might seem that a firm that can sell as many
    output as it wishes at a constant market price
    would always do best in the short run by
    producing and selling the output level for which
    price equals marginal cost.
  • But there is an exception to this rule.

Shut-Down Condition in the Short Run
  • Suppose, for example, that the market price of
    the firms product falls so low that its revenue
    from sales is smaller than its variable cost at
    all possible levels of output.
  • The firm should shut down its production
  • By shutting down, it will suffer a loss equal to
    its fixed cost.
  • By continuing production, it would suffer an even
    larger loss (than its fixed cost).
  • Shutdown Condition
  • Shut down production if total revenue is less
    than variable costs.

Choosing Output to Maximize Profit in the LR
  • Average total cost
  • ATC TC/Q.
  • Profit total revenue total cost
  • PxQ ATCxQ
  • (P ATC) Q
  • A firm is profitable only if the price of its
    product price (P) exceeds its ATC.

A Graphical Approach to Profit-Maximization
Properties of the cost curves
  • The upward sloping portion of the marginal cost
    curve (MC) corresponds to the region of
    diminishing returns.
  • The marginal cost curve must intersect both the
    average variable cost curve (AVC) and the average
    total cost curve (ATC) at their respective
    minimum points.

Modified Louisville Slugger Example
  • For the bat-maker whose cost curves are shown in
    the next slide, find the profit-maximizing output
    level if bats sell for 0.80 each.
  • How much profit will this firm earn?
  • What is the lowest price at which this firm would
    continue to operate in the short run?

Modified Louisville Slugger Example
  • The cost-benefit principle tells us that this
    firm should continue to expand as long as price
    is at least as great as marginal cost.
  • If the firm follows this rule it will produce 130
    bats per day, the quantity at which price and
    marginal cost are equal.

Modified Louisville Slugger Example
  • Suppose that the firm had sold any amount less
    than 130say, only 100 bats per day.
  • Its benefit from expanding output by one bat
    would then be the bat's market price, 80 cents.
  • The cost of expanding output by one bat is equal
    (by definition) to the firms marginal cost,
    which at 100 bats per day is only 40 cents.

Modified Louisville Slugger Example
  • So by selling the 101st bat for 80 cents and
    producing it for an extra cost of only 40 cents,
    the firm will increase its profit by 80 40 40
    cents per day.
  • In a similar way, we can show that for any
    quantity less than the level at which price
    equals marginal cost, the seller can boost profit
    by expanding production.

Modified Louisville Slugger Example
  • Conversely, suppose that the firm were currently
    selling more than 130 bats per daysay, 150at a
    price of 80 cents each.
  • Marginal cost at an output of 150 is 1.32 per
    bat. If the firm then contracted its output by
    one bat per day, it would cut its costs by 1.32
    cents while losing only 80 cents in revenue. As
    a result, its profit would grow by 52 cents per

Modified Louisville Slugger Example
  • The same arguments can be made regarding any
    quantities that differ from 130.
  • Thus, if the firm were selling fewer than 130
    bats per day, it could earn more profit by
    expanding and that if it were selling more than
    130, it could earn more by contracting.
  • So at a market price of 80 cents per bat, the
    seller maximizes its profit by selling 130 units
    per week, the quantity for which price and
    marginal cost are exactly the same.

Modified Louisville Slugger Example
  • Total revenue PxQ
  • (0.80/bat)x(130 bats/day)
  • 104 per day.
  • Total cost ATCxQ
  • 0.48/bat x 130 bats/day
  • 62.40/day
  • So the firms profit is 41.60/day.

Modified Louisville Slugger Example
  • Profit is equal to (P ATC)xQ, which is equal to
    the area of the shaded rectangle.

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