Title: Sequential Aggregate Signatures and Multisignatures Without Random Oracles
1Sequential Aggregate Signatures and
MultisignaturesWithout Random Oracles
Steve Lu, Rafail Ostrovsky, Amit Sahai, Hovav
Shacham, and Brent Waters
2Secure BGP
- BGP Speakers send path updates messages
- S-BGP sequence of messages sigs.
- 4096 byte size limit
(M1,?1), (M2,?2), (M3,?3)
(M1,?1), (M2,?2)
3Aggregate Sigs BGLS03
4Aggregate Signatures BGLS03
- A single short aggregate provides nonrepudiation
for many different messages under many different
keys - More general than multisignatures
- Applications
- X.509 certificate chains
- Secure BGP route attestations
- PGP web of trust
5BGLS Aggregate Sigs
- BLS Sigs
- PK ga SKa
- Sign(SK,M) ?H(M)a
- Verify(PK,M,?) e(?,g)e( H(M), PK)
- Secure in R.O. Model --- Deterministic Signatures
6BGLS Aggregate Sigs
- PKi gai SKiai
- Sign(SKi,Mi) ?iH(Mi)ai
- Aggregate(?1,?n) ??i1n ?i
- Verify(PKi,M1,,Mn ,?) e(?,g)? i1,n
e( H(Mi), PKi) - Verification requires n pairings
7Difficulty w/o Random Oracles
- Known efficient signatures have a random
component - Strong RSA sigsGHR 99, CS99
- B-Map BB04,CL04.W05
- Tree- sigs
- Difficult to aggregate
- Independent signatures gt Independent randomness
8Sequential Aggregates LMRS04
Sign and Aggregate
- Signing and Aggregation are a single operation
- Inherently sequenced not appropriate for PGP
9Our Approach
- Build from W05 signatures
- Signer uses same randomess from previous sig
- Then re-randomizes
10Our Aggregate Sigs
- W05 Sigs
- PK e(g,g)a ,h, u1,,um SKa
- Sign(SK,M) ?(?,?)ga (h ?i1,m uMi)r
, g-r - Verify(PK,M,?) e(? ,g) e( ?, h ?i1,m
uMi)e(g,g)a - Secure w/o R.O.s
11Our Aggregate Sigs
- PKi e(g,g)ai ,higyi, ui,1gyi,1,um, gyi,m
- SK ai ,yi, yi,1,,yi,m
- Agg(SKi,Mi,??1,?2)
- xDL(h ?j1,m uMi,j )
- ?(?,?)ga ?2x ?1, ?2
- Verify(PK,M1,Mn,?(?,?))
- e(? ,g) e( ?, ?i1n hj ?j1,m
uMi,j)?i1n e(g,g)ai
Know DL PK
Shorter than LMRS
Faster Ver. than BGLS
13Summary and Open Problems
- Sequential Aggregate Signatures w/o R.O.
- Use same randomness sequentially
- Arguably better Performance than R.O. schemes
- Multi-Sigs and Verifiable Enc. Sigs
- Shorter Public Parameters
- Certificate Chains
- Full Aggregate Signatures
15Sequential Aggregate Chosen-Key Model
AggSign() oracle
- Nontriviality
- s is a valid sequential aggregate
- challenge key pk pkj for some j
- No oracle query at pk1,,pkjM1,,Mj.