Title: pp Collisions: Introduction
1pp Collisions Introduction Kinematics
Talking points based on Lectures by Hebbeker
(Aachen) Baden (Maryland) Original Notes
Extra material posted on http//hepuser.ucsd.edu/t
2Fixed Target Vs Collider
3Nucleon-nucleon Scattering in Colliding
- Forward-forward scattering, no disassociation
b gtgt 2 rp
4Single-diffractive scattering
- One of the 2 nucleons disassociates
b 2 rp
5Double-diffractive scattering
- Both nucleons disassociates
b lt rp
6Proton-(anti)Proton Collisions
- At high energies we are probing the nucleon
structure - High means Ebeam gtgt hc/rproton 1 GeV
(Ebeam1TeV_at_FNAL, 7TeV_at_LHC) - We are really doing partonparton scattering
(parton quark, gluon) - Look for scatterings with large momentum
transfer, ends up in detector central region
(large angles wrt beam direction) - Each parton has a momentum distribution CM of
hard scattering is not fixed as in ee- - CM of partonparton system will be moving along
z-axis with some boost - This motivates studying boosts along z
- Whats left over from the other partons is
called the underlying event - If no hard scattering happens, can still have
disassociation - Underlying event with no hard scattering is
called minimum bias
7Total Cross-section
- By far most of the processes in nucleon-nucleon
scattering are described by - s(Total) s(scattering) s(single diffractive)
s(double diffractive) - This can be naively estimated.
- s 4prp2 100mb
- Total cross-section stuff is NOT the reason we do
these experiments! - Examples of interesting physics _at_ Tevatron (2
TeV) - W production and decay via lepton
- s?Br(W? en) 2nb
- 1 in 5x107 collisions
- Z production and decay to lepton pairs
- About 1/10 that of W to leptons
- Top quark production
- s(total) 5pb
- 1 in 2x1010 collisions
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9Cross Section in pp Collision
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13 pz
14Phase Space Rapidity
- Relativistic invariant phase-space element
- Define pp/pp collision axis along z-axis
- Coordinates pm (E,px,py,pz) Invariance with
respect to boosts along z? - 2 longitudinal components E pz (and dpz/E)
NOT invariant - 2 transverse components px py, (and dpx, dpy)
ARE invariant - Boosts along z-axis
- For convenience define pm where only 1
component is not Lorentz invariant - Choose pT, m, f as the transverse (invariant)
coordinates - pT ? psin(q) and f is the azimuthal angle
- For 4th coordinate define rapidity (y)
15Rapidity Boosts Along beam-axis
- Form a boost of velocity b along z axis
- pz ? g(pz bE)
- E ? g(E bpz)
- Transform rapidity
- Boosts along the beam axis with vb will change y
by a constant yb - (pT,y,f,m) ? (pT,yyb,f,m) with y ? y yb , yb
? ln g(1b) simple additive to rapidity - Relationship between y, b, and q can be seen
using pz pcos(q) and p bE
or where
b is the CM boost
16Phase Space (cont)
- Transform phase space element dt from
(E,px,py,pz) to (pt, y, f, m) - Gives
- Basic quantum mechanics ds M 2dt
- If M 2 varies slowly with respect to rapidity,
ds/dy will be constant in y - Origin of the rapidity plateau for the min bias
and underlying event structure - Apply to jet fragmentation - particles should be
uniform in rapidity wrt jet axis - We expect jet fragmentation to be function of
momentum perpendicular to jet axis - This is tested in detectors that have a magnetic
field used to measure tracks
17Pseudorapidity and Real rapidity
- Definition of y tanh(y) b cos(q)
- Can almost (but not quite) associate position in
the detector (q) with rapidity (y) - Butat Tevatron and LHC, most particles in the
detector (gt90) are ps with b ?1 - Define pseudo-rapidity defined as h ?
y(q,b1), or tanh(h) cos(q) or
(h5, q0.77)
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21h vs y
- From tanh(h) cos(q) tanh(y)/b
- We see that ?h? ? ?y?
- Processes flat in rapidity y will not be flat
in pseudo-rapidity h
1.4 GeV p
22h y and pT Calorimater Cells
- At colliders, cm can be moving with respect to
detector frame - Lots of longitudinal momentum can escape down
beam pipe - But transverse momentum pT is conserved in the
detector - Plot h-y for constant mp, pT ? b(q)
- For all h in DØ/CDF, can use h position to give
y - Pions h-y lt 0.1 for pT gt 0.1GeV
- Protons h-y lt 0.1 for pT gt 2.0GeV
- As b ?1, y? h (so much for pseudo)
DØ calorimeter cell width Dh0.1
CMS HCAL cell width 0.08 CMS ECAL cell width
23Claudios HW, 1st week Fall Quarter
24Claudios HW, 1st week Fall Quarter
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27Transverse Energy and Momentum Definitions
- Transverse Momentum momentum perpendicular to
beam direction - Transverse Energy defined as the energy if pz was
identically 0 ET?E(pz0) - How does E and pz change with the boost along
beam direction? - Using and
gives -
- (remember boosts cause y ? y yb)
- Note that the sometimes used formula
is not (strictly) correct! - But its close more later.
or which also
28Invariant Mass M1,2 of 2 particles p1, p2
- Well defined
- Switch to pm? (pT,y,f,m) (and do some algebra)
- This gives
- With bT ? pT/ET
- Note
- For Dy ? 0 and Df ? 0, high momentum limit M ?
0 angles generate mass - For b ?1 (m/p ? 0)
- This is a useful formula when analyzing data
29Invariant Mass, multi particles
- Extend to more than 2 particles
- In the high energy limit as m/p ? 0 for each
particle - Multi-particle invariant masses where each mass
is negligible no need to id - Example t ?Wb and W ?jetjet
- Find M(jet,jet,b) by just adding the 3 2-body
invariant masses - Doesnt matter which one you call the b-jet and
which the other jets as long as you are in the
high energy limit
30Transverse Mass
31Measured momentum conservation
- Momentum conservation
and - What we measure using the calorimeter
and - For processes with high energy neutrinos in the
final state - We measure pn by missing pT method
- e.g. W ? en or mn
- Longitudinal momentum of neutrino cannot be
reliably estimated - Missing measured longitudinal momentum also due
to CM energy going down beam pipe due to the
other (underlying) particles in the event - This gets a lot worse at LHC where there are
multiple pp interactions per crossing - Most of the interactions dont involve hard
scattering so it looks like a busier underlying
32Transverse Mass
- Since we dont measure pz of neutrino, cannot
construct invariant mass of W - What measurements/constraints do we have?
- Electron 4-vector
- Neutrino 2-d momentum (pT) and m0
- So construct transverse mass MT by
- Form transverse 4-momentum by ignoring pz (or
set pz0) - Form transverse mass from these 4-vectors
- This is equivalent to setting h1h20
- For e/m and n, set me mm mn 0 to get
33Transverse Mass Kinematics for W-gt l nu
- Transverse mass distribution?
- Start with
- Constrain to MW80GeV and pT(W)0
- cosDf -1
- ETe ETn
- This gives you ETeETn versus Dh
- Now construct transverse mass
- Cleary MTMW when Dh0
34Neutrino Rapidity
- Can you constrain M(e,n) to determine the
pseudo-rapidity of the n? - Would be nice, then you could veto on qn in
crack regions - Use M(e,n) 80GeV and
- Since we know he, we know that hnhe Dh
- Two solutions. Neutrino can be either higher or
lower in rapidity than electron - Why? Because invariant mass involves the opening
angle between particles. - Clean up sample of Ws by requiring both
solutions are away from gaps?
to get
and solve for Dh
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38Rapidity plateau
some useful formulae
- Constant pt, rapidity plateau means ds/dy k
- How does that translate into ds/dh ?
- Calculate dy/dh keeping m, and pt constant
- After much algebra dy/dh b(h)
- pseudo-rapidity plateauonly for b ?1
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