Philosophy of Physics - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Philosophy of Physics


The state of a system is represented by the vector ? in a Hilbert space H. ... If you are not completely confused by quantum mechanics, you do not understand it. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Philosophy of Physics

Philosophy of Physics
  • Week X
  • The Copenhagen Interpretation

Making sense of superposition
  • The state of a system is represented by a vector
    ? in a Hilbert space H.
  • Measurement outcomes are always eigenvalues, a1,
    a2, corresponding to the eigenvectors, a1, a2,
  • The probability of getting a particular outcome,
    say a2, depends on the amount of overlap of the
    state vector ? with the eigenvector a2.
  • When ? does not exactly correspond to any
    eigenvector, its in a superposition of
  • Whats going on?
  • Mathematically, superpositions are easy to
    understand its just basic linear algebra.
  • What do the mean, physically?

  • Consider the spin of a photon.
  • Will it make it through a Polaroid filter
    oriented in the x direction?
  • If it does, then it has spin up in the
    x-direction if not, then it has spin down in
    the x direction.

  • Is the system really one way or the other (ie,
    really spin up or really spin down in the
  • And will measuring tell us which?
  • Or is it neither until it is measured?

  • For a nice presentation, see http//phet.colorado

Some Views
  • Those who are not shocked when they first come
    across quantum theory cannot possibly have
    understood it. -- Niels Bohr.
  • If you are not completely confused by quantum
    mechanics, you do not understand it. -- John
  • It is safe to say that nobody understands quantum
  • -- Richard Feynman.
  • If quantum theory is correct, it signifies the
    end of physics as a science. -- Albert Einstein.
  • I do not like quantum mechanics, and I am sorry
    I ever had anything to do with it. -- Erwin
  • Quantum mechanics makes absolutely no sense. --
    Roger Penrose.

Should We Just Give UP ?
  • The above quotes suggest that maybe the best
    thing is to give up. Dont try to make sense of
    the QM.
  • However, nobody likes a quitter, a whiny
    complainer, an intellectual coward.
  • Better to go down in flames.
  • On the other hand, we will see why those famous
    scientists were so pessimistic.

  • Minimal statistical interpretation
  • Predict observation
  • Dont try to do more
  • Deep understanding is impossible dont even try
  • Realism
  • Science gives us a true description of reality
  • Measurements discover an independent reality
  • Anti-realism (one version)
  • The world is not independent from us
  • Measurements (in some sense) create, rather than
    reveal what is already the case.

Original Schrödinger interpretation
  • Problems
  • Electrons are localized particles while ? is
    spread out
  • ? is complex, many dimensional, thus, cannot be a
    wave in ordinary space
  • ? is discontinuous on measurement

Original Born Interpretation
  • According to Max Born ? is a probability wave.
    It describes the probability density of an
    ensemble of electrons it is not a physical wave.
  • ?2dx is the probability of being in the region
  • Electrons have positions and momenta at all times.

Problems with (original) Born
  • Single electron (or photon) shows interference
    effects. (They can be slowed to one a day, not
    hitting each other.)
  • How can a non-physical probability wave interfere
    with itself?

  • The Schrödinger interpretation is ontological in
    that ? describes an independent world.
  • The Born interpretation is epistemic in that ?
    describes the state of our knowledge/ignorance of
    the world.
  • Neither interpretation works. (But the
    Schrödinger equation and the Born rule are OK.)
  • The Copenhagen interpretation is a blend of the
    two. ? is about the world and about our knowledge
    of the world.

Niels Bohr (18851962)
  • Danish, born in Copenhagen
  • Son of prominent Prof of physiology
  • Student of Høffding who introduced him to Kant,
    Kierkegaard, James
  • 1913 Bohr atom
  • 1922 Nobel Prize
  • Denmark built him the Institute for Theoretical
    Physics a Mecca for physics in the 1920s and
  • A kind of father figure for Heisenberg, and
    others who spent much time in Copenhagen.
  • 30 year fight with Einstein over QM
  • His view is known as the Copenhagen

Bohrs Basic Idea
  • Classical physics has a kind of priority, even
    though it isnt true, at least not true in the
  • But we can only understand things with the help
    of common sense concepts, even though many common
    sense beliefs are false.
  • The ideas of classical physics involve a kind of
    common sense and we are forced to use those
    concepts when trying to understand the

Common Sense
  • Some common sense beliefs might be right, some
  • Some of them might be innate, some learned.
  • Things we have learned (some right, some wrong)
  • If the earth were round, then Australians would
    fall off.
  • Sun doesnt move through the sky we turn.
  • Things dont come naturally to rest conservation
    of momentum/energy.
  • Innate beliefs (some right, some wrong)
  • Objects have colours and smells.
  • The primary/secondary property distinction
    (accepted by philosophy, physics, and
    psychology), says objects have properties such as
    mass, charge, velocity, etc., but colours,
    tastes, smells, etc. are produced by the mind.
  • Innate (but possibly unavoidable)
  • The world consists of objects that have

Common Sense (Continued)
  • Here are some assumptions we all make, at least
    in ordinary circumstances.
  • The world consists of definite objects.
  • A bird is distinct from the air it flies in
  • A tree is distinct from the ground
  • A photon is distinct from a polaroid filter
  • These objects are distinct and our concepts of
    these things are also distinct.

Some Main Bohr principles
  • These points are all disputable. Bohr was not a
    clear writer most find him very obscure.
  • 1. All experience is to be accounted for by
    means of classical concepts.
  • By classical, Bohr meant the concepts of
    classical physics, which he took to be
    refinements of common sense concepts.
  • We cannot avoid these concepts and must use them
    when we describe our experience of the

  • For example location in space, location in time,
    momentum, mass, etc.
  • We need these concepts in order to have
    meaningful experience.
  • We also need them for communication.
  • Without them we could experience nothing.
    (Everything would be a buzzing, blooming
    confusion. James)
  • Parallels with Kant?
  • We contribute causation when we experience A
    causing B
  • We contribute space when we see objects in space.

  • 2. The application of any concept depends on the
    presence of suitable physical conditions.
    Micro-objects have properties only in relation to
    the macro-world.
  • For instance, a photon has a spin component in
    the x-direction (ie, spin up or spin down), iff
    there is a macro-device (ie, a polaroid filter)
    to which it is appropriately related.
  • Without such a setup, there would be no spin at
  • In such a setup (ie, a measurement in the
    x-direction), there are no spin components in the
    y-direction (neither up nor down).

  • In the beam of light, a photon has a position in
    the x-direction (ie, at the hole in the screen),
    but it has no momentum in the x direction. (NB.
    Not zero momentum, but no momentum.)

  • 3. There is a finite quantum of action associated
    with the measuring process in the micro-world.
    This quantum of action links the micro-system and
    the macro-measuring device into an indivisible
    and uncontrollable unity.
  • It is here that causation begins to break down
    and determinism fails.

  • 4. The concepts of classical physics (eg,
    position, momentum) are not all simultaneously
    applicable. Which of a pair of complementary
    concepts is applicable depends on the whole
    physical arrangement.
  • If you are measuring spin in the x-direction,
    then you cannot measure it in the y-direction.
    If you are measuring position in the x-direction,
    then you cannot measure momentum in the

Werner Heisenberg (1901-1976)
  • Matrix mechanics 1925
  • Uncertainty principle 1927
  • Nobel prize 1932
  • Many contributions after that

Heisenberg on the uncertainty principle
(No Transcript)
  • How should we understand this?
  • Realist as mere ignorance position and momentum
    both exist, but we can only know one. After all,
    how can we disturb the momentum unless there is
    a momentum to disturb. Heisenbergs thought
    experiment presupposes realism.
  • Bohr type anti-realist ontologically if there
    is a position, then no momentum exists.

Heisenbergs account
  • If one wants to clarify what is meant by
    position of an object, for example, of an
    electron, he has to describe an experiment by
    which the position of an electron can be
    measured otherwise this term has no meaning at
    all. --Heisenberg
  • He seems to claim that ignorance in principle of
    X implies the non-existence of X (ie, a form of

  • Heisenberg introduced the term observables for
    the properties of quantum entities, eg, position,
    momentum, spin, etc. are observables. Why
    (according to someone like Heisenberg) is path
    or trajectory not an observable (and hence, not
    a legitimate concept)?
  • (First, ask yourself, What is a path?)

Heisenberg on determinism
  • According to most people, QM is not
    deterministic. Why?
  • Heisenberg characterizes determinism or the
    principle of causality as follows If we have
    exact knowledge of the present, then the future
    can be calculated.
  • H says this is false, since we cannot have exact
    knowledge of the present.
  • Is this a good argument? No.
  • But H might perhaps say knowledge of the
    present is meaningless, so the causal principle
    is not applicable.

Later Heisenberg
  • When a quantum system is in a state of
    superposition of eigenstates of, say, momentum,
    then it has no momentum, but it has a potential
    for various different momenta.

  • Reality consists of potentials that become
    actualized in measurements.
  • potential actual
  • The idea is from Aristotle (acorns are potential
    oak trees).

  • How is potentiality turned into actuality?
  • This the same as asking How does the wave
    function collapse?
  • And this is equivalent to asking How does reality
    become determinate?
  • Heisenberg hasnt solved any problem at all, just
    put it in a new form.

Schrödingers cat
  • This problem arises from two key assumptions.
  • QM applies to both micro- and macro-objects
  • Measurement is a physical process hence it
    should be described by QM

  • Lets suppose a photon has the property spin in
    the x direction and there are two possible
    outcomes up and down. Its called a two-state
  • A measuring device to measure this might be a
    polaroid filter with a photosensitive detector
    that flashes green or red depending on whether
    the photon passed the filter or not.
  • Thus, the measuring device is also a two-state

  • We can represent the photon as in a state ?p u
  • The measuring device also has two eigenstates, g
    and r for green flash and red flash.
  • Features of QM imply that the correct
    representation of the photon and the measuring
    device is the so-called tensor product ?pm ?p
    ? ?m. This, too, is a vector in a Hilbert space,
    constructed out of the photons and the measuring
    devices separate Hilbert spaces.
  • In general, ?pm (u ? g) (d ? r).
  • This means, the measuring device also goes into a
    state of superposition.

  • The consequence is bizarre.
  • A cat is in a box with a radio-active atom if it
    decays, the cat will be poisoned. All are hidden
    from view.
  • Is the cat alive or dead before looking?
  • Or is the cat neither (ie, in a state of
  • It seems to be the latter.

  • In other words, the cat seems to be in a state
    of superposition of being alive and dead
  • ?atomcat (energeticatom ? alivecat)
    (decayedatom ? deadcat)

energetic ? alive
decayed ? dead
  • Schrödinger this is absurd QM is wrong (or at
    least the Copenhagen interpretation is wrong).
  • Bohr (?) there is a difference between the
    micro- and the macro- worlds QM applies only to
    the micro-.
  • Decoherence The cat does go into a state of
    superposition, but only for a very short time, so
    dont worry.
  • Wigner Conscious minds are crucial.

Eugene Wigner (1903-1995)
  • Promoter of symmetry in physics
  • Nobel prize 1963
  • Developed the view of von Neumann and others that
    consciousness is what collapses the wave function.

Two questions
  • Do macroscopic objects such as cats really go
    into superpositions?
  • Yes, QM applies to big and small (there is only
    one physical world)
  • When we look we only see eigenstates, never
    superpositions. How is this possible? What
    collapses the wave function?

(No Transcript)
  • None of these measuring devices can collapse the
    wave function, ie, put the system into one of the
  • Yes, it happens. How?
  • Wigner We need something to which QM does NOT
    apply when measuring.
  • It would have to be non-physical, since QM
    applies to everything physical
  • Are there any obvious candidates? Yes, the mind.
  • It is consciousness that makes measurements, that
    collapses the wave function, that makes reality

  • Entails mind-body dualism.
  • Is dualism plausible?
  • Be tolerant QM is very weird, so give serious
    consideration to views that seem very farfetched.
  • Note that the rivals are just as farfetched.

Delayed choice
  • John Wheeler (an outstanding physicist and friend
    of Wigner) proposed an even weirder possibility
    changing the past.

  • Wheeler We have a choice between wave
    detecting and
  • particle detecting devices
  • If we choose the interference detector
    (wave), the state will be
  • ?top ?bottom, which is a superposition.
  • If we choose the particle detector, the
    state will be one of either
  • ?top or ?bottom, neither of which is a
  • The experimental arrangement determines the
  • BUT, the photon passed the galaxy long ago
    the choice of which
  • experimental setup to have is delayed until
    after the photon is on
  • its way.

  • It is wrong to think of the past as already
    existing in all detail. The past is theory.
    The past has no existence except as it is
    recorded in the present. By deciding what
    questions our quantum registering equipment shall
    put in the present we have an undeniable choice
    in what we have a right to say about the past.
  • Wheeler
  • Thus, our present choices create past reality.
    Our choice today determines whether the photon
    went one way or went both ways billions of years

Further Reading
  • A very nice book is Murdoch, Niels Bohrs
    Philosophy of Physics
  • A good online survey http//
  • A brief biography of Bohr can be found at
  • A longer biography is Pais, Niels Bohrs Times
    in Physics, Philosophy, and Polity
  • There is a short film clip of some of the main
    people at the famous Solvay Conference in 1927
    http// (Some
    of the names are mispronounced.)
  • Michael Frayn, Copenhagen is a wonderful play
    about a meeting between Heisenberg and Bohr in
    Nazi-occupied Denmark.

Further Reading (more)
  • Heisenberg, Physics and Philosophy
  • Wigner, Symmetries and Reflections (chapters on
    quantum measurement)
  • Online survey http//
  • The measurement problem http//
  • Schrödingers Cat http//
  • Consciousness http//
  • Wikipedia articles on Heisenberg
  • http//
  • and on Wigner
  • http// and
  • http//
  • and on Wheeler
  • http//
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