Title: Folie 1
1International Vision Correction Research Centre
Case of Acute Myopization of 5 Diopters 7 Years
After Cataract Surgery .
A. Ehmer, C. Förster, F. Schuett, G. U. Auffarth
Dept. of Ophthalmology Ruprecht-Karls-University
Heidelberg Chair Prof. Dr. med. H.E.Völcker
The authors have no financial interests in any of
the products mentioned.
2Case report
Pat. G.W., female, 73 years old Since Nov. 2006
visual acuity LA
- Preop data
- Ccs OS 0.2pp
- OD -0.5/-2.25/105 0,8
- OS -5.25/-1.25/69 0.8
- IOP OD 10mmHg
- OS 15mmHg
- Flat anterior chamber, bullos Iris prominence
- by 3o clock.
Early Diagnosis OS/OD Acute angel block 1986,
basal iridectomy 1986, cataract surgery 1999
(BCVA OS -2.0/-1.0/00.8. IOL AR40 28 D.
Keratometry K17.32 K2 7.20, Ant. Chamber
2.47), post. Synechien
3Case report
Preop Images
4Case report
UBM Vumax II (Preop)
5Case report
Visante OCT
UBM Vumax II
6Case report
Dg. Cilio-vitreo-pseudophakic block with acute
7Case report
Anterior vitrectomy with iridectomy and
iridotomy (23.02.07)
Postop data BCVA OS -2.5/-0.5/15 0,8
Therapy Inflanefran forte, Isoptomax, Decortin
8G.U. Auffarth, MD, PhD A.F.M. Borkenstein, MD A.
Ehmer, MSc S. Hara, MD M.P. Holzer, MD H.Jin,
MD I.J. Limberger, MD F. Nagadan, MD T.M.
Rabsilber, MD M.J. Sanchez,MD I.Schmack, MD
International Vision Correction Research Centre
Certified for DIN EN ISO 90012000
Web www.lasik-hd.de