Title: Sn
1Meeting of MISEP Correspondents Prague, Czech
Republic 5-6 March 2009
The assistance system for employment of
Ukrainian citizens in the Czech Republic
Jaroslav Maroušek Section of Employment Policies
and Labour Market Ministry of Labour and Social
Affairs of the Czech Republic
2Management of TCNs labour migration in the CR
Meeting of MISEP Correspondents, Prague, Czech
Republic 5-6 March 2009
- regulation of entry to the CR regulation of
entry to - the Czech labour market
- promotion and facilitation of legal labour
migration - sanctions in case of illegal procedures
- prevention
- dissemination of
information - on legal labour migration
and risks - of illegal labour
migration - - translations into
TCNs languages - (leaflets,
brochures, Section Foreign - - Employment
Matters on Integrated - Portal of MoLSA
- http//portal.mpsv.c
z/sz/zahr_zam) - counselling
3Reasons for establishment of the AS
Meeting of MISEP Correspondents, Prague, Czech
Republic 5-6 March 2009
- insufficient preventive tools risks of illegal
procedures - client system
- Ukrainian citizens socio-cultural features
- need to facilitate temporary and circular
migration - inclusion of migrants
- ? necessity to inform more potential
migrants/potential - victims of the client system adequately
before their - decision
- ? necessity to assist directly and individually
by - preventive system of providing complex
services - (legal alternative to the client system)
4 Financial and technical matters
Meeting of MISEP Correspondents, Prague, Czech
Republic 5-6 March 2009
- temporary/circular migration new issue
- (financial sources, legal and administrative
framework, unexpected development and needs) - demanding issue
- (need of safety measures risks connected to
the client system and crime structures in both
countries, risk of corruption and preferential
treatment at all levels, subject trustful to all
parties for a realisation, effective tender,
safety conditions set up for co-operation of
assistance centres with migrants and employers)
5Tender and financing
Meeting of MISEP Correspondents, Prague, Czech
Republic 5-6 March 2009
- financed from
- the public tender of the MoLSA Realisation of
preventive activities against illegal work
migration to the CR from Ukraine - (Czech part informative seminars on Ukraine
the mediator for communication among Czech and
Ukrainian parts and the Czech embassies - duration 9/2007 3/2008 later prolonged till
June 2008) - the development policy project of the Ministry
of Interior Prevention of misuse of workers at
the European labour market, in particular in the
CR (1/2007 12/2007)
6Tender and financing
Meeting of MISEP Correspondents, Prague, Czech
Republic 5-6 March 2009
- selected to realise both Caritas Czech Republic
- presented to a public both in the CR and in
Ukraine - pilot "The assistance system of employment of
Ukrainians in the CR implemented with the support
of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs and
the Ministry of Interior - price (1/2007 3/2008) MoLSA 115 287,2 EUR
M of I 74 589,4 EUR circa 189 876,6 EUR
7Description of the Assistance system I.
Meeting of MISEP Correspondents, Prague, Czech
Republic 5-6 March 2009
- aims
- prevent illegal work migration
- facilitate temporary/circular legal work
migration - for both non-qualified and qualified migrants
(presumption less capable victims of clients) - as illegal migrants are concerned get advice
only!, standard legal conditions have to return
- possibility for migrants any part of the
service/ complex service of a mediation of work
in the CR - (free of charge payment of all standard
administrative fees) - not provided payment of costs, loans,
accommodation, medical treatment, assistance to
migrant/employer who breaks the law
8Meeting of MISEP Correspondents, Prague, Czech
Republic 5-6 March 2009
Description of the AS II.
- network of centres Ukraine (3) and CR (5)
- a) contacts employers employees
- b) job mediation in the CR
- c) social legal counselling for migrants and
employers - d) assistance to migrants (e.g. with authorities,
with filling in the applications for residence
and work permits), - to employers (recruitment directly in
Ukraine) - e) information about legal and illegal procedures
connecting with work in the CR and promotion of
the Assistance system - f) monitoring and analysis of work migration in
the CR/ Ukraine - g) a mediator for communication among Czech
Ukrainian parts the Czech embassies
9Description of the AS III.
Meeting of MISEP Correspondents, Prague, Czech
Republic 5-6 March 2009
- website www.praceproukrajince.cz information
for migrants and employers, contacts,
communication platform, internal database CZ,
UA languages - information about the A. s. /migration topic
provided to all relevant stakeholders (potential
migrants, state administration, employers etc.) - information letters and emails
- leaflets distribution
- information seminars
- TV spots and advertisements
- personal consultations
- providing information in the framework of the
Inter-ministerial Body for Combating Illegal
Employment of Foreigners - information provided to CTK (Czech Press Agency)
10Results of the A. s. I.
Meeting of MISEP Correspondents, Prague, Czech
Republic 5-6 March 2009
- circa 500 migrants took advantage of some of
services provided - circa 200 employers took advantage of some of
services provided - 48 migrants entered a job
11Results of the A. s. II.
Meeting of MISEP Correspondents, Prague, Czech
Republic 5-6 March 2009
- Monitoring studies were elaborated every month
- average migrant man (¼ women), middle age,
secondary to higher level of qualification,
demanded profession qualified craftsman, driver,
qualified technical professions, economist - average expectation of a migrant sometimes
unrealistic ideas willingness to work on
position with demanded lower qualification than
is the migrants qualification hard work longer
time work
12Results of the A. s. II.
Meeting of MISEP Correspondents, Prague, Czech
Republic 5-6 March 2009
- average profile of an employer SME possibility
of accommodation experiences with illegal
structures - average expectation of an employer priority of
quality to price of work force sometimes
unrealistic idea speed up the visa process
demanded profession non-qualified worker, worker
in services and shops, qualified craftsman,
medical personnel, highly skilled workers
13 Meeting of MISEP Correspondents, Prague, Czech
Republic 5-6 March 2009
Thank you for your attention!